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Chapter 1177: It is the number one male

"Why are you still standing there? Why don't you just go and save Lin Zhenhua? Hurry up." Who would have thought that Hei Xuan would urge me like this when I didn't move.

"But is it really okay for you to look like this?" I looked him up and down worriedly.

At this moment, Hei Xuan had covered his injured abdomen with his hand, but even so, blood was still flowing out.

"Don't worry, I can't die anymore. Since I am the new commander-in-chief of China-Earth, I can't just watch him die in there." After saying that, Hei Xuan directly dragged me forward, "And if you don't want the three of us to hang on,

Now, you'd better leave quickly."

What does this mean?

I looked back and saw that there was nothing else except the extremely dark passage.

So other than another collapse here, are there any other dangers to us?

Unfortunately, Heixuan did not respond to me.

Seeing that he didn't say anything, I no longer forced it, but went back with him to rescue Lin Zhenhua. With his help, the rocks were quickly removed, and the road was still not big but enough for the two of us to pass.

Looking at his increasingly pale face, I stopped him from casting the spell again and started moving away the rocks with my bare hands.

At the same time, he said: "It's okay. Commander, I see that there are a lot less stones in front of me. Don't use your magic energy anymore. I can move the stones away with my bare hands."

Otherwise, I cannot guarantee at all whether Hei Xuan will still be alive when we reach the place where Lin Zhenhua is trapped.

"Zang Ling'er, do you finally feel sorry for me?" Hei Xuan asked with cold sweat on his forehead, his lips turned white, but the corners of his mouth were still raised.

"Yes, I feel very sorry for you, so you save some energy and follow me for the rest." I said helplessly, and at the same time, I began to quickly clean up the gravel in front of me.

One piece, two pieces, three pieces...

Although I stopped him, the big stone Hei Xuan still cast a spell to move it away.

The smaller one was moved away by me. In this way, the two of us cooperated tacitly, and we were about to clean up the stone.

Suddenly I felt a gloomy cool breeze coming from behind.

But this cemetery is blocked on all sides, where does the cold wind come from?

And isn’t this wind a little too strange?

I could feel that Hei Xuan could do it too, so I immediately stopped carrying it and prepared to ask him.

Who would have thought that Heixuan first held my body down and forced me to bend down. Then he directly took me into his arms and rolled me into a pile of rocks.

This time he held my hand tightly before letting go.


Before I could say what I was doing, Hei Xuan covered my mouth with his hand, and then he pointed forward.

Under the dim candlelight, I could clearly see that the flesh-red body was as big as a baby, with two big wings hanging behind a pair of big bloody eyes. Who was it if it wasn't the monster that attacked us before?

It's just this monster...

"Why are the injuries on its body and head gone?" I didn't dare to speak, so I could only ask silently with my lips.

After all, it didn’t matter whether I smashed its head before or Heixuan hit it hard and knocked it unconscious later in order to save me.

Its head and even its big wings were injured.

But now it's intact.

Isn't this the one just now?

There is not just one thing, but many?

I turned pale when I thought about this possibility. I bet we were not opening a coffin, but digging into a monster's nest.

What kind of bad luck is this?

However, Hei Xuan shook his head, and the words he responded with his lips made me feel that I was not unlucky but doomed.

Because Hei Xuan actually said: "It's just this one, but this thing has extremely strong healing ability. I even punctured its belly before, but it healed in front of me."

I'm going!

Is this extremely strong?

This is simply unbelievable, except that this thing is a bit awkward in length.

In fact, he is completely the darling of the Creator. He can fly, walk, scream strangely, can use all spells and demonic energy in hell, and can heal his wounds automatically.

"This is a script for the male protagonist!" I couldn't bear to look at it and cried out silently with my lips.

Who would have thought to hear my words? Hei Xuan couldn't help but laugh: "Zang Ling'er, what a bad description you have, are you willing to be its female lead?"

Oh, if it doesn't care about my previous behavior of killing it, then I would be willing to do so.

He who knows the current affairs is a handsome man, and he who marries an ugly man can survive.

"You're really worthless. I can kill you even if I'm here." Hei Xuan finally couldn't help it and turned his silence into sound.

But after he finished speaking, he regretted it, and I immediately covered his mouth.

Then we both looked outside nervously.

But the monster's sharp claws didn't come towards us as expected.

On the contrary...

"What about the monster?" I asked in surprise as I looked at the empty passage again.

What's going on?

Could it be that the monster couldn't find us and left?

How lucky are we this time?

I can't quite believe it.

However, in the next moment, I realized that I really shouldn’t believe it.


"Be careful." Hei Xuan suddenly stretched out his hand and pushed me over.

Immediately afterwards, the monster fell from the sky and directly pressed Hei Xuan to the ground with its front paws, unable to move. He even pinched Hei Xuan's neck with his own hands.

From a distance, I could see Hei Xuanwan's face as red as pig's liver, as if he was suffocating.

I was so angry that I immediately picked up the sharpest piece of gravel and threw it at the other person: "Fuck you, it's not over, right? Sister, you haven't recovered your power, otherwise I'd roast you like a chicken!"

"Is it amazing that you can fly? Sister, I will break your wings now."

I was really mad, this damn thing bullied us endlessly.

How can I endure it.

So I groaned, and I don’t know whether this thing’s wings are the weakest, or whether I was too brutal and actually tore its wings apart.

This monster didn't seem to expect this, and looked back at me in surprise.

But the next moment, its sharp long mouth pierced directly into my shoulder.

In an instant, my right shoulder was bleeding like a river, and it was so painful that I had to let go of my hand.

Then, the monster immediately pulled its mouth out from my shoulder, preparing to plunge it into my head and lift my skull open.

If it really happened now, I would probably just hang up.

I just don’t know if I can rebuild my body and be resurrected this time with the help of Fenduli flowers.

"You're so stupid for being resurrected." Hei Xuan said immediately, then grabbed the monster's wings and pulled it back desperately.

Then, he did not forget to shout: "Run, Zang Ling'er, you can't die again, otherwise your soul will be scattered and you will never be reincarnated. Gods and demons must not die again after they regain their true form, otherwise it will be the same, and you will be no exception!"


"If he doesn't leave, we'll kill him together!"

Isn't it just that we can't rely on magic and demonic energy? Then we will rely on brute force.

How can we both kill a monster like him?

However, the ideal is very full, but the reality is too skinny.

The monster kicked Hei Xuan away without saying a word, and flew forward and rushed down, preparing to step on him.

This chapter has been completed!
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