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Chapter 1173: Collective Grave Digging

"What do you mean?" When it came to business, I restrained all my emotions: "Did their family also avoid cremation for the so-called protection of future generations and make them rich?"

"No." Unexpectedly, Lin Zhenhua shook his head: "The person their family buried was their great-grandmother. At that time, China did not require cremation. But they had never checked the body, so naturally they didn't know that their great-grandmother had been swapped."

Cremation was promoted in China only after the founding of the People's Republic of China, so if it is your great-grandmother and she is relatively old, then the time is right.


"Such a coincidence? It's also a burial accident?" I frowned and asked: "Then what is the shape of the corpse dug out this time?"

"It is the corpse of a middle-aged man, probably in his forties. It still looks lifelike, but there is no transformation and there are no traces of evil spirits on the corpse." Lin Zhenhua responded.


Isn't that the same as the corpse of a female from the Cai family?

I frowned and looked at Lei Ming: "Has the identity of the body been investigated?"

I don't believe it's a gangster again, and it happened just after his death.

"Investigated." Lei Ming nodded: "This man is a native of Xihang. He died of liver cancer just a week ago. So we quickly found clues."

As he spoke, Lei Ming handed me the information in his hand.

After reading it, I said bluntly: "New Chief, I don't believe this is a coincidence."

The female corpse of the Cai family was already highly suspicious, but now another one has appeared with so many similarities.

I don't believe there are such coincidences in this world.

"I don't believe it either." Hei Xuan said bluntly: "And I suspect this is not an isolated incident."

"So?" I asked.

Before Lin Zhenhua came to me, he had already met Hei Xuan. I can guess this.

Otherwise, the three of them would not have come to the house together to look for me.

But, for some reason I always have a bad feeling.

"I have arranged for the nearest soul-suppressing soldiers to start asking about the gravesites of these people who were involved in the accident." Hei Xuan said again.

"Then what?" I asked again.

"Get ready to dig a grave." Hei Xuan replied directly.

I just said that I had a bad premonition.

Hearing this, I was speechless: "Then they all agree?"

It can't be possible.

The two most important things in China are red and white. As the name suggests, red means getting married and having children. White means things after death. Both of them can be called important events in life.

I have said before that digging up ancestral graves and cutting off incense is the biggest taboo in Middle-earth.

So I don't believe they all agree, it's really rare to get a nod or two for something like this.

Sure enough, Heixuan was silent.

"You're not mistaken." Seeing that Heixuan didn't speak, I confirmed my guess and said anxiously: "You are the commander-in-chief of China-Earth, but don't forget that you just took over not long ago. You can judge the public opinion.

No, you have no connections in terms of connections. You have no advantage in anything except your strength. At this time, it has caused public outrage. Mr. New President, do you think you have a long life?"

This is Xihang, and he didn’t bring anyone with him this time.

Something happened to the East China Zhenhun General and he couldn't come, so he wasn't afraid that he would be buried alive by the people of Xihang?

"Master Zang, are you worried about me?" Hei Xuan asked with a smile.

"No, I don't want to die with you." I became more and more angry and said, "Hei Xuan, don't you think everything is right?"

Hei Xuan was speechless by my rebuke.

On the other hand, Lei Ming coughed several times and didn't stop me. He simply interrupted: "Chief, when the commander sent someone to ask for the address, he had already asked the soul-suppressing soldiers to say hello. And he agreed.

People who start digging first. If they find problems and then expose them publicly, I believe that those who don’t agree will gradually start to agree.”

"After all, no one wants to bury someone other than their family members in their cemetery. What's more, they are so unlucky and they also hope to find a solution."

Yes, no matter how much you talk about this kind of thing, it's useless. It's better to prove everything with facts.

"New chief, are you deceiving me?" After hearing Lei Ming's explanation, I came to my senses.

"Master Zang, I have something to say, but I didn't say anything." Hei Xuan said seriously.

Nonsense, wasn't it just because he didn't say anything that I misunderstood him?

If he had said it, would this have happened?

I was very angry and wanted to continue arguing with Hei Xuan, but Lei Ming winked at me. At first, I didn't understand why he was winking.

Until, Lin Zhenhua's voice came from behind: "Master Zang, I really care about the Chief Minister of China. But now we have to do business first."

Do I call this caring?

What about when he and Ye Nishang held hands?

Oh, yes, they are in love, true love.

I felt extremely unhappy, but it didn't show on my face. I just smiled and said, "Okay, let's get down to business. But where is your new wife, King Jiuyou? Won't she go with us?"

"Nichang is searching nearby to see if there are any wandering ghosts who can provide information." Lin Zhenhua replied.

I don’t know what the nature of the dark creatures in the Nine Netherlands is.

But they are close relatives to ghosts, so it would be a good idea for her to go find out the information.


"Nishang." I repeated these two words with a chuckle.

It's very close. It seems that the new person is better than the old person.

He had called me Zang Ling'er by both his first and last name for a long time, but it probably didn't take long for him to realize that we were in love with each other this night.

Lin Zhenhua seemed to want to explain something when he heard this, but was interrupted by me: "Let's go, Chief, Lei Ming, can we set off? Where to go first?"

"Everything is ready. Let's go to the west of the city first. That place is a cemetery. The soul-suppressing soldiers sent news that there are ten families who have agreed to dig graves." Hei Xuan continued.

"Okay." I nodded, and then prepared to move forward out of habit.

He didn't want to but was dragged back by Hei Xuan: "You don't know what's going on right now? East China's soul-suppressing soldiers will never come, and the only soul-suppressing soldier is Lei Ming. Do you still want to cause trouble for Captain Lei?"

Could I be causing trouble?

Lei Ming can blame me for causing trouble, but he certainly can't.

So I immediately and proudly set my sights on Lei Ming, expecting him to fight back hard against Hei Xuan.

Unexpectedly, Lei Ming held it in for a long time and said: "Chief, your power has not been restored yet, and you cannot make magic seals or draw ghost seal patterns on your hands. Otherwise, you should stay with the commander, it is safer."

"Lei Ming, I really belong to you!" I glared at him, speechless.

Then, seeing Hei Xuan and Lei Ming stopped in place, I gritted my teeth and said, "Let's go. If these two big shots don't leave, how can I, a disabled and useless person, leave?"

I said this out of pure anger.

It's a pity that I didn't look back at that time, otherwise I would have discovered that Lin Zhenhua, who never shed tears, had red eyes at this moment.

Because to me, the injury that made me angry was the most fatal accusation and torture to him.

Later, after I understood the truth, I often regretted this past and couldn't help myself.

But this is all a story for another day. Now, a group of us took a special car and quickly arrived at the Chengxi Cemetery.
This chapter has been completed!
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