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Chapter 360: Back Corpse Technique

However, when I was pulled to the edge of the black line by Heixuan, I finally understood why Lei Ming was so abnormal.


The black lines cut by the rune sword turned into broken corpses.

Although I didn't recognize most of these corpses, it was not difficult for me to tell from their combat uniforms and unyielding expressions that they were soul-suppressing soldiers.

As for the man kneeling in the middle holding a rune sword, his legs were chopped off, but his back was still straight as he knelt, who else could he be if he wasn't the Soul-Suppressing General of Mobei?

"Don't touch their bodies!" Looking at the soul-suppressing soldiers who were about to reach out, I quickly stopped them.

"Zang Guoshi, I just don't want the Mobei Soul Suppressing Soldiers to die in the wilderness. They shouldn't be like this." A slightly younger Soul Suppressing Soldier couldn't help but said with red eyes.

"I understand." I turned around and patted his shoulder gently, then looked at the group of soul-suppressing soldiers behind me: "But this is a long-lost corpse-carrying technique. The black line we see is actually

It’s not a black line, but an advanced blindness. When the rune sword cuts the black line, the blindness is also eliminated.”

"Chief, what happens next?" This time it was not the young soul-suppressing soldier who spoke, but Lei Ming.

As the captain of the hidden general, he has naturally encountered many evil spirits.

But this was the first time he encountered someone who dared to tamper with the corpse of Zhenhun General and did something so weird.

"Have you ever heard of Lei Ming, Jieyin?" I asked without answering and looked at Lei Ming.

Lei Ming immediately shook his head, and the soul-suppressing soldiers and hidden generals behind him also showed doubtful expressions.

Seeing that they didn't know, I said: "There are two types of corpse-carrying techniques. The first one comes from the corpse-carrying craftsmen in western Hunan, which is the same as the previous corpse-carrying sect in Qinling. This kind of corpse-carrying technique is only through normal

It is a technique to forcibly carry back a corpse that is stiff or about to be raised. As the name suggests, it is called corpse-carrying technique to bury the corpse in a safe place."

"What about the second type?" Lei Ming said solemnly.

Obviously, even if he and the soul-suppressing soldiers behind him don't understand, they understand that what we encountered is definitely not the first one.

"The second method is to torture a living person to death using sorcery, and then use his luck to complete his own affairs. But all this is done without the consent of the living person and behind his back. So it is also called

It’s the art of carrying corpses.”

"At the same time, this corpse-carrying technique also has a related evil technique, which is to connect the body with the body. Ordinary connection with the body is just to help the dead to deliver the baby to complete the transmission of life. But this kind of connection with the body is forced, making the corpse become the mother body, allowing the body to be touched.

People you touch become offspring. In this way, anyone you touch will be the same as the previous corpse."

"I was hit by the corpse-carrying spell without even realizing it, and I also helped the person who cast the spell to accomplish what they wanted to do without their will."

After listening to my words, Lei Ming and others no longer approached the bodies of Mobei Soul Suppressing General and other Soul Suppressing Soldiers.

But Lei Ming stared at the chopped off legs of General Mobei Zhenhun.

"Leader, Mobei Soul-Suppressing General's legs..."

"Yes." Faced with Lei Ming's question, I didn't hide it: "It was Mei who chopped it off. It must have been Mobei Zhenhun General who realized something was wrong and refused to die. Mei had no choice but to cut off his legs to stop him.


"Chief, where are these charms? I'm going to kill them!" Lei Ming said angrily.

A group of soul-suppressing soldiers behind him also said in unison: "Zang Guoshi, please tell us where Mei is, we will kill them all!"

Scholars can be killed but not humiliated.

What's more, everyone is dead, and the body is still used in this way, which is undoubtedly unacceptable to any soul-suppressing soldier.


I didn't immediately answer Lei Ming's questions, I just looked up and exchanged glances with Hei Xuan.

Then Hei Xuan said: "Charm comes from the heart, I have said this before. And I think Captain Lei has also told you about their origins."

"So?" Lei Ming frowned and said, "Mr. Xuan, what exactly do you want to say?"

"This place is more than a hundred kilometers away from the Mobei Soul Suppressor General's station. You can count the corpses in front of you. There are hundreds of thousands of Soul Suppressor soldiers. How do you think Mei let them come? Did you pursue them?


"The order given by Commander-in-Chief Lin Zhenhua is to guard the station and protect the people of Mobei. Do you think that the eternal night will cover the entire Central Earth, and at this time, Mobei Zhenhun will disregard Lin Zhenhua's order for the sake of great success, and will not hesitate to travel hundreds of kilometers to hunt down Mei?


As soon as Hei Xuan said these words, Lei Ming fell silent.

All the remaining soul-suppressing soldiers also fell silent.

I patted Lei Ming's shoulder lightly and said, "The more times this happens, the less likely we are to be impatient. Otherwise, it will be over."

Maybe Lei Ming doesn't understand what I mean by the last sentence.

But Hei Xuan knew.

So he raised his head and glanced at me: "Zang Ling'er, don't be too frustrated yet."

I did not respond to his consolation, but sighed heavily: "The commander-in-chief has said before that in addition to their large numbers, their leaders are better at deceiving people. When I heard this, I thought I understood what the commander-in-chief meant.

.Now it seems that I don’t understand.”

Bewilderment is not a face-to-face confusion, it may also be a blinding.

It's like an advanced blind trick in front of you.

"Is there any way you can break the corpse-carrying technique?" After hesitating for a moment, Hei Xuan looked at me and asked.

Hearing his words, I couldn't help but laugh: "Ancestor Snake, you can't do anything, what can I do."

"Chief, this corpse-carrying technique is so powerful. Neither you nor Mr. Xuan can do anything about it?" Lei Ming couldn't help but interject after hearing what we said.

Now he probably understands, let alone revenge.

We can't even leave here now.

Because after those black lines touched the rune sword, they became the corpse of the soul-suppressing soldier. Now, no matter what method we use, as long as we touch the corpse of the soul-suppressing soldier, it will become the next one due to the corpse-carrying technique.


To put it simply, we not only have to die, but also have to work for the charm behind us!

"That's right, and we don't know what they are going to do by borrowing their luck. So without knowing anything at all, the harder I try, the more likely I will be wrong." I told Lei Ming truthfully.

After hearing what I said, Lei Ming's face suddenly darkened a lot.

"How about I summon the Snake Clan to try?" After hesitating for a moment, Hei Xuan said.

"Chief, I think this is a solution." Lei Ming also agreed.

But I shook my head: "Snakes are vicious by nature, so it would be okay if this corpse-carrying technique doesn't work on them. If it works, do you think it would be a shame if the snakes were innocently killed because of their sinister nature?"

At that time, the resentment will not dissipate, because the snake clan's helper charm wants to borrow more luck.

By doing this, are you sure you are not shooting yourself in the foot?
This chapter has been completed!
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