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Chapter 221: Change your face in a second

However, before I could figure it out, the next moment the old man said angrily: "You won't leave, right? Pull out your rune sword and let's have a fight!"

What's going on?

After hearing what he said and seeing him actually taking action, I didn't dare to neglect him again.

Instead, he immediately took out his Chunqiu pen to resist, but the difference in strength between him and me was too great.

So this time, no surprise, I was thrown heavily to the ground again.

The improvement compared to last time is that because of the Chunqiu pen, this time there is no ten steps away, only five steps.


It still hurts a lot.

"Senior, I am an ally, can you understand me?" I was really anxious when he saw that he wanted to take action.

After all, using the Ghost Seal Pattern at this time might alarm others.

And with the strength of this crazy old man, even if I use the ghost seal pattern, I'm afraid I won't be his opponent.

"I am so strong that I don't need allies." Who would have thought that the old man would actually say this: "I still want you to use an artifact like the Spring and Autumn Pen to look like this and still have the nerve to save people."

This is too much.

Scholars can be killed but not humiliated.

But when I was about to use the Ghost Seal pattern more seriously, suddenly a voice that was cold to my bones came: "Hahaha, old gentleman, who are you talking to?"

"It's better to take advantage of the fact that the king is not here. There is a new guest in Taishan Mansion."

He dares to call himself the king, and he has such momentum.

Could it be...

Before I could say anything, the old man immediately stuffed me into the cabinet behind him.

Then through the gap, I only saw the old man draw a talisman, and then a huge middle-aged man appeared in mid-air.

It stands to reason that the stronger a revenant is, the more stable his body shape will be. For example, even though Xu Yuan is a ghost general, he looks just like an ordinary person.

But the middle-aged man in front of him was very strange. He was definitely not weak, but his figure was very sloppy, floating in mid-air, as if he was about to lose his mind at any moment.

"What a bullshit. I have been imprisoned by you for so many years, old man. Apart from you, the dead Taishan King, who else has come to see me?"

King of Mount Tai.

He turned out to be the King of Hell, Taishan King of the Seven Palaces!

But why did he come back?

I was extremely surprised, but I didn't dare to make any sound.

"Really? But why did I hear the sound just now?" As he spoke, King Taishan's body moved around.

Finally he stopped in front of the cabinet.

I was so frightened that I immediately covered my mouth, but I didn't dare to make any more noise.

Because I'm not sure whether King Taishan can see me, and I'm even less sure whether any of my actions at this time is helping or hurting.

"Is there someone hiding in this cabinet?" Before King Taishan finished speaking, his floating body suddenly came up to him.

He didn't really touch me, but the impact of that moment and the close distance still made my pupils shrink sharply.

But King Taishan didn't seem to intend to stop there, but instead all the people came forward.

Seeing this, my heart skipped a beat and I simply closed my eyes.

After that, I even blocked my five senses. I didn’t listen, see or think, and I don’t know how long it took.

I only felt the cabinet being opened again, and then I quickly opened my eyes.


"Senior, you scared me to death." I breathed a sigh of relief when I saw clearly that the person who opened the cabinet was the old man.

At the same time, I was speechless as to why he didn't tell me in advance and opened the cabinet suddenly like this as a deliberate act of retaliation.

"I called, but you blocked your five senses, so you didn't hear me." After finishing speaking, the old man looked me up and down: "But it's a good thing you blocked your five senses, otherwise the secret will probably be exposed sooner or later. Yes, this time the Special Case Bureau

The people sent here are a little smarter than last time."

Last time?

Lin Zhenhua also sent someone here last time?

"Senior, why didn't you go with him last time?" I asked in surprise.

If I had left last time, it would have been none of my business.

"That person died without even seeing me. How could I go with him?" The old man shrugged indifferently.

When I heard what he said, I suddenly choked up and couldn't say anything further.

But soon I spoke again: "Senior, don't delay, pack up quickly and follow me. Before King Taishan has just left."

"That was not King Taishan just now, it was just a shadow of him." The old man said lightly: "If I don't leave, tell Lin Zhenhua that I won't go anywhere."

After saying that, the old man sat back down, as if no one could take him away.

This is not over, right?

I admit that I didn't think about knocking him out and taking him away, but after thinking about it, he could hide me with just one spell.

I finally gave up the idea: "Senior, don't be afraid. I have a ghost general to help me this time. There are also ghost generals outside to help. As long as we are careful, we can definitely escape."

I think he didn't want to leave because he was afraid that we wouldn't be able to deal with King Taishan or the people from the underworld.

After all, after being imprisoned for a long time, it is not impossible for people to escape from servility.

Unexpectedly, when the old man heard what I said, he immediately jumped up and made a crisp "bang" sound.

I just feel that my head hurts more than if I had a shot.

But he said boldly: "Afraid! Old man, I have never known how to write the word fear in my life. If you want to get out, get out of here, I won't leave."

He was refusing to eat, right? Seeing him like this, I was so angry that I said directly: "Old man, don't toast me and you will be fined. Our Zang family's Guixi Wenwen is not a joke.

if you……"

Suddenly, the old man moved in front of me in an instant.

A pair of eyes that were originally a little cloudy were now looking at me with vigour, as if they wanted to see a hole in me.

Seeing him like this, I immediately became frightened: "Senior, can we stop making trouble? Please cooperate with me and leave quickly. Otherwise, we won't be able to leave when King Taishan comes back."

"We will all die then!"

He doesn't want to live, but I still want to live at a young age.

"Are you from the Zang family?" Unexpectedly, the old man asked.

"Well, I am." I nodded blankly.

"Who are you Zang Zetian?"

"It's my dad."

Before I could think of what to say next, the old man actually said: "Okay, you wait for me to clean up first. Then we will leave immediately."

Before I could respond, the old man slipped back into his little house.

Seeing how fast he was, he agreed easily.

It makes me wonder, is he performing a Sichuan opera show with me?

Or has he also received favors from my father, so he wants to return the favor?

But it seems inappropriate for my age.

Before I could figure it out, the next moment an old man wearing Chinese tunic uniform appeared in front of me.

"Who are you?" I stared at him for a while and then said: "Senior, what are you..."

What a great transformation into a living person.

"Haha, I wasn't that particular about living alone before. Now that I want to go back with you, I have to clean up properly." The old man said with a naive smile.

I watched his attitude change completely.

I'm really not used to it, so I can only smile: "Senior, by the way, what's your name?"

Unexpectedly, as soon as I said these words, his face turned dark again.

This chapter has been completed!
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