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Chapter 401: Hate because of love?

"Yes, leader." Lei Ming immediately accepted the order.

There was no more words after that, but he took the soul-suppressing soldiers and began to record and conduct careful reconnaissance.

I kept looking around and tried several times to control the Qilin Order from different angles. Fortunately, it was successful every time, which made me a little happy.

Hei Xuan, who had been looking at me quietly, couldn't help but remind him: "The Qilin Order is much easier to control than the Qilin Ghost Seal. Moreover, the essence of the Qilin Order is to summon the unicorns from all directions."


After being reminded by Hei Xuan, I remembered that this thing was a treasure.

It shouldn't be wasted like a key.

"Old Hei, do you know how to summon the unicorns from all directions?" I asked.

China-Earth is in a time when it is besieged on all sides. If we can really summon the unicorns from all directions, wouldn't we have another powerful assistant?

"I don't know." Unexpectedly, Hei Xuan shook his head.

This was not the answer I wanted, so I immediately fell into disgrace.

Seeing me like this, Hei Xuan smiled and said, "It's better not to summon something as powerful as the Sifang Qilin. After all, if it comes out, it means that something that can compete with them has also appeared."

"This may not be a good thing for China."

"That's right." I thought for a while and agreed: "Snake Lord is still far-sighted. I was too hasty in this matter."

Everything is complementary to each other.

In this way, I felt a lot less disappointed.

Then, after Lei Ming and the others collected all the data, we were ready to return to the original place to meet the Ghost King.

But when we were about to reach the meeting point, Hei Xuan suddenly stretched out his hand to stop us.

"Mr. Xuan, what are you doing?" Lei Ming was very puzzled.

I was also confused.

Hei Xuan stood in front of me with his body: "Wait a moment, the scene you saw at this time is not what you want to see."

I was stunned when I heard Hei Xuan's words, and immediately reacted: "I understand, this Adora, the Ghost King, has rekindled his old love?"

Well, if that's the case, that's really not what I want to see.

However, a gentleman still has the beauty of an adult, and as a teacher of a country, I should naturally have more.

However, after we waited for a while, the Ghost King's voice came again as a group of us approached.

I just discovered that things seemed completely different from what I thought.

Only then did I understand why Heixuan didn't respond to my question just now.


"King of Ghosts, what's going on?" Looking at the blood stains and torn corpses all over the floor, I couldn't help but frown.

General Qin Gui and others on the side also looked at me with very ugly expressions.

"Can't Master Zang recognize her? She is Adora." Ghost King replied.

Of course I can recognize it, but just because I recognize it.

I was speechless. There was no doubt that Adora deserved to die.

But the killing was done with a nod of the head. Such a large amount of blood stains must have been caused by first draining the blood around the person's body bit by bit, and then dismembering the body while the person was about to die.

What's even more terrifying is that as a spirit, her soul is inherently more fragile than that of ordinary people.

The Ghost King didn't know what extremely strong method he used to prevent me from feeling even a trace of Adora's soul at the scene.

"Her soul is here." As he said this, the Ghost King took out a box filled with ghostly aura.

I have seen a lot of yin energy and ghost energy, but I have never seen such a box as this one. Just looking at it is so creepy. I knew without double-checking that this box had an extraordinary origin.

And Adora's soul is trapped in it, I'm afraid life would be worse than death.

"King of Ghosts, are you planning to make a little ghost?" I asked with a cold face.

"Zang Guoshi is joking. I have countless ghost generals under my command. There is no need to train the little ghosts myself." After a pause, the Ghost King continued: "And I am doing this for your sake, Zang Guoshi. Although the Qilin Order has recognized its master, Adora

After all, it is a spirit born from the Qilin Order."

"If she is here, it will be a stumbling block for you after all."

"The Ghost King is right, but you can kill her directly. Why bother..."

"Ling'er." Hei Xuan stepped forward and interrupted me: "The Ghost King certainly has his reasons for doing this. Besides, this is the Ghost King's private matter and it is not our turn to take care of it."

Undoubtedly, Hei Xuan's words were like a basin of cold water falling from the sky, which also completely woke me up.

The Ghost King and I only have a cooperative relationship, and interfering too much would appear to be overstepping the mark.

Finally, I suppressed my anger and said, "Since Adora belongs to the Ghost King, you can deal with it however you want. But this golden city belongs to me, Middle Earth. Does the Ghost King have any objections?"

Originally, there was no need to ask the Ghost King about this matter.

After all, I have the Kirin Order in my hands, but now I look at such a tyrannical Ghost King.

I think it's still necessary to ask.

Lei Ming and others also looked at the Ghost King with wary expressions, and even Hei Xuan moved closer to me without moving his expression.

"No objection." After pondering for a moment, the Ghost King spoke.

After hearing what he said, I breathed a sigh of relief and asked again: "What about killing Guangmei?"

My previous agreement with him was to find the woman who disappeared with the Qilin Order. The Ghost King would help us kill all the charms in Middle Earth.

Although it doesn't turn out to be a beautiful love story in the end.

But I kept my promise.

And what about the Ghost King?

"Don't worry, my words are hard to follow." The Ghost King said with a smile.

I don't know if it's a psychological effect or some other reason, but I feel that the Ghost King's smile makes me feel a little fussy.

But I still forced a smile on my face: "Thank you so much, Ghost King."

"Zang Guoshi, please don't rush to thank me. There is something I need to tell you in advance." Ghost King interrupted me.

Looking at him, he looked like he was ready to be polite to me first and then fight with me.

I was stunned, but still nodded: "Please tell me."

"You are not allowed to interfere in any way to destroy the charm. I also want to take away these golden figurines." The Ghost King said.

I have no objection to the former, but the latter...

"These golden figurines of the Ghost King are of great research value to us. And they belong to the Golden City." I understood the meaning very clearly.

I have asked him before, since he has no objection to the Golden City belonging to China.

Every plant and tree in the city naturally belongs to the Middle Earth.

"Zang Guoshi, I don't want any other gold figurines. Of course, for your research, I can keep one man and one woman." The Ghost King said very frankly: "Although these gold figurines are rare, they are by no means rare. As long as there is gold.

The city is here, and you can make as many gold figurines as you want."

He is telling the truth.


"Then what does the Ghost King want gold figurines for?" I asked.

When I asked this question, I actually already had the answer in my mind, but I still wanted to hear what the Ghost King would say.

"Used to torture her." As he spoke, the Ghost King raised the box in his hand.
This chapter has been completed!
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