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Chapter 412: Life and death are in your hands

After understanding what I meant, Lin Zhenhua couldn't help but laugh: "So, what do you want to do?"

"Kill him, or imprison him." I said bluntly.

"Are you sure?" Lin Zhenhua asked: "He is Hei Xuan. He has fought alongside you and saved you many times. And he is also in love with you wholeheartedly."

"Sure." I nodded without hesitation: "Fighting side by side is true, but as for him liking me, I don't believe it at all."

"Furthermore, Commander-in-Chief, my decision is not a temporary one. With the coming of the End of Law and Eternal Night, countless innocent people and soul-suppressing soldiers have already died. So if Hei Xuan is really the wisdom of King Dongling, then it would be wrong to kill him.

None. Is his life just as important as the lives of our dead civilians and comrades-in-arms?"

You can't have such double standards in life and work.

"What if he is not spiritually intelligent, but just a spiritual pet?" Lin Zhenhua asked again.

"Then imprison him. King Dongling is already powerful enough. If he comes again, will we survive? And if he resists or insists on helping King Dongling, then I think we should kill him." I said bluntly.

After hearing what I said, Lin Zhenhua breathed a sigh of relief: "I have discussed this idea with the Chinese Academy of Sciences. To be precise, the Chinese Academy of Sciences is trying its best to realize it, but it is not possible yet."

"But I believe it will succeed soon. When the time comes, Zang Ling'er, I hope you still won't change your original intention."

Although I don't understand what Lin Zhenhua is worried about.

But I still made a promise: "Commander, don't worry, I will never change my mind. As I said, Hei Xuan is very good to me. If it were a personal grudge, I would never do anything to him. But if so many innocent people are involved,

Even if you take your life, I will never be lenient."

East China battlefield, Mobei battlefield, Anyang battlefield.

Although not all of the sacrificed Soul-Suppressing Soldiers and Soul-Suppressing Generals died because of King Dongling.

But if the Age of Ending Dharma had not come, the eternal night would not be like this. Besides, this is just what I saw. If I didn't see it, I'm afraid it would be more, not less.

"Okay." Lin Zhenhua nodded: "In that case, we have reached a consensus on this matter. As for attacking the Demon King, we will follow what we discussed."

"Yes, Chief." Seeing that he agreed, I smiled with satisfaction.

At the same time, I thought of another thing and couldn't help but ask: "General Manager, there is actually no window period in Kyoto, right?"

Now that I can think of a plan to attack the Demon King, I need to change it.

Doesn't Lin Zhenhua think of Kyoto? Can't it really be unguarded?

I don't believe it.

"I have already informed the teacher and Mrs. Zang. One of them will rush back to Kyoto," Lin Zhenhua replied.

"Grandpa? My grandma." I was very excited when I heard Lin Zhenhua's words: "Does this mean I can see my grandma?"

You know, I haven't seen my grandma for so long.

My grandma told me before that she would meet me only if I had nine thousand nine hundred and ninety tattoos.

After so many battles, I have already had enough tattoos.

"That's right, so if nothing unexpected happens, it will be Mrs. Zang who comes this time." Seeing my happiness, Lin Zhenhua also smiled.

"Really?" I was very excited, but after a while, I thought of something again: "What will happen to Qilian Mountain if my grandma comes?"

You must know that everyone in the Zang family, including my father, has his own place to guard.

Otherwise, they would have returned to Kyoto long ago.

"It's not a big problem. We have killed the Daqing Emperor and the Imperial Preceptor. The Daqing Emperor did not allow the corpse soldiers to contact the Demon King again before he died. So without this power, Mrs. Zang can free up her hands.

Lin Zhenhua said truthfully.

"Okay, great!"

This was undoubtedly the best news I had ever heard, so I immediately rushed forward and gave Lin Zhenhua a big hug.

However, after hugging me, I realized that I was rude.

"Chief, I'm sorry I was too happy."

"No need to apologize." Lin Zhenhua said with a slight smile.

After we discussed everything, I stayed in Kyoto to wait for news about the Ghost King. Lin Zhenhua followed the plan and took people to the place where the Demon King was.

Everything is going on in an orderly manner.

And watching Lin Zhenhua lead his people on the expedition, Hei Xuan stood beside me and said, "Aren't you worried about him?"

"Although the Demon King is weak, he is still the Demon King."

"Don't worry." I looked up at Hei Xuan: "What the commander is best at is actually not government affairs but fighting. He has fought countless battles before he became the commander. So I have nothing to worry about."

"And Lao Hei, instead of worrying about others, you should think about yourself." I smiled and said: "The Ghost King and the battle report have been sent. Now most of the charms in Middle Earth have been eliminated. I believe that the Ghost King will take at least two days.

That's it. Those people in the underworld are not easy to deal with."

Unlike Daqing, only the emperor and the national preceptor are the highest leaders.

All the ten kings of hell in the underworld are very powerful. Although one of them was killed by Lin Zhenhua, there are still nine left.

Moreover, we have even fought hand to hand with the biggest boss, King Yama.

I was originally analyzing the current situation, but Hei Xuan actually grinned: "Zang Linger, are you worried about me?"

I raised my head and glanced at Hei Xuan: "No, and Hei Xuan's relationship with King Dongling is not clear for a day. It is unlikely that I will really care about you."

I've always been a very straightforward person, and I don't like or disdain to do double-dealing.

"If I really have an inevitable relationship with King Dongling, will you kill me for the sake of Middle-earth?" Hei Xuan stopped his smile and asked seriously.


I have discussed this issue with Lin Zhenhua before.

Now faced with his question, I hesitated for a moment, and finally said truthfully: "You don't have to kill, unless you want to kill us, or kill the people of Middle-earth."

"But..." Hei Xuan continued.

Sure enough, everyone is a smart person.

Hearing what he said, I smiled: "But I will imprison you, or find a way to stop you."

"It's just you, isn't it you?" Hei Xuan said again.

And who he is referring to is too obvious.

So I didn't respond to him this time, but smiled faintly: "Since everyone knows some things, why bother telling them. Let's go, the Kyoto Soul-Calling General has prepared the weapons we are going to bring this time. Let's go and take a look.


Since it is cooperation, we must show the utmost sincerity.

I can't just choose the weapons, Hei Xuan also has the right to choose and inspect them.

But what I didn't expect was Hei Xuan, who didn't care at all. He just glanced at me and said: "You make the decision, Zang Ling'er, when will you understand. In fact, my life and death are all in your hands."



What does it mean?

Will he die if I let him die?

I was stunned for a moment and didn't react, but Hei Xuan still walked away.

On the other hand, Lei Ming walked up to me quickly and whispered something to me in a low voice. When I heard what he said, I was really happy.
This chapter has been completed!
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