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Chapter 464: The National Teacher Seals Are All Qilins

"Master of the Middle Kingdom, you are so funny." Emperor Yao said with a faint smile.

Obviously he didn't take my words to heart.

I had no extra explanation for this and smiled: "Senior Emperor Yao, I never joke, especially on such a big event."

For example, at the beginning, he said that he wanted to kill the four great kings of the Republic of China, the demon king, and the big demons under him.

Finally I did it.

Emperor Yao's face darkened slightly when he heard what I said.

But I still smiled: "Senior, let's go."

Since I wanted to leave, I naturally had to do it as soon as possible.

But Emperor Yao was not as forthcoming as I was. Instead, he hesitated for a long time before saying: "Master of the Middle Kingdom, our capital, Yao, cannot tolerate your arrogance. I hope you can always remember this after you go."

After saying that, Emperor Yao directly took me to a seemingly deserted place.

In fact, the further you go in, the bigger it gets, and there are more and more flowers and plants around you.

This is truly a unique place.

Finally, Emperor Yao stopped in front of a huge city gate. He pushed it gently with his big hand, and a large iron gate that was mottled and old for many years suddenly heard a creaking sound.

The door was completely pushed open, and everything in the city finally came into view.

What I didn't expect was that there were actually people this week, and they were still alive, but they didn't have much yang energy in them.

It looks like...

"Don't worry, they are real people, but it's just because the capital of Yao is still closed. In addition, the national fortune is declining, so they have insufficient yang energy." Seeing my thoughts, Emperor Yao explained.

I see.

After knowing this, I feel relieved.

And with the appearance of Emperor Yao, all the people in the city immediately shouted: "I've seen you, Emperor Yao."

Although they no longer pay attention to red tape as in ancient times, they no longer perform the ritual of kneeling three times and bowing nine times.

But there was no lack of piety in his eyes and respect for Emperor Yao from the bottom of his heart. It was precisely because of their chants that I clearly felt that the momentum around Emperor Yao was gradually getting stronger.

Even his body is no longer as shadowy as before, but has become thicker and thicker.

"Sure enough, the people's will is the strength in any era, and only in this way can the national destiny be higher." I said truthfully while looking at the scene in front of me.

Emperor Yao laughed and said: "Otherwise, why do you think the Dharma-ending era has come and the national fortunes of all foreign countries have declined, but the national fortunes of China and the mainland have not declined but increased?"

"However, King Dongling used the Snake Clan to attack in a sneak attack, causing panic among you innocent people. If you don't solve this matter, I'm afraid it will be a matter of time before people become distracted."

"The news about Emperor Yao is a little delayed." Hearing this, I smiled slightly: "The new snake king has been beheaded by the Yu family and died in the Spring and Autumn Period. The remaining snakes are very interested in the Yu family who are good at handling snakes.

It’s nothing to say.”

There are specialties in the art industry.

Since Yu Lingfeng could rely on the Spring and Autumn Brush, he and the new Snake Lord killed each other in a moment of carelessness.

It is enough to show that even if the Yu family has not inherited all of Yu Er Shen's snake manipulation skills, I'm afraid they are still indistinguishable.

"The Yu family?" Emperor Yao frowned and thought for a while: "The descendants of Yu'er God. Haha, China is really a large country with many talented people."

I laughed and said nothing about this.

Emperor Yao probably knew that talking was useless, so he waved his hand again, and suddenly something glowing white and yellow appeared in mid-air. It looked like the finest mutton-fat jade.

However, what makes this thing unforgettable to me is not its excellent jade quality.


"Is this another ghost seal?" I asked in shock.

It's not that I'm just making random guesses, but this thing looks somewhat similar to the Kirin Ghost Seal.

The same huge unicorn stands majestically on top of the seal, but for the fact that the two unicorns obviously have different looks, and the unicorn ghost seal is glowing with a faint green light.

The one in front of me was filled with crystal white light. Of course I thought these two things were related.

However, just when I thought these two things had nothing to do with each other, suddenly a token flew out of my body.

I took a closer look and saw this token.

I can't help but be shocked, because this thing is not a side object, but a Qilin Order.

It is the key that can open the defense of the golden city of the underworld. It is also something that I, as an agreement between China and the underworld, temporarily handed over to the Ghost King for safekeeping.

But why did it come back?

"Hahaha, you don't have to be surprised, Grandmaster of the Middle Kingdom. Once the seal of the Grandmaster of the Great Yao comes out, it will naturally attract some things that exist in this era. What's more, you are the master of the Qilin Order. It will naturally follow you."

Seeing my expression, Emperor Yao patiently explained.

But I didn’t understand it at all, “Emperor Yao, your imperial master’s seal of Yao is also based on the unicorn?”

In fact, what I want to talk about is why Yao's Imperial Seal is so similar to the Qilin Ghost Seal in my hand.

Is this really just a coincidence?

I'm afraid it's not that simple.

"It is indeed not a coincidence. In fact, the seal of the national preceptor in all dynasties has always been Qilin."


I was stunned when I heard what Emperor Yao said.

The latter suddenly laughed and said: "Is there anything strange about this, the National Master of China? The great seals of the state all use the real dragon as the totem, and the national master's seal naturally uses the unicorn as the totem. This can be regarded as echoing each other, so why do you

So surprised."

"Emperor Yao, you know what surprises me is not the totems. It's the thousands and thousands of unicorns. Why is the Great Master Seal of Yao in your hand so similar to the unicorn ghost seal in my hand?"

I can't summon the Kirin Ghost Seal now.

But presumably with his level and knowledge, I don't need me to draw a piece of paper and describe to him what the Kirin Ghost Seal looks like.

"Of course there is no need for it." Emperor Yao's expression suddenly became profound: "And it's not just the one in my hand. In fact, all the imperial seals in the past dynasties in China are very similar to the Kirin Ghost Seal."

Although I already had a guess in my mind, I heard him say it so straightforwardly.

I still couldn't help but look stern: "Why?"

I only knew that the Qilin Ghost Seal belonged to the Zang family, and it matched the Zang family's Ghost Seal pattern. With it as a benchmark, I added the Zang family's Ghost Seal pattern.

Everything in the heaven and earth can be drawn, and they can all be reborn for a short period of time because of the Kirin Ghost Seal.

But now it seems that the usefulness of the Kirin Ghost Seal may be more than that.

I finally understood why the Demon King had said before that the Qilin Ghost Seal was extremely powerful, but I was not strong enough so I could not exert its full effect.

"Because the Zang family has been a national teacher for generations, this is why the Zang family is born with the destiny of the country. This is also why the Zang family did not become a national teacher in that era, and that era would fall into turmoil." Emperor Yao said.


After a while, I found my voice: "If that's the case, then what about the Zang family's national master in the Yao era?"

Since Emperor Yao can wake up.

These people of Yao could still thrive, so could it be possible that she, as the imperial advisor of Yao, died?

"Well, she's dead." What I didn't expect was that Emperor Yao actually nodded: "In order to seal King Dongling, she sacrificed her soul to the sealing formation."
This chapter has been completed!
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