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Chapter 380: Things are in the Underworld

"Hahaha, Zang Linger, you are insulting Lord Snake. In fact, Lord Snake..."

Before the Ghost King finished speaking, Hei Xuan interrupted him: "I don't think it's anything to be insulted by a strong man who broke the mirror."

"Okay. Since Mr. Snake doesn't think there is any problem, I won't say anything more." Apparently after receiving such praise, the Ghost King was still in a very beautiful mood.

Whether this is their self-effacement or another kind of commercial flattery.

I can't even get in the conversation, after all, this is a conversation between strong men.

Fortunately, they were fighting and boasting at the same time, and there was no need for me, an outsider, to participate. I just helped them silently remember how many Mei attacks they had repelled.

Until the seventh time, the Ghost King suddenly looked back at me.

I was startled and immediately said: "King of Ghosts, what are you..."

Can't hold it anymore?

What to do?

It seems that Longnan Zhenhun General is still not well over there.

No, to be precise, even if he is well now, it seems to be of no use.

After all, after watching the Ghost King and Hei Xuan fight together for seven games, I feel more and more that there is still a gap between humans and kings before.

No matter if the other party is the king of snakes or the king of ghosts.

"Zang Ling'er, you really should have more confidence in me." The Ghost King was speechless when he saw what I was thinking, and then said bluntly: "It's not that I can't fight, but the charm created by the gang in the underworld. It seems that the loss

There are too many. So they won’t release them anymore for the time being.”

Hearing this, I was overjoyed and immediately asked: "Then they will not put it in the Longnan War Zone again, or will they not put it in any war zone in Central China?"

Obviously I hope it's the latter.

Unfortunately, even the Ghost King can't give me a definite answer to this matter.

Because he actually responded: "I don't know."

"But, there is something I can give you for sure."

"What?" I asked immediately after hearing this.

But the Ghost King seemed to be deliberately trying to seduce me, but he didn't say anything.

Seeing this, I was speechless. I was about to ask, but suddenly I felt something was wrong with the breath behind me. I quickly turned around and discovered that Longnan Zhenhun General Mao Youqiu had woken up.

Although he was sweating profusely and very weak at the moment, I clearly felt that he was still alive.

So I immediately stepped forward to support him, "General Longnan Zhenhun, you are good!"

"Zang Guoshi, we can purify the battlefield." Mao Youqiu said this without caring about his own weakness at this moment.

"You don't need to come, leave it to me." After saying that, I immediately took the Kirin Ghost Seal.

Following the traces left by Mao Youqiu's spell, he first used the Qilin Ghost Seal to suppress it, and then used the Great Luck Technique to destroy all the Yin Qi and turbid Qi on the battlefield.

However, after only a few moments, the Ghost King couldn't wait any longer.

He immediately rushed forward and said: "Zang Ling'er, I will give you a helping hand."

I didn't appreciate it this time. Instead, I immediately used the Kirin Ghost Seal to repel it. "Ghost King, I appreciate your kindness. But this method needs to be spread around Kyoto and have all war zones follow suit."

"And except for the chief commander, we don't have anyone who can break the mirror in China."

The implication is clear that if he takes action, he can indeed increase his speed.

But if the method cannot be promoted, no matter how fast it is, it will not make any sense to China.

After the Ghost King was rejected by me, he never came forward again.

But his face became more and more anxious. Fortunately, when he was about to run out of patience, I finally returned to the starting point and said: "Lei Ming, immediately spread this method back to Kyoto. Let other war zones follow suit."

With that said, I handed the recorded method to Lei Ming.

Lei Ming took it immediately, ran to the side and used the rune communicator to send the news back to Lin Zhenhua.

At the same time, I said: "King of Ghosts, actually you don't have to wait for me. Even if I am not present, General Longnan will tell you the truth about the results of the investigation."

He should still believe in this quality of Soul-Suppressing General.

"It's not that I don't believe him, but Zang Ling'er, you must accompany me." The Ghost King looked at me and said bluntly.

Nice romance

I have no idea where Mao Youqiu calculated this time.

Logically speaking, I shouldn't leave so easily in a situation like this in China-Earth.


"Okay, Ghost King, I am willing to keep my promise, but I also hope that after you get the Qilin Order, you can keep your promise." I said solemnly.

Now the charm has only been repulsed, not completely eliminated.

"Don't worry, I never break my promise." After saying this, the Ghost King turned his eyes and said, "General Longnan Zhenhun, tell me, where is the Qilin Order?"

"I asked you just now. You said you had found the exact location."

"Yes." Mao Youqiu nodded: "The Qilin Order is in the underworld."


Don't talk about Ghost King when you hear this.

Even I couldn't help being stunned. Lei Ming, who had returned from delivering the message, stopped even more when he heard this.

On the contrary, Hei Xuan's expression was the most indifferent, or it could be said that he actually didn't care where the Qilin Order was.

"Are you kidding me!?" The Ghost King roared: "Do you really think I am a three-year-old child and can be deceived by you?"

"King of Ghosts, I didn't mean this. Moreover, what I hear is false and what I see is true." What I didn't expect was that Mao Youqiu actually waved his hand.

The next moment, a scene from the underworld appeared in mid-air.

Then in an unknown place in the underworld, a unicorn-like jade token with a dark green light all over its body appeared in front of our eyes.

"Is this the Qilin Order?" I had never seen this thing before, so I couldn't help but be a little curious.

"Yes." Mao Youqiu nodded immediately, and then he asked: "Ghost King, can you see clearly? This thing should be the Qilin Order, right?"

Admittedly we think it is useless.

It would only be useful if the Ghost King himself admitted that this thing was the Qilin Token.

"Yes, it is the Qilin Order." The Ghost King was startled and then nodded, and asked at the same time: "Where is this underworld? How can it be an unknown place?"

"Then where is it close? That level of hell, that palace of Yama?"

In fact, not only the Ghost King wants to ask this, but I also want to ask.

After all, the underworld is too big. You want to walk from the beginning to the end of the Styx and Nai Rivers alone. If you don't walk a thousand miles, you won't be able to finish it in half a year.

So if we don't have an exact address, it's like looking for a needle in a haystack, and it's hard not to alarm people in the underworld.

"I'm sorry, Ghost King, Zang Guoshi. I've tried my best. But that's all I can find. If it weren't for the fact that the Kirin Ghost Seal has the function of taking photos, you wouldn't have seen this scene just now." Mao Youqiu said truthfully.


Then he bowed to the Ghost King very apologetically.

It was obvious that although he was using forbidden techniques just now, this was the Longnan battlefield. As the Longnan Soul-Suppressing General, he could naturally sense everything that had just happened.

So whether it was for himself or for the people of Middle-earth, Mao Youqiu wanted to thank the Ghost King.


Will the Ghost King appreciate it?

To be precise, will he accept the answer that this thing is in the underworld, but he doesn’t know where it is?
This chapter has been completed!
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