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Chapter 278: The whole village is the guardian of the village

"The special team that received them at that time also thought so. But later I didn't expect that something would really happen." Lei Ming said with a serious expression.

"What happened?" I asked curiously.

If there is only a beginning for this kind of thing, then I definitely think that it doesn't matter if it is caused by an ordinary evil ghost, let alone the demon king.

But it's different now.

Lei Ming also knew that I was anxious, so he didn't delay, and immediately said: "This situation has been going on for seven days. Because nothing happened in the first seven days, all the people in the special team have been evacuated. Who knows, after seven days, the entire village will be dead

Including the person who reported the strange sight."

"All dead, no one alive?" I was a little surprised when I heard this.

"No." Lei Ming shook his head with certainty: "Even cats, dogs and domestic animals are dead. And the death situation is still very strange, without any external scars. The expression is also very natural, not at all like being frightened to death or driven by fear.

The most helpless thing is that we invited experts who specialize in summoning souls to go to the scene. But I don’t know whether it was because it was discovered too late or for other reasons, not a single soul was summoned."

Souls that are too weak or have not been invaded by any resentment will automatically disappear after a period of time.

This is also the reason why people die every day in this world, but there are very few who can truly become evil ghosts.

Because it is already very difficult for most souls to survive.


"What happened next? Didn't you continue to pursue it? I don't think they simply disappeared." After a moment of hesitation, I said with a serious look.

"Yes." Lei Ming nodded, but said with a very regretful expression: "But no matter which direction I traced later, there were no clues. And you don't know something, leader. Many evil ghosts and evil spirits will appear after taking revenge.

He was also destroyed along with it. So there are not a few things that have a beginning but no end."

When I heard what he said, I understood that it meant that this kind of thing happened a lot.

Neither the special team nor the soul-killing general are interested, nor are they willing to waste too much manpower and material resources to continue the investigation.

"Then why do you think this matter has something to do with the Demon King?" I frowned and looked at Lei Ming and asked.

At least so far, I really haven't found anything to do with the Demon King.

"Because most of these villagers, except for the person who reported the case, are born with incomplete souls." After a pause, Lei Ming looked up at me and asked: "Chief, you should understand what it means to be born with incomplete souls."

Originally, I thought Lei Ming was a little too nervous.

But when I heard what he said, I immediately raised my head with a solemn expression: "Understood. It is said that every village has a village guardian. This person was born with an incomplete soul. Some people say that he was punished as a village guardian because he did evil things in his previous life.

People. Some people say that he voluntarily sacrificed his soul to protect the village, so it became like this. But no matter what kind of village guardian does exist, and because of such people, the village will be safe."

"The most typical manifestation of the villagers is that they become stupid due to incomplete souls, but they are very kind-hearted."

"That's right." Seeing that I really knew it, Lei Ming nodded happily: "But chief, have you ever heard that the whole village is full of village guards?"

"No." I shook my head honestly.

In some places, because the village is large, there may be two or even three village guards.

But no more than three.

As for the whole village being guarded by villagers, don’t tell me that I have never seen this situation before. There is no record of it even in ancient books.

"Are you sure? Could it be a mistake?" After pondering for a moment, I asked with some doubts.

Lei Ming was very sure: "No, leader, Fengshen led several of our hidden generals to investigate this matter in person. It was because it was too strange, so we checked it many times."

"We are very sure that except for the people who reported the crime, most of the people in that village have incomplete souls. Later, Fengshen also visited various places to check. It proved that the village was indeed a village of lunatics. The people who lived there were either lunatics or stupid people."

How is this possible?

His news undoubtedly shocked me more than the previous one: "Then no one sent them to a mental hospital? In what age is it now, how come there is still a lunatic village?"

Don't tell me I don't believe it. Even in the isolated and remote town where I lived with my grandma, people who suffer from madness know that they have to be sent to a mental hospital.

What's more, a whole village is full of lunatics.


"This is very strange because this village is located in a remote location. So the information we got was only known after asking many people. But some people say that the people in this village are not crazy, they are just too superstitious and pretending to be crazy.

, you can live forever if you believe in any sacrifice." Lei Ming said seriously.

But the more I listened, the more solemn my expression became.

Then I had an unreasonable guess in my mind.

"So, you are saying that the Demon King's awakening is not only because of the Dharma Ending Age, but also because of the sacrifices in this village?" I thought for a while and asked.

Although this guess is unreasonable, it is the only thing I can think of at the moment.

"Yes." Lei Ming's answer was the same as I guessed: "Chief, I feel that there is no unified opinion on the information about the Demon King. Maybe this village is a clue. And only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you fight a hundred battles.


"Yeah." I agreed with what he said, so I nodded: "In this way, after the results from Ouyang come out, don't follow me. You can go to that village, but remember

Don’t go alone, bring more people with you and be careful.”

In fact, compared with the predictions of Ouyang and the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

I think the clues provided by Lei Ming are more reliable.

But there is no evidence for Lei Ming's clues, so no matter what the overall situation is, I should go to the place provided by Ouyang first.

"Yes. Chief." Lei Ming obviously understood what I meant, so he didn't ask any more questions, but immediately nodded and accepted the order.

But what none of us expected was...

Fifteen minutes later.

Me, Lei Ming, Ouyang, and Lin Zhenhua stared at each other in the conference room of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

In the end, it was Ouyang who spoke first: "Captain Lei, are you sure that the village you mentioned is the place I marked?"

Obviously, he really didn't believe that such a coincidence could happen to a scientific researcher.

Actually, I don't really believe it either.

"OK." After saying this, Lei Ming took out his mobile phone navigation, and the two addresses overlapped perfectly.

Ouyang fell silent when he saw this.

Lin Zhenhua said: "What kind of sacrifice is that? Why didn't I see the relevant detailed report?"

Lin Zhenhua has a very good memory, almost a photographic memory.

So he was very sure that General Yin had not submitted a detailed report on the sacrifice. But Lei Ming said before that he had read the report.

This chapter has been completed!
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