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Chapter 331: This is a dead end

"Then what do you mean?" I was completely confused.

"This is the road to death." Hei Xuan said with a solemn expression.


Lei Ming and the soul-suppressing soldiers behind him were both confused. This time, even Ouyang Xuan knew the reason.

Everyone turned their attention to me.

But I shook my head and said, "I don't know what the road to death is, I only know the road to life."

The Road to Death is in Wufu Town, and the so-called Road to Death is actually a road connecting the underworld and the Yang world. At the same time, the Road to Death is also the only road to Fengdu in the Yang world.

As for this road to death, I have never heard of it.

"The road to death is exactly the opposite of the road to life. Legend has it that it is a road leading to heaven. The so-called life to death is also because of this road." Seeing that none of us knew, Hei Xuan explained.

But his explanation left us all in disbelief.

Especially Lei Ming said bluntly: "Mr. Xuan, if we follow this path according to your wishes, wouldn't we be able to become immortals?"

Since they have all ascended to heaven and are immortal, they are nothing but gods.

"I'm afraid Captain Lei's matter is not that simple." Ouyang Xuan interjected after thinking for a moment.

I also looked up at Hei Xuan at this moment: "What on earth is going on?"

I don't doubt Hei Xuan's words, but I don't believe that there are really such good things in this world.

What's more important is that last time I came with Lei Ming, this road was definitely not like this.

"I don't know exactly what it is because before this, I have never seen or walked on the road to death. I just heard people say that the road to death is not a road to heaven at all. It is a road that enters its name no matter who steps on it.

, all must die. Some people say that this is the true explanation of living toward death, because only death can lead to life." Hei Xuan glanced at us all and said solemnly.

"If that's the case, then we'd better not go down this road." Ouyang Xuan was the first to speak.

He has never been to Tianguan City before, so it's not surprising that he would say something like this.

However, Lei Ming and I remained silent in perfect agreement.


"Is this the only way to Tianguan City?" Seeing that both of us were silent, Hei Xuan asked.

Ouyang Xuan immediately turned his attention to me.

Although I didn't want to, I still had to say truthfully: "Yes, this is the only way to Tianguan City. There is no way around it or to avoid it."

When Lei Ming and I came here before, we took this route. Later, we also checked with Bai Fengzhi in person, and she also personally admitted that this is the only way to enter Tianguan City.

"What about flying from the sky?" Ouyang Xuan asked again.

"It's useless." Hei Xuan shook his head: "Since this road has already appeared, it is impossible for the higher ups to let us pass."

"It seems that I underestimated Bai Ze. I didn't expect that after thousands of years, his intelligence has become higher and higher."

"Did Baize build this road?" I regretted it after I asked it, especially when I saw Hei Xuan looking at me with a smile on his face.

I couldn't wait to find a crack in the ground and crawl into it.

"Chief, if that's the case, why don't I take Yin General to explore the road first." Lei Ming appropriately interrupted my embarrassment.

However, his suggestion was not good.

So I immediately said: "No."

Who would have thought that Hei Xuan also said these two words.

Seeing the two of us speaking in unison, Lei Ming was stunned, "Chief, Mr. Xuan, what do you mean?"

"Why don't you try the ghost seal pattern first?" I said after thinking about it.

Hei Xuan nodded and said: "Okay, or I can summon two snow snakes to try. They live in the Palmy Plateau all year round and are more familiar with this place than I am."

"Okay." I nodded accordingly.

It's just when we are both ready to act separately.

Suddenly, we stopped.

"Chief, what's wrong?" Lei Ming was very confused when he saw that I had already taken out the ghost seal potion, but suddenly stopped drawing it.

"Nothing." I looked up at Lei Ming and smiled.

Then he turned his eyes and looked at Hei Xuan: "Old Hei, I think the methods we just thought of are not good."

"Yeah, I think so too." Hei Xuan nodded in agreement.

Everyone looked at the two of us with such a sudden change of expression, and they were very surprised.

But before they had time to ask, Heixuan immediately turned around, and I immediately threw out a ghost seal pattern.

My ghost seal pattern is just for body-fixing.

After the evil spirit was immobilized, Heixuan grabbed it from the air and immediately came to us.

Then, Hei Xuan smiled: "Since there is a ready-made pathfinder, let's use him."

"Okay, everything is up to Lord Snake." I said with a slight smile.

With just a "dong" sound, the evil spirit was thrown down from a height by Hei Xuan to his death.

And I also took the opportunity to remove the ghost seal marks on his body. Since I was exploring the path, I couldn't immobilize him and make him unable to move.

"Zang Ling'er, you're going to die a good death!" The evil spirit's first sentence after being released from the ghost seal pattern was to curse loudly.


"It's not me who threw you down. Even if you want to scold you, you should sort out your priorities." I said speechlessly.

At the same time, he carefully observed what would happen if he entered the road of death.

However, what I didn't expect was that not long after he entered, he suddenly started to bleed all over his body. It was not the regular kind of bleeding, but holes appeared irregularly all over his body.

And these large and small holes are the reason why the blood comes out.

"He wasn't attacked at all, why did he suddenly do this?" I asked in surprise when I saw the scene in front of me.

We must know that we will also have to pass through this road to death later.

Is it possible that this will happen when we go in?

"I don't know." Hei Xuan shook his head: "Academician Ouyang, have you discovered anything?"

Hearing his words, I suddenly remembered.

Yes, Ouyang Xuan is better at studying this kind of thing than any of us.

"This doesn't look like a normal attack, it looks like..."

"I won't let you succeed in using me to destroy King Bai Ze's plan. You can just dream!" After saying that, what none of us expected was that the evil spirit took out a short knife and wiped his neck.

He died and fell directly on the road to death.

And none of us had time to stop this sudden accident. By the time we reacted, we were ready to pull out his body.

Ouyang Xuan suddenly shouted: "Don't move!"

"Don't touch his body."


At first we were very confused. After all, everyone else died, and we could no longer see how he would react when he was on the road to death. So wouldn't it be much better to take out his body and study it than not doing anything at all?

However, when we saw his body decompose rapidly and then turned into a pool of blood.

I finally understood why Ouyang Xuan blocked it.

Because the body quickly became like this, it is enough to prove that there was a problem before.

Then what we bring back is not something for research, but a poison that will kill us.

This chapter has been completed!
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