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Chapter 169: Experiment with living people

Just when I was struggling, Bi Yuewu said: "If this person wants to kill you, you can kill him yourself. We will not interfere."

this is okay too?

But will Feng Qingyu agree?

I was quite uneasy, and Feng Zhixiao also had a tense look on his face. Unexpectedly, Feng Qingyu was silent for a moment and then said: "Fuyuan Zhenhun General, this is what you said. Okay, I will deal with that person myself."

What's happening here?

Feng Qingyu agreed so easily, could there be any fraud involved?

I was very worried, but Feng Zhixiao shook his head at me, and then said: "Master Feng, if that's the case, shouldn't you let these exorcists withdraw first?"

"Yeah." This time, Feng Qingyu did not refute, but said a few words to the people around him.

A group of exorcists were taken away by his people.

But he and several Feng family members stayed where they were and did not want to leave.

I remembered what he said, so I said, "Don't worry, we won't leak this matter. The soul-suppressing soldiers won't talk nonsense either."

"That's right." Bi Yuewu nodded.

But Feng Qingyu still didn't leave. Instead, he looked at me with a wide smile: "Miss Zang, are you pretending to be stupid on purpose? What about the remaining three things?"

This guy, I know things are not that simple.

"What three things do you want me to agree to? I will not agree to anything that is too difficult or goes against reality."

For example, he asked me to join the Feng family and kill the leader Lin Zhenhua without even thinking about it.

"I haven't thought about what it is exactly. Don't worry, it won't go against reality. But Zang Ling'er, you can't talk back." Feng Qingyu said with a hint of slyness in his eyes.

"Okay! Deal." I nodded.

"Miss Zang." Fuyuan Zhenhun General Bi Yuewu was a little worried when he heard this, "Do you want to think about it again?"

Feng Qingyu didn't stop Bi Yuewu, he didn't even say a single unnecessary word.

It seemed like it really gave me a chance to think about it.


"No need, this matter is settled." There are only three things left to do. Let's get over the current difficulty first.

"Come on, Zang Linger, we'll see you later." Feng Qingyu smiled with satisfaction and turned around and left without hesitation.

The reason why he walked so fast was because he was afraid that we would retaliate.

In fact, I probably won't be able to use the Qilin Ghost Seal in the short term, and I only understand now why the commander-in-chief Lin Zhenhua said that the strong should not be afraid.

Because once you have fear, you are doomed to fail.

"Is it okay to just let him take away all the exorcists?" After confirming that everyone had left, I expressed my doubts.

What if, after I follow Feng Zhixiao away, he launches a sneak attack again?

"No problem." Feng Zhixiao said firmly: "Miss Zang, in fact, if we want to stop him and kill these exorcists, there will be a real problem."

I don't understand what this means.

But I seem to understand why Feng Zhixiao blocked it just now, because he didn't want to kill innocent people indiscriminately, nor did he care about the lives of other exorcists for his own benefit, but there was really another reason.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because the Feng family's infinite vitality requires experiments on living people." Feng Zhixiao looked at me and said with a serious look.


I immediately glanced at Bi Yuewu and found that his expression was as shocked as mine.

"Wind God, do you have any evidence?" Bi Yuewu immediately said, "Does the Commander know about this?"

"This matter is still under investigation. There is currently no evidence. The commander-in-chief knows. But..."

Seeing that Feng Zhixiao stopped talking at the critical moment, we were all anxious, and I even said bluntly: "But what?"

It's unlikely that Lin Zhenhua and the Special Case Bureau won't care about such a major matter.

"The banker is also involved in this matter, so we shouldn't act rashly without conclusive evidence." Feng Zhixiao responded helplessly.

Banker, banker again!

"Are they so lawless?" I said angrily: "Among the hundreds of scholars in the Spring and Autumn Period, apart from the most powerful Taoist descendant of Confucianism, aren't they? Are there no Confucians? Is it possible that so many of us can't defeat one of them?

Zhuang Daoran?"

But what I didn't expect was that both Feng Zhixiao and Bi Yuewu fell silent.

Moreover, the expressions on both of them were very difficult to describe.

It seems like...

"Could it be that Zhuang Daoran is really powerful?" I asked, looking at them.

"Miss Zang, if you meet someone from the banker alone, whether it is Zhuang Daoran or his children, you must run away quickly." Fuyuan Zhenhun General Bi Yuewu said.

Feng Zhixiao also nodded: "But Miss Zang, don't feel bad. If we fight him, the third master of the Wu family probably won't be able to beat Zhuang Daoran."


My third uncle couldn't beat an old man!

I do not believe.

But I looked at Feng Zhixiao, then at Bi Yuewu, and finally had to say: "How powerful is Zhuang Daoran?"

It can't be level 5 like the commander.

"This is impossible, but we don't know how strong he is, because he has never declared it to the outside world." Feng Zhixiao said truthfully.

After hearing this, I finally understood.

The exorcists of Middle-earth either prove their power to themselves or declare it to others.

But according to Lin Zhenhua, there are records of super level 4 and above, and Zhuang Daoran's strength is probably only known to Lin Zhenhua.

"Forget it, let's go back to the station quickly if we don't talk about this." The dealer became more and more upset as he talked, so it was better not to say anything.

Without Feng Qingyu and the exorcist soldiers of the Supervisory Group, Fuyuan Soul-Suppressing General Bi Yuewu soon reorganized the station.

And Feng Zhixiao finally couldn't hold on after this series of battles.

So when he was carried away by the soul-suppressing soldiers and sent to the hospital, I was actually worried. But Feng Zhixiao said: "Miss Zang, don't worry, we will meet again next time."

"Okay, then I'll wait for you to resurrect with full health next time." I smiled and waved at him.

Feng Zhixiao was sent away, and it was time for me to leave too.

The gentleman who still refuses to reveal his name is actually right. I should really improve myself. Otherwise, even if I know the Kirin Ghost Seal thoroughly, I won't be able to use it.


As for someone like him who can control the fortune around him at will, I can't even think about it.

Great Luck Master.

Perhaps it is the most powerful secret technique of the Zang family, but unfortunately I don’t know it.

"Miss Zang, believe me. You will soon become a real Universiade master. Don't be discouraged, you are still very young." Fuyuan Zhenhun General Bi Yuewu comforted me after seeing my disappointment.

"Well, thank you, I will definitely do it." I nodded, said goodbye to him, and got into the soul-suppressing soldier's car to leave.

As for the Guo family and whether there will be people from the supervision team coming to seize the place.

I don't need to worry about these problems anymore.

Because just like Feng Zhizhi said, Zhenhun will not be a coward. The supervisory team can succeed in a sneak attack once, but there will never be a second time.

And after what happened last time, I think the Guo family should understand whether they should trust the Supervisory Team or the Soul-Suppressing General.

The vehicle was speeding along and looking at the ever-changing scenery in front of me, I finally closed my eyes with peace of mind and started to rest.

This chapter has been completed!
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