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Chapter 1200: Finale (Part 2)

So he really knew it earlier.

"It turns out that I am the demon god Yan Jin." I looked at Lin Zhenhua from a distance across the mountain of corpses and the sea of ​​fire: "You did all this for me."

"Not entirely." Lin Zhenhua slowly stood up leaning on the rune sword: "It is also to completely eliminate the Tiandao Palace. After all, this is my responsibility as the chief minister of Middle-earth."

If he had said this before, he would still have believed it.

But now...

I smiled and walked towards Lin Zhenhua as if no one else was watching: "If it's just for responsibility, then just kill me. Why bother going through such a big circle."

"Lin Zhenhua, you are good at everything, but you can't teach me how to speak nice words."

"You're really stupid, so worry about it."

Hei Xuan watched me walking toward Lin Zhenhua and instead of stopping me, a ghostly smile appeared on his face.

He was very proud and seemed happy to see the results.

Heixuan was so abnormal that he quickly attracted Lin Zhenhua's attention.

He lowered his head and thought for a moment, then his expression suddenly changed and he said: "Ling'er, don't come over, this formation, this..."

"The Demon God's reset formation will not be broken, as long as the Demon God is still in the formation, it will last forever." I interrupted Lin Zhenhua with a slight smile.

Hei Xuan looked up to the sky and laughed, and then directly tied my hands and feet with real black flames, and then pushed hard into the center of the altar: "Lin Zhenhua, it doesn't matter if you have exhausted all your mechanisms, so what if you desperately try to protect her. Demon God

The Immortal Reset Formation will last forever. Hahaha, God is really helping me as a demon cultivator."

Everything happened so fast that Lin Zhenhua didn't even react.

Before he could make any move, Hei Xuan began to chant a spell, and the black lava around him seemed to be resurrected again.

They are moving and flowing, trying to reassemble the resurrection formation.

Like a huge black moon, it sinks gloomily on the dome of the sky, causing the entire bottom of the sky to gradually lose its luster.

Lin Zhenhua stood up again and swung his knife, trying to cut open the gloomy sky, but it was useless.

His fighting power has long been exhausted, and such a sword was like a mud cow entering the sea without making any waves.

"Come on, Zang Linger, get out of here quickly, I know you will find a way." Lin Zhenhua looked at me and shouted heartbreakingly.

I can leave, but then what?

If the demon is immortal, the reset formation will last forever. Next time we may not be so lucky to catch the opponent in one fell swoop.

"Hahaha, Lord Demon God." Hei Xuan looked at me and said with great piety: "You will soon become our leader, so instead of killing us all, you will trample the entire land of Kyushu under your feet."

I ignored Hei Xuan's words and didn't even want to give him any extra glances.

He just looked at Lin Zhenhua with a calm smile and asked: "Chief Minister of China, I am not allowed to live in this world. Are you willing to go with me?"


"Commander, where are you going, leader?" Lei Ming asked as he managed to stand with his rune sword in his hand as the black clouds rolled over the city and the city was raging wildly.

Lin Zhenhua was startled for a moment, then he felt relieved after a moment: "I am willing to go back with my wife, no matter how beautiful the scenery is, I am willing to do so."

"What about Zhuo'er?" I asked.

Lin Zhenhua smiled gently and said: "He has been rescued safely. With the protection of the Kyoto Zhenhun general and the Zang and Wu families, he will grow up safely."

Hearing this, my smile was as bright as a flower, and my words were very gentle: "Captain Lei, please inform everyone that the President of Middle-earth is willing to sacrifice his life to sacrifice the devil in order to save the people of the world. From now on, there will be no more devils in the world, and there will be no more demon cultivators."

Lei Ming was stunned for a moment.

Lin Zhenhua put down the rune sword in his hand, knelt on his knees with a calm smile and said: "The Great Luo Shi Fang can eliminate evil and eliminate karma without limit, the True Emperor of Taiyin, Dark Moon Demon Lord. Look at it with sincerity, and pray sincerely."

"The great Luo and the Ten Directions can eliminate misfortune and eliminate immeasurable karma. The True Emperor of Taiyin, Dark Moon Demon Lord, has incredible merits and virtues.

"Ask the Demon Lord to save me."

I smiled and nodded, stretched out my hand and said, "As you ask, I get what you wish for."

At this moment Lei Ming seemed to react, but it was already too late.

Everything with me as the center began to collapse and disappear. The corpses of the five great immortals on the ground were broken into pieces, and the corpses of the soul-suppressing soldiers also disintegrated.

In the end, even Hei Xuan's body began to glow with starlight and exploded into ashes.

"No, Chief!"

"Commander, leader, no, we must have other ways..."

In the end, what stayed in my ears was not Lei Ming's heart-rending condolences, but Lin Zhenhua's soft words: "Life is too short to cherish; a devil's life is long, but one can express one's love."
This chapter has been completed!
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