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Chapter 247: Jumping into the lake

"Then, what should we do next?" I raised my head and glanced at Lin Zhenhua.

The bloodbath was successfully prevented, and the national destiny of China was saved and was not passed on by Da Qing. However, the dragon's veins were destroyed by Zhang Ling's single move and his own death.

The point is that Zhang Ling's soul was taken away by Daqing Imperial Master.

Now that I think about it, they must have discussed it long ago.

"Go back to the Central Building." Lin Zhenhua said solemnly.

I really didn't want to face the miserable situation in that room, so I wanted to find an excuse.

Unexpectedly, Lin Zhenhua said bluntly: "Zang Ling'er, you are the national master of China, and this battle has just begun. You can't escape and you have no choice."

"Okay, Commander-in-Chief, I'll go back with you." I nodded.

And by the time we rushed back, all the Soul-Suppressing Generals had already started cleaning up the battlefield.

The Soul-Suppressing General of Kyoto, the Soul-Suppressing General of East China, the Soul-Suppressing General of Mobei, and the new Longnan Soul-Suppressing General Liu Changqing are all here. Of course, they are not intact, but all of them are injured, and the Longnan Soul-Suppressing General who joined last is injured.

The heaviest.


After hesitating for a moment, I said: "You..."

The Daqing National Master took away two bloody heads before, and Lin Zhenhua also said that two level 4 soul-suppressing generals are needed to pass on the national destiny of the Middle-earth to Daqing.

So what are they?

"Master Zang, apart from the sacrifice of Deputy Chief Long, the other person who died, Zhuang Ziwu, was not the Soul-Suppressing General." After all, it was Jiao Mujiao, the Soul-Suppressing General from Kyoto, who understood me and directly expressed the doubts in my heart.

"How could it be? Is the Daqing Imperial Master so blind?" I didn't quite believe it.

And Zhuang Daoran was probably there at that time.

How could he watch his own son being wrongly killed?

"Chief, I did it." Lei Ming, who was standing in the crowd, walked out.

Although I am a master of the Central-Earth Kingdom, I am also the head of the Zhenhun Hidden General, so there is nothing wrong with Lei Ming calling me this way.

"How did you do it?" I was a little curious.

"The situation was very chaotic at the time, but I saw that Daqing Imperial Master seemed to be anxious to get rid of the former Chief of Staff, and then hunted the Soul-Suppressing General. So I used the disguise talisman to turn Zhuang Ziwu into the Kyoto Soul-Suppressing General.

He looked like a man and pushed him over deliberately. The Daqing Imperial Master was being pestered by the Chief of Staff and was in a hurry to lead him away, so he didn't notice it." Lei Ming stated the facts truthfully.

But I curled my lips and smiled: "So even if the commander-in-chief and I didn't stop it in time, they still wouldn't be able to pass on the fate of China."

"Captain Lei, it's okay."

"The leader has given you too much praise. You and the commander will definitely succeed. Moreover, the hidden general is not as strong as the soul-suppressing general, so we can only help with these small things." Lei Ming said very humbly.

The hidden general is really weak, I don’t think so.

So I looked up and glanced at Lin Zhenhua.

"Everyone, although the fate of the country of China has not been passed on by Daqing, Kyoto has been saved. However, the whereabouts of Zhuang Daoran and the rest of the Zhuang family are unknown. So we cannot relax yet, and the dragon veins of China have been damaged, and the Kyoto formation has been destroyed. So continue

Coming down is our most difficult moment.”

"Will everyone here be willing to join me in defending China and Kyoto?" Lin Zhenhua asked the last words very loudly.

"Yes!" The responses from all the Soul-Suppressing Generals shocked the country.

"Okay, if that's the case, let's start again..."

Before Lin Zhenhua could finish re-planning the battlefield, he was interrupted by Executive Officer Chen: "General Secretary, something happened."

He is a high-ranking member of the Auxiliary Government and is also Lin Zhenhua's most loyal supporter.

So even though Lin Zhenhua has not officially accepted the appointment, his title has already been changed.

"What happened?" Lin Zhenhua naturally understood that Chen Lang would not interrupt his meeting innocently.

But what I didn't expect was that after Chen Lang, who had always been loyal and honest, looked at me again, he stopped talking.


"Commander, Executive Officer Chen, you guys talk first, I'll go out first." I thought about it, probably because I was here, that's why they were so indifferent and hurriedly tried to avoid it.

Lin Zhenhua said: "Zang Guoshi, you don't need a meeting, and Mr. Chen doesn't mean for you to avoid it."

"Yes, Miss Zang, since you have received the appointment letter from the former Chief Secretary, you naturally have the right to participate in any high-level meeting. I have never thought of asking you to avoid it." Chen Lang explained.

Sure enough, what he said was the same as what Lin Zhenhua said.


Since he wasn't asking me to avoid it, why was he hesitating?

I'm not satisfied with it.

Lin Zhenhua said seriously: "Did the people searching for Mr. Da and the Wu brothers send the news?"


When I mentioned this, I immediately raised my head and looked at Chen Lang nervously: "Executive Officer Chen, have my father, third uncle and fourth uncle been found?"

Then things got bad?

That's why he hesitated to speak.

"No, no, Master Zang, you misunderstood." Seeing me looking very anxious, Chen Lang said quickly: "Mr. Zang Da, Mr. Wu San, and Mr. Wu Si are all fine. On the contrary, the local soul-suppressing soldiers have found

Their traces are just..."

"Just what?" I asked anxiously.

Has anyone ever told you that half-talk is the most appetizing thing?

"It's just that they all jumped into the deep sea lake one after another, right?" At this time, a familiar voice came, and who was this person if it wasn't my great grandfather Zang Hao.

"Grandpa, what are you doing?"

Seeing that he was covered in blood, there was also a small strip of cloth on the knife, and the color of this strip of cloth was no other color. It was the yellow-blue color of the Daqing flag I saw before.

It makes me feel very weird.

"Teacher, are you going after Daqing Imperial Master?" Lin Zhenhua was Lin Zhenhua, and he could see the problem at a glance.

"Yes, Zhang Ling's three souls and seven souls have been destroyed by me." Zang Hao said bluntly: "If you dare to destroy the dragon veins of my country, I will never let you go!"

My great grandfather is amazing.

When I heard this, I was filled with admiration and joy.

But when Zang Hao saw me, his expression condensed slightly: "Zang Yatou, the age of the end of the Dharma has arrived."


So Zang Hao first tells us some good news, and then tells us some major bad news?

"Mr. Zang, are you serious about this?" Even Chen Lang couldn't sit still.

"The first thing that will decay and be polluted when the Age of Dharma Ends comes is water. One day, they will jump off and go to the largest freshwater lake in Middle-earth, right?" Zang Hao looked at Chen Lang and asked.

"Yes, that's right." Chen Lang nodded immediately, "And according to the reaction of the soul-suppressing soldiers at the time, although Mr. Da and others were injured, they were not particularly serious. They seemed to be very conscious, but they still refused to stop them without hesitation.

jumped down."

"Shura Martial God"

Speaking of this, Chen Lang hesitated for a moment before continuing: "As Mr. Zang said, the lake is the largest freshwater lake in China. It is very deep and it is very dangerous to go directly into the lake without any equipment.


This chapter has been completed!
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