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Chapter 487: The Real Murderer Is The False King?

"Why can't it be like this?" Unlike my disbelief, Hei Xuan said solemnly: "Zang Linger, even if I am lying to you, can you seriously recall the situation at that time?"

"Don't tell me, how could you not know who did it? Although you were not dead at the time, you were seriously injured and dying, so your perception and abilities will be reduced."

"If you really encounter a sophisticated layout or a level 5 strong person, you won't be able to feel the traces of the opponent's attack."


When I looked at Hei Xuan who was so anxious, I really didn't know that he was acting so well.

Or is there really something else hidden in this matter?

After hesitating for a long time, I finally said: "At that time, except for the chief, no one touched me. Later, Ouyang Xuan and my third and fourth uncles all touched me."

"No, it doesn't count later." Hei Xuan shook his head: "It was when you confirmed your death and your soul left your body. Apart from Lin Zhenhua, no one else touched you?"

"No." I shook my head, but suddenly thought of something, and couldn't help but said with a sarcastic smile: "King Dongling, why didn't you say it was the chief who did this to me?"

In other words, Hei Xuan also knows that there is really no credibility in saying this.

"It can't be him." Hei Xuan didn't pay attention to my ridicule, but said with a serious look: "Firstly, he likes you and there is no reason to kill you. Secondly, your death will not do him any good. There is no national master in China."

Sooner or later, people will be panicked, and the person who really kills you will definitely be the biggest gainer."

It's quite similar to what I wrote.

Originally, I was going to continue to laugh at him, but suddenly I thought of something and raised my head suddenly: "The winner?"

"Yes." Hei Xuan nodded: "Except for the Ghost King and the Soul-Suppressing General of Wufu Town, the others present at that time were all people from Middle-earth, right?"

"That's not right." My face became increasingly serious as I said, "There are also a group of ghost generals under the Ghost King."

"They all came to help at the time, but..."

I didn't go on to say anything else. I originally wanted to say it, but they were here to help.

Moreover, I have dealt with Qin Guijiang and others several times, and we even lived and died together when we were dealing with the underworld.

But in the face of absolute interests, many sentiments are vulnerable.

Who would have thought that Hei Xuan waved his hands to deny it and said, "No, it's not them."

What does he mean?

I was very unhappy and said: "King Dongling, are you kidding me? You were the one who said someone else killed me, and you are the one who denies it now."

To be honest, he is just playing tricks on me because he is powerful and I can't beat him.

"Zang Ling'er, you really have the ability to piss me off to death with just a few words." Hearing my words, Hei Xuan's face immediately darkened. After hesitating, he said, "I'm not teasing you. What I mean is, it can't be.

Those ghosts are about to move. Because Lin Zhenhua is half-stepped, and he cares about you so much, so even if the situation was chaotic at the time, he didn't react. Later, he can see the flaw with just a little thought. "

"So the person who does it should at worst be on the same level as him. And the most likely scenario is that the person is one level higher than him."

Hei Xuan spoke very seriously, but I was speechless when I heard: "King Dongling, why are you doing such a big circle? Wouldn't it be better for you to just tell the name of the Ghost King?"

Lin Zhenhua is a half-stepped mirror-breaker, while Ghost King is a strong mirror-breaker. Except for him, no one present is stronger than Lin Zhenhua.

"Do you believe in the Ghost King?" Hei Xuan frowned.

But I said bluntly: "At least between you and him, I believe him."

Since the Ghost King took back the underworld, he has not broken his promise to me, Middle Earth.

Moreover, Lin Zhenhua went to him for help. Although he made his own request, he also gave his full help.

He didn't cause any trouble after my "death".

"How do you know he doesn't have it?" Unexpectedly, Hei Xuan actually said: "Maybe he just went back to prepare. Ling'er, those who are not of my race will have their hearts killed. Don't you understand such a simple truth?"

Then, before I had a chance to speak, Hei Xuan said: "I think those people in the underworld were not so unscrupulous in the beginning. Otherwise, how did China and the underworld reach an agreement in the first place?"

If I can still refute what he said before, then I am speechless with what he said next.

Yes, if those people in the underworld were as arrogant as they are now.

According to the great grandfather's temper, as a previous generation national master of Middle-earth, how could he agree to sign an agreement with the underworld?

"What's more important is that by killing me, what will the Ghost King get?" I asked coldly: "As you said, if the Ghost King really unilaterally violates the agreement, do you think the commander-in-chief will not associate my death with him?


"At that time, the commander-in-chief, the Zang family, the Wu family, and even all the soul-suppressing soldiers in China will not let him go. Forgive me for being ignorant, I really can't see the benefits of doing this for the Ghost King."

On the contrary, I saw the huge disadvantages.

"Is it really no good?" Hei Xuan disagreed: "What about this Qilin from all directions? And this Qilin Token is the only key to open the Golden City, right?"

"But I have temporarily handed over the Qilin Order to the Ghost King for safekeeping." I said truthfully and unhappily.

Everything is already in the hands of the Ghost King, is there anything he is worried about?

No, this is impossible.

"Yes." Hei Xuan said with a cold smile: "You have handed over the Qilin Token to the Ghost King, but this thing finally returned to your hands. Do you think the Ghost King will feel that your so-called friendship is not a friendship at all. And

It’s just perfunctory, I don’t need to say more about how important the Golden City is to the underworld.”

"And did the Ghost King really not behave at all abnormally after your death?" Hei Xuan asked rhetorically: "Ling'er, if I were you, I might as well think about it seriously."

"He tried his best to let me go to the Golden City." After thinking about it, I added, "But his idea is right. The Golden City has infinite vitality. Maybe he just wants to save me."

"Did Lin Zhenhua agree?" Hei Xuan asked calmly, "I guess not."

"Indeed not." I said truthfully: "But it doesn't prove that there is something wrong with the Ghost King. The chief may just trust the Chinese Academy of Sciences more."

"What's more important is Hei Xuan. We are separated by the hatred of country and family. You want to destroy the world, and I want to save Middle-earth, so we are destined to take different paths." I said bluntly.

Even if he didn't kill me before, I was seriously injured because of him.

"But that's because you want to kill me." Hei Xuan said anxiously: "What a magical tool the Spring and Autumn Pen is. If I had hesitated any longer, maybe I would have really died."

"That's right." I twitched my lips and said with a cool smile, "So you're not wrong. What's wrong is that we were on opposite sides from the beginning."

This is still the case.

I thought I had said it clearly enough, but who would have thought that Heixuan actually said: "Even so, I have to save you first. Only if you are alive can you stand on the opposite side of me."

This chapter has been completed!
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