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Chapter 451: Tomb of God

"Okay." Lin Zhenhua nodded.

Then some detailed combat plans were issued, and then Executive Officer Chen Lang, Jiao Mujiao and others left.

The conference room, which was bustling with people just now, was suddenly the only one left with me, Lin Zhenhua, third uncle, fourth uncle and Ouyang Xuan.

"Commander, what is the secret weapon hidden in the Pamirs?" The third uncle pondered for a moment and asked.

Apparently, the third uncle was as curious and surprised as I was about that weapon.

Lin Zhenhua did not answer the question immediately. He just looked around at everyone in the room. To be precise, his eyes always fell on the third and fourth uncles.

"Can I trust you?" Lin Zhenhua asked.

Hearing this, the third uncle and the fourth uncle didn't say anything. But I was filled with indignation: "Chief, what do you mean by this? Not to mention that the Zang family and the Wu family are one. Just say that my third uncle and my fourth uncle are against each other.

Have you given too much to China-Earth?"

The third uncle started to help Lin Zhenhua even before the end of the Dharma era, although the third uncle also benefited from it.

But later when China-Earth went into full-scale war, from East China to the small town of Wufu, and then to the third uncle in the underworld, it was not a matter of life and death. When did I mention any benefits again?

Not to mention the fourth uncle, who was almost made into a corpse demon for the sake of Middle-earth. Isn't this enough to show his loyalty by narrowly escaping death?

But what I didn't expect was that Lin Zhenhua just turned a blind eye to my questioning.

The third uncle and the fourth uncle were not angry at all.

I can understand why the third uncle is a smiling fox and is not angry, but what about the fourth uncle?

How could he endure such a strong character?

"Third uncle, fourth uncle, you guys..."

"Niece of the Zang family, this matter is different from what you think. We all understand your good intentions." The third uncle spoke first, and the fourth uncle gently patted my shoulder and motioned for me to sit back down.

They understand, but I don't.

Especially when I sat back and looked at Ouyang Xuan shaking his head at me.

I immediately knew that Ouyang Xuan probably knew about this, but then I thought about it, it wouldn't be surprising if he knew.

Although he is not an exorcist, he is a scientific genius.

If he hadn't discovered that Hei Xuan was King Dongling in time, and then thought of using the soul imitation device, I'm afraid we really wouldn't be able to come back now.

It’s just that I don’t understand what kind of secret weapon it is that makes Lin Zhenhua so capable.

But it doesn’t matter if I don’t understand, as long as the third uncle and the fourth uncle understand.

Because, after they looked at each other, they said in unison: "Commander, you can trust us."

"We, the Wu family, are willing to swear by the Fuxi Bagua Array. If we betray Middle-earth because we know the core secrets of Middle-earth, we will die under our own Fuxi Bagua Array!"

The Fuxi Bagua array of the Wu family is comparable to the Ghost Seal pattern of Zangmen.

It is said that when the Fuxi Bagua Formation is used to its extreme, it can suppress the heaven and earth from above, and suppress ghosts and gods from below.

I have never seen which one is true or false.

But I know that in the original deep-sea prison, the Weihai Soul-Suppressing General alone was able to guard so many evil spirits above level 4 because of the Fuxi Bagua Formation.

I heard my third and fourth uncles making such a strong oath.

Lin Zhenhua then said: "I have no choice but to do it. I hope you two can understand."

"Commander, tell me about that secret weapon. We can trust you as a person." The third uncle spoke first.

Fourth uncle also nodded in agreement.

At this time, Lin Zhenhua said seriously: "Everyone, you should know that the Palmy Plateau has many nicknames, one of which is Buzhou Mountain."


I would definitely not be familiar with the Palmy Plateau if it weren't for Tianguan City and my mother's relationship.

But Bu Zhoushan is too familiar to me.


Buzhou Mountain is mentioned in most of the ancient books my grandma asked me to read.

It is no exaggeration to say that Mount Buzhou is the mountain where ancient mythology originated.

"Master Zang, do you know Buzhou Mountain?" Lin Zhenhua looked at me and asked.

Even though he used such a serious and external name, I still suspected that he was asking questions knowingly.

But I still responded: "Beyond the northwest sea, in the corner of the wilderness, there is a mountain that does not meet. It is called Buzhou Fuzi, and there are two yellow beasts guarding it. There is water called the water of Hanzhu. There are wet mountains to the west of the water, and wet mountains to the east of the water.

There is a curtain mountain."

"It is also said that the shape of this mountain is defective and it is not in the market place, hence its name."

"It is also said that the geographical location of Buzhou Mountain is that you look at Zhupi Mountain to the north, Yue Chong Mountain next to it, and you look to the east to see the dark swamps, where the river is submerged, which is originally a muddy bubble."

"In short, there are different opinions, but no matter which theory it is, the most unified conclusion is that Mount Buzhou is the only way to reach the heaven in the Yang world."

Human beings have human ways, ghosts have their own ways, and gods naturally also have their divine ways.

Buzhou Mountain is the Shinto recognized in books.

"Chief, I have successfully passed your assessment, right?" I looked up at Lin Zhenhua and said bluntly: "Then you can tell us what mysterious weapons are hidden in the Pamirs."

If it's just the Pamir Plateau, then I think what's hidden is just the latest weapon developed by the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

"I Have a Picture Book of Ghosts and Gods"

But if that place is Buzhou Mountain, then the situation is completely different.

"God's Tomb." Lin Zhenhua said.

As soon as he said this, my third uncle and my fourth uncle looked at each other.

Both of them, like me, were shocked and couldn't believe it.

But I was the youngest, so I was the most impatient, so I immediately said: "How is this possible? God cannot die. If he cannot die, where is the tomb?"

Although I am a little anxious when I say this, the truth is correct.

So the third uncle also nodded: "Commander, forgive me for being ignorant. I have been traveling all over Wu Bai Province for so many years. I have never heard that gods have tombs."

"What the hell is that place and what is it?"

"I don't know exactly what it is, but it is filled with high energy and high combat effectiveness through instrument inspection." Lin Zhenhua looked at us and said truthfully: "As for why it is called the God's Tomb, it is because there is a stone tablet carved inside, which says God


"In fact, when Middle-earth first fell into eternal night, the Chinese Academy of Sciences had no time to study the yin-yang generator. And our initial power supply came from the tomb of the gods."

"That thing can also generate electricity?" Fourth uncle was very surprised.

I was also surprised, but Ouyang Xuan had already prepared it and took out a small box from behind his back.

After receiving Lin Zhenhua's nod, he opened the box. In an instant, the whole room was as bright as day, and I even felt the unusual aura of the glowing stones inside the box.

I can feel Lin Zhenhua, and naturally I can too.

So he immediately raised his head and looked at me: "I have experienced that this is not the national destiny of China, nor is it the national destiny of you."

The Zang family’s Grand Luck Master was born with a national destiny.

But what exactly is this stone in front of me?

But something that shines in the Eternal Night era and carries a national destiny is something I have never seen before, and I have never heard of it before.

But obviously Lin Zhenhua didn't know either. At the same time, he said truthfully: "It is precisely because I don't know that I don't want the teacher and Mr. Zang Da to use that thing unless it is a last resort."

Well, now I understand why Lin Zhenhua gave such an order.
This chapter has been completed!
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