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Chapter 26: The two brothers who are righteous and awe-inspiring

Unfortunately, the rest of the process went very smoothly.

I actually helped Yu Yushi pick out a few treasures, and there was nothing unusual in the entire venue.

After getting the treasure he wanted, Yu Yushi was in a good mood and said: "Miss Zang, Yu didn't lie to you. The business done by Mr. Jin is special, and the original owner is willing to disclose the source."

Indeed, as he said, every corpse that the ghost could nod nodded and the ghost that could speak spoke.

Without exception, they agree to buy and sell.

So, in the end, I could only smile and nod: "Yes, Boss Yu is indeed an honest person. By the way, Boss Yu, I will go to the bathroom first, excuse me."

I really wanted to go, but Boss Yu suppressed his smile and frowned: "Miss Zang, come back as soon as possible and don't wander around. Grandpa Jin doesn't like people wandering around the venue."


I was muttering in my heart, but it didn't show on my face. Instead, I nodded.

However, because of what Yu Yushi said, I paid more attention and deliberately avoided people at the venue after going to the bathroom.

At first I didn't expect to find anything. After all, in my opinion, the venue was well decorated and the surrounding yang energy was abundant. In short, it didn't look like there was anything wrong with it.


The woods in front of me seemed a little strange.

You must know that although this venue looks gorgeous, it is actually deep in the mountains. The courtyard at the side entrance leads directly to the woods in the back mountain.

But what attracts me is not these, but the red road in the distance.

It was late at night and I saw such a bright red road in the mountains. At this moment, I felt as bad as possible.

After all, red is the color of good luck, and people in Middle-earth also prefer red.

But that's in a busy place with a lot of people. If it's in a deep mountain forest, it's best not to use red.

Not only can it easily attract ghosts, but even zombies and other evil spirits will mistakenly think that red is Yang energy and follow the color red to find living people.

But when I walked in and took a look, I was even more shocked.

Because the red powder in front of me is actually cinnabar.

Pure cinnabar itself is very expensive. The thick layer of cinnabar in front of you costs a lot of money.

Most importantly, why pave a cinnabar road?

Cinnabar has only one function, which is to ward off evil spirits. Using cinnabar to pave the road can only block the pursuit of zombies. Because zombies are not like ghosts, they must land on their feet.

As for ordinary zombies, as long as they are contaminated with cinnabar, they will be filled with Yang fire until they are burned alive.

The more I thought about it, the more something was wrong. I quickly stood up on tiptoes and walked through the gap next to it, trying not to damage the cinnabar.

The further I walked inside, the colder it became.

The surrounding wind is also getting stronger and stronger. There are many cold winds in the mountains at night. This is not only due to the temperature difference between day and night, but more importantly, it is caused by the lack of living people in the mountains and the high number of dead people.

But those are deep mountains and old forests. Although this place has many mountains, it is close to the city. And it is not too far from the venue. How could the temperature in the same area suddenly drop by several degrees?

Unless there are really corpses in this mountain.

It's not an ordinary corpse.

But how could this happen?

Is it possible that this is also Mr. Jin’s private collection and will be auctioned tonight?

Thinking of this, I was about to turn around and go back. After all, if it was something to be auctioned, I could just go to the venue and wait to see it.

Why go to all this trouble.

Unexpectedly, I was about to turn around when I heard a low roar.

And it was this roar that made my hair stand on end and my steps immediately stopped.


This is the roar of a corpse, and it's still a corpse, and it's even the roar of a zombie.

What's more important is that when I turned around, I actually saw the ink line, which meant that something was really trapped in the woods. Otherwise, the cinnabar road and the black ink line would not have appeared at the same time.

Seeing this situation, I didn't dare to make any more stops.

At this time, saving your life is most important.

"Girl, are you an exorcist too?" Who would have thought that at this time, someone actually tapped me on the shoulder and asked in a low voice.

The warm touch made me sure that the person behind me was undoubtedly a living person.


"Fuck you, why are you tapping me on the shoulder from behind in a place like this? Do you want to extinguish my Yanghuo?" I turned around and asked the other party speechlessly.

"Sorry, sorry, girl, I didn't mean to do it." One of the men in black mourning clothes said.

Only then did I realize that there were two men standing behind me.

One of them is wearing black and the other is wearing white. They look very similar to black and white.

However, the high hats they wore on their heads and the mourning sticks tied around their waists made me instantly recognize their identities.

"Are you a mourner from the South?" I asked tentatively.

"Yes." The man in black mourning clothes introduced: "This is my brother Xie Wen. My name is Xie Wu. May I ask who the girl is?"

"My name is Zang Ling'er, and I work in a business store. Our boss is not here today, so I came here in his place. Now it seems that I took the wrong path and was about to go back." In order to avoid misunderstanding, I spoke quickly.


Who would have thought that Xie Wu was very unhappy and said: "Then Miss Zang is going to ignore this matter today?"


What do you care?

"Miss Zang, don't you know? On the surface, Lord Jin is reselling the underworld weapons, but in fact he is using these things to raise murderous corpses to do things for him." Xie Wu then added: "And according to our investigation, this Lord Jin is for

Raising evil corpses has already killed many children. How can we exorcists sit idly by and ignore such atrocities."

The corpse is cruel and bloodthirsty, so if you want to feed it, you must feed it with living people.

However, even if a child eats a ferocious corpse with a simple mind, it will not arouse the ferocious nature too much. This is a good way to both feed the ferocious corpse and control it.


"You two southern mourners, I think you have really misunderstood. I just work in a business shop. I am neither an exorcist nor a special team. I can't help with such a thing. And...


After pausing for a moment, I considered it: "You two may have wrong information. According to my observation, there should be more than just murderous corpses here. Most of them are zombies that have just become weather."

"Besides, it's weird for Mr. Jin to let these ghosts and corpses nod. The lack of security has something to do with the zombies. So I advise you to stay out of other people's business."

Just kidding, if it was really just a vicious corpse, why should I step back?

Just create a zombie-suppressing ghost seal pattern and tattoo it on, and that’s it.

After I had finished saying what I needed to say, I turned around and was about to leave. Who would have thought that at this moment Xie Wen, who had never spoken a word, suddenly said: "Miss Zang, you may be right. But there are always some things in this world that are more important than life and death."

Important. And we as exorcists are standing by and watching. What should other ordinary people do?"

"But you may not be able to deal with this thing." I was surprised and admired when I heard what he said.

"How will you know if you don't try." Xie Wen smiled slightly and said, "Anyway, thank you girl for reminding me."
This chapter has been completed!
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