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Chapter 404: Conquering the Capital

"Well, Ghost King, please wait a moment. I'll report this to Kyoto first." After weighing the pros and cons, I spoke up.

At least I need to know if Ouyang Xuan and the Chinese Academy of Sciences can help subdue the Blood-Splitting Tiansi if it really goes out of control.

Otherwise, the problem would be really big.

"Okay." The Ghost King did not object, but nodded immediately: "Zang Guoshi, I am waiting for your news."

After I walked aside, Lei Ming immediately turned on the communicator.

It's a pity that the Golden City is different from the outside. The yin and yang magnetic fields here have severe interference. Therefore, it is impossible to make real-time calls. Fortunately, the content can still be transmitted.


So after hesitating for a moment, I told about the Golden City and the love-hate entanglement between the Ghost King and Adora.

Of course, the important point is to say that we have already refined the Blood-Splitting Tiansi, and this Blood-Splitting Tiansi is the face of Adora.

Soon Lin Zhenhua's reply came over. He probably also tried the real-time call but failed. Then he chose the same method as me to deliver the message.

The content of his reply was very simple, that is, the underworld has begun to launch a large number of charms, sweeping across all war zones. Now there is a lot of pressure on the Middle Earth. The blood-splitting Tiansi is urgently needed to come forward.

As for what we were considering, Lin Zhenhua asked him to send him the photo of Xue Zhang Tiansi before making a decision.

But when I was about to go back to take pictures, Lei Ming took out the photos he had taken and then passed them on with my permission.

"Lei Ming, ok, when did you take the photo?" I asked with a smile.

I never noticed it before.

"Chief, we have been documenting the Golden City all the way. That's why I never left my Yin Yang camera. I asked him to buy a few pictures." Lei Ming scratched his head and replied with a smile.

“Not bad, rough but fine, very well done.”

But I chatted with Lei Ming for several times, but there was still no reply from Lin Zhenhua.

This made Lei Ming and I look at each other with tense expressions.

Lei Ming immediately shouted: "The correspondent immediately contacted Kyoto to confirm the situation in Kyoto!"

"Yes, Captain."

I also immediately sent several messages to Lin Zhenhua, but without exception I received no response.

Could it be that something happened in Kyoto?

Or is there any major problem with this bloody Tiansi?

For a moment, my mind was racing with thoughts, and just when I couldn't help but leave the Golden City first, I was talking about it.

The satellite phone finally connected, "It's me Zang Linger."

"How is the commander-in-chief? Did something happen in Kyoto?" I asked worriedly.

"Prince Ruizhong led a large number of Mei Lai to capture Kyoto, but I didn't receive the picture." Lin Zhenhua said concisely and comprehensively.

I was about to say how about I pass it on again.

Unexpectedly, Lin Zhenhua unexpectedly predicted: "Zang Ling'er's Kyoto communication is about to be destroyed, and you know what this means. So no matter what the blood-splitting Tiansi is, you need to make a decision as soon as possible. Then return to Kyoto!"

"Only if Kyoto is impregnable can China remain in chaos."

"I understand. Chief."

After hearing what I said, Lin Zhenhua said without any more words: "Okay" and hurriedly hung up the phone.

Lei Ming on the side said anxiously: "What happened to the leader? Was he the chief just now?"

"Yes, Prince Ruizhong has come to capture Kyoto with a large number of charms. Lei Ming, I have no time to hesitate." I looked at Lei Ming and said bluntly.

Who is Prince Ruizhong?

The fourteenth prince of Daqing was a braver and more powerful person than the founding emperor of Daqing.

We have played against Daqing so many times, but he has never taken the initiative to attack.

This time, I must have come prepared.

"I understand, leader." Lei Ming nodded immediately: "And there must be no chaos in Kyoto, otherwise all places will not be able to receive orders from their superiors. Then the whole of China will fall apart."

"Let's go to the Ghost King." Lei Ming understood the truth, and I naturally understood it too.

"Then leader, should I use the Blood-Splitting Tiansi or not?" Lei Ming quickly caught up and asked.

"Use!" I looked back at Lei Ming: "Even if it is a bomb, then I will let it blow up to Prince Daqing."

"Yes." Lei Ming immediately accepted the order.

Then all of us came to the Ghost King.

The Ghost King was the Ghost King after all. He only glanced at me and said, "Master Zang, do you agree?"

"Yes, but the Ghost King's first stop is Kyoto." He said bluntly: "Prince Ruizhong has led a large number of ghosts to Kyoto."

If this is the case, then there is no need for me to hide it.

The Ghost King appreciated my frankness very much and nodded without thinking: "It doesn't matter, we want to kill all the charms anyway, so we can go to that place first."

"But..." After hesitating for a moment, the Ghost King said: "The Prince Ruizhong you are talking about, could it be Dorgon?"

"Yes, it's him."

"Could it be that you also know the Ghost King?"

The Ghost King has been living in this world for who knows how many years. It is not surprising that he would know the founding emperor and his people.

"It's not that we know each other. It's just that he accidentally stumbled into a ghost battlefield when he was fighting in the army. So we had an encounter." After a pause, the Ghost King said again: "That's a character."

I was thinking nonsense. If I could be the king of one word. If I could become the number one warrior of Manchuria and Mongolia, if I could force the Queen Mother to marry, how could I not be a human being?

But I still didn't say these words on my face, and just said coldly: "It may have been true when he was alive, but after he died, he was just a corpse."

"What we exorcists are best at is exorcising evil spirits and avoiding corpses, right?" When I said this, I turned my attention to Lei Ming and others.

Living up to my expectations, Lei Ming and others immediately responded in unison: "Yes, we can kill him no matter what corpse he is!"

Hearing my words, the Ghost King said nothing.

Hei Xuan couldn't help but smile: "Sure, it just so happens that I also want to meet Prince Ruizhong."

Just like that, a group of us set off with Xue Zhang Tian Si.

As for this Golden City, as I said before, with the Qilin Order, the Golden City will be like my own backyard.

If you want to come in, go in, if you want to lock it up, then lock it up.

Originally, I was worried about whether this blood-splitting Tiansi would be able to make a thousand miles in one step, but who knew that the Ghost King gave an order: "You go to Kyoto first."

It didn't even have its back, and it was so fast that I couldn't help but be stunned.

At the same time, he couldn't help but ask: "Ghost King, if it encounters someone blocking the road while running wildly, will it..."

I want to be a killing machine that can only deal with charms, not a scourge that can hurt innocent people.

"Don't worry, don't say that ordinary people can't catch up with Xueli Tiansi. Even if it catches up without my order, it will never attack people." The Ghost King assured.

Hearing what he said, I felt relieved a lot.

Then we all arrived in Kyoto through a thousand miles.

The situation in Kyoto is worse than I imagined. A large number of charms entered and began to kill the people of Middle-earth wantonly. The soul-suppressing soldiers in Kyoto had to protect the people while resisting the charms. Taking both sides into account, heavy casualties were inevitable.

But even so, they still refused to retreat.

A banner commander of the soul-suppressing soldiers standing not far away did not notice our arrival because his back was turned to me.
This chapter has been completed!
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