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Chapter 518: Soaring Prices

"Yeah, that's good." I smiled dryly.

"If you don't want to get married, tell the boss and he will definitely agree." Unlike my careless attitude, Ouyang Xuan said to the point.

"I don't want to!"

After saying this, I was also surprised.

Ouyang Xuan smiled understandingly: "Let's go sit in the small shop in front. If we talk here, everyone in the entire Central Building can hear it."

What he said is true. After all, where we are standing now is the only way to pass through the Central Building.

In the end, Ouyang Xuan and I chose a store very close to the Central Building.

Of course, rather than saying it is a store, I think it is more appropriate to call it a roadside stall. If it was a bustling metropolis like Kyoto before, there would be five-star hotels, not to mention small shops.

But now in the Age of Dharma Ending, eternal night has fallen.

Even though Middle-earth has temporarily replaced lights with light and shadow runes due to the efforts of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, it cannot replace the sun. Without the sun, everything will wither, crops will not be harvested, and wars will continue.

Therefore, the current Middle-earth is no longer the same as before.

"What do you want to eat?" Ouyang Xuan looked at me and asked.

"Anything is fine." I smiled slightly.

Ouyang Xuan didn't say anything more, but casually ordered two bowls of noodles. But when he gave me the money, I was surprised.

"Three hundred yuan for two bowls of noodles? Ouyang, are you sure you haven't been ripped off?" If he yelled, I wouldn't mind drawing my sword to help.

Ouyang Xuan motioned for me to sit down quickly and said with a big smile: "You've never eaten out by yourself before. Kyoto is governed by General Kyoto Zhenhun, so the prices here are not outrageous, and

Material support is also relatively good.”

"Isn't that outrageous? A bowl of noodles has to cost a thousand to be considered outrageous?" I didn't believe it.

"Guest, don't tell me, I heard that the noodles in Liaodong are really only a thousand yuan a bowl. So you are lucky to live in Kyoto." By chance, the waiter in the store came up with the noodles and interrupted.


If I had any doubts just now, I have no doubts now.

But at the same time, I couldn't help but say: "The price rise is so outrageous, could it be that the president..."

But halfway through my words, I stopped talking.

Because other people may not know it, but I know that since Lin Zhenhua took over as the chief minister of China, he has never had a good rest, let alone pleasure.

So when he saw that I was still mid-sentence, Ouyang Xuan raised his head and said, "At least you have some conscience and didn't continue to question me."

"Actually, this is already very good. You have also visited the Kingdom of the Holy Spirit. They have not yet endured the fall of eternal night. There should already be many refugees and riots. But in the case of such a shortage of supplies in Middle-earth, everyone is still

We can barely eat. The Soul-Suppressing Corps can continue to recruit troops, and there are no large-scale riots or famines. Don’t you think that all this is not the result of the commander-in-chief and Executive Officer Chen?”

"Well, indeed." I nodded.

I had never paid attention to people's livelihood before, and naturally I didn't understand it either.

Why do the generals of the Kyoto Soul Guard and Grandpa say that China has reached a very dangerous time?

"I can't blame you." Ouyang Xuan saw my sadness and comforted me: "Because you have a mission every time you go out, so as long as you go out, the country's resources will be directed towards you. So you naturally don't feel this.


"But Zang Linger, what I want to say is that Middle-earth really can no longer withstand any internal damage. Especially from you. In the Golden City, there is not only unlimited vitality and gold that can be made into weapons, but also many natural

Rare and exotic grasses grown in the ground. Even we at the Chinese Academy of Sciences want to try some common foods in the Golden City."

"Food?" I looked up at Ouyang Xuan in surprise.

This is definitely something I never thought of.

Ouyang Xuan smiled and motioned for me to eat the noodles first, and then said while eating: "Yes, it's just ordinary food. Corn, potatoes, sweet potatoes and wheat. We will grow whatever is successful."

Then seeing my confused look, Ouyang Xuan said again: "Food is the most important thing for the people, Zang Linger, do you think this is a joke?"

Okay, I understand after hearing this.

There is no sunshine in the whole of China, and we have no other way to get food now except importing it at high prices.

But although the Golden City is in the Middle Earth, due to special reasons, it has not been eroded by the eternal night.

So if those rare and exotic grasses can grow, maybe ordinary food can too. And for stabilizing the interior of Middle-earth, weapons, ammunition and important food are equally important.

"Okay, Ouyang, if you need anything, you can ask it at any time. I will definitely try my best to help you." After understanding this, I nodded clearly.

Ouyang Xuan smiled: "There's no need to help, and you don't know how to do agriculture. Besides, we have experts in this field in China. It's more important to do your own thing if you specialize in it."

Obviously, the topic has returned to its original point.

So this time I didn't respond. I just lowered my head and ate the noodles without saying a word.

Ouyang Xuan did not continue to say anything, but kept waiting quietly for me to speak.

Finally, I couldn't help but said: "Actually, I don't really like the president, nor do I want to marry him. I'm just a little disgusted with your haste. But now after hearing what you said, I seem to understand. Hei Xuan and I

No one can tell what the connection is. And the Golden City is very important to China-Earth, so it is indeed good for me to marry the chief executive as soon as possible."

"It's not the Golden City, or it's not just the Golden City." Ouyang Xuan looked at me and said word by word: "It's you who are very important to Zhongtu, and also very important to Lin Zhenhua."

"Really?" I lowered my head and smiled, not daring to agree.

I admit that the Zang family is very important to China-Earth, because the Zang family represents the great grandfather, third uncle, fourth uncle and the folk exorcists who are loyal to them.

But if you talk about me alone, it’s a bit exaggerated.

"Yes." But Ouyang Xuan nodded seriously, and then he wanted to say something else.

Suddenly, a soul-suppressing soldier hurriedly walked up to us: "Master Zang and Academician Ouyang, we have found you."

"What's wrong? Chief, what's the matter?" I looked at the person coming and asked worriedly.

The Ghost King must have received the news of the fall of the Kshatriyas and the retreat of the Brahmins, but we have no idea how he will respond.

"Yes, there is something strange in the latest battle report." Speaking of this, the soul-suppressing soldier lowered his voice deliberately, and did not mention the word ghost king: "So the commander asked you two to go back immediately."

"Okay." I nodded immediately and stood up.

This soul-suppressing soldier was right to do this. After all, Kyoto has just rebuilt its defense line. There is no guarantee that there will not be underworld or other evil spirits mixed in.

Naturally, such news cannot be leaked.

What I didn't expect was that when Ouyang Xuan was about to stand up, a burly man behind him held him down: "I'm leaving now, but have you asked Grandpa if I agree?"
This chapter has been completed!
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