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Chapter 1146: The extremely obedient lady fox fairy

"Chief, I'm here." However, what I didn't expect was that the Fox Fairy Queen didn't respond to me, but a familiar voice suddenly came.


Hearing this, I froze on the spot, and it wasn't until I saw Lei Ming, who was covered in injuries and looked embarrassed, that I fully reacted.

I didn't have any auditory hallucinations.

Lei Ming is really here.

"Are you okay? Are you seriously injured? Did this fox monster hurt you?" I quickly spoke, and then I thought of something and continued to ask: "Are Li Hongmei and the others okay too?"

"Chief, Lei Ming has a heavy responsibility, and the other undead are fine. But Li Hongmei, who came to help Lei Ming, and several other more powerful undead, all died at the hands of the Fox Fairy Empress." Lei Ming said truthfully, kneeling down to apologize.


"This matter has nothing to do with it. You have already done a good job." I said with an even colder gaze: "And I believe that the one who is chasing you is not the one who is chasing you. It's just the Queen of the Fox Fairy."

Otherwise, with Lei Ming's alertness, even if the opponent really broke the mirror, he would not have been defeated so miserably.

"That's right, there are a large number of soul-suppressing soldiers set up at various checkpoints in Longnan, and there are also many powerful men in black. As for the identity of the men in black, I guess it has something to do with Tiandao Palace." Lei Ming reported the situation truthfully.


I knew that General Longnan Zhenhun was in danger, but there was no movement from the deputy general.

Daqing is waiting here.

Then, I said directly: "Fox Fairy Queen, should you unravel this rune formation yourself first? Or should you let the Demon Xiu King peel off your fox skin and then unravel it?"

The meaning of what I said is very clear, that is, he has no choice at all.

Of course, if I insist on saying so, it would be to die more miserably and to die more miserably.

I don't know if the fox fairy queen was tortured severely by Hei Xuan, lost her temper, or something else. She bit her index finger without saying a word and used her blood to unlock the formation.

I was freed because of this, but I was wary of being deceived. I still looked at him suspiciously, then approached and said, "Where do you hide those undead corpses?"

"Master Zang is so smart, shouldn't he have already guessed it all?" What I didn't expect was that the Fox Fairy Empress said this.

Fox is charming, I know that.

But I didn't know that foxes are good at understanding people's hearts.

Thinking of this, I couldn't help but smile: "The people of Tiandao Palace are indeed different. You are also from the fox tribe, and you are much more powerful than that green-faced fox."

Faced with my compliments, the Fox Fairy Empress did not react at all. He just continued: "To hide their corpses, I used the simplest method of reviving them. In short..."

"You need a living dead person wearing a shroud to find out where the real corpses are hidden, right?" I took over what the Fox Fairy Queen said.

I had thought of this possibility before, but I hadn't had time to take action yet.

As a result, Hei Xuan came first.

Empress Fox Fairy said directly: "Since you know Master Zang, I won't say more about this matter. Just do what you know and you can find their bodies."

"I heard Hu Qing say that you want to create another me. What's going on?" I continued to ask.

The Fox Fairy Queen had not said anything about this matter, but Lei Ming's expression changed slightly, and then he even lowered his head.

He looked like he didn't want me to see his true expression.

But what is he hiding from?

I was confused, but then the Fox Fairy Queen said: "It's nothing, it's just a higher level of disguise. But unfortunately it didn't succeed, or this experiment would never have been successful."

Hearing his words, I couldn't help but laugh: "So, Lady Fox Fairy, are you teasing Hu Qing and those high-ranking officials in Middle-earth? Lie to them that you can create a puppet chief and a national master?"

"Yes." The Fox Fairy Empress admitted without hesitation.

Does this admit it?

She has too many debts to worry about, so she just admits it directly, or does she have something else hidden?

I stared at him deeply for a long time without realizing what was happening. Finally I could only say: "Ms. Fox Fairy, if you kill Li Hongmei and the others, I won't let you go. But in China, rewards and punishments are clear. You can't."

Are you willing to turn into a tainted witness and testify against and expose Hu Qing and others? Including the senior officials of China and Turkey behind him."

The Fox Fairy Empress did not respond to me immediately this time. Instead, she raised her eyes and smiled faintly: "Master Zang, do I have any other choice? Not everyone wants you to have such a good life."

"Why am I so lucky?" I pointed back and said with a smile, "Is it just because of the Demon Cultivator Gang?"

But the person I want to wait for is really not Heixuan.

It's just that I didn't say this out loud, otherwise it would be too disappointing for Hei Xuan to bother to help.

The Fox Fairy Queen didn't respond to me either. He just looked at me with a half-smiling look that was hard for me to express.

In the end, Hei Xuan broke the silence: "Zang Ling'er, I have set a restriction on him, so I'm not afraid of what he might do. It's better to find these corpses first, and then make the next step."

"Yeah, okay." I nodded, and then confirmed: "The Longnan Soul-Suppressing General and the remaining dozen soul-suppressing soldiers are also hiding with these corpses?"

It's obvious who I'm asking.

So both Lei Ming and Hei Xuan set their sights on the Fox Fairy Empress.

The latter also spoke again: "That's right, Master Zang, you have to hurry up, otherwise don't blame me if the Longnan Soul-Suppressing General and the Soul-Suppressing Soldiers can't hold on. After all, they have been holding on for several days."

"Don't worry. If they can't hold on, I'll be the first to kill you and bury you with them." I smiled coldly.

Then, directly open the Darkest Banner and let all the undead inside come out.

They were protected in the Darkest Black Flag, isolated from the outside world, and naturally did not know the news of Li Hongmei's death.

When Lei Ming told the truth, all of them wanted to eat the Fox Fairy Queen alive. In the end, I stopped her and said, "Everyone, I know you are eager for revenge. But the first priority now is to find your bodies."

Have you forgotten Li Hongmei’s biggest wish, which is to repair the body and leave cleanly?"

"And aren't you the same?"

They are not evil spirits. They do not want to stay in the world and continue to do evil. They have to stay because their bodies are trapped.

"Okay, Master Zang will listen to you, but after we leave, you must not let this person go." One of the undead said, pointing at the Fox Fairy Empress.

"Don't worry, I never intend to let him go." What I said was half-truth and half-lie, it was both a threat and a warning.

For some reason, I always feel that this fox fairy queen seems to know something that I don't.

So I have to figure it out.

Sure enough, when she heard what I said, the Fox Fairy Queen's eyes shrank and she said in horror: "Zang Linger, you promised me..."

"You also said that I promised you, so the final result depends on your performance and my mood." I said bluntly and coldly.

After hearing this, the Fox Fairy Queen was completely silent.

Then, I found a corpse and let one of the undead possess him, turning him into a living dead.
This chapter has been completed!
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