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Chapter 624: The shock of killing, the shock of Tu

"Then it's no chance." I smiled calmly and said, "Why not exchange the evil of one person for the safety of millions of people in China."

No one knows how many soul-suppressing soldiers will die in the prison riot, and it is even more unpredictable how many innocent people will be killed and injured.

So if you just ruin my reputation, you can get so much back.

That’s so worth it!

"Master Zang, I'll go with you." To my surprise, Xingri Ma said this.

"Tongguan Zhenhun General, you know what I am going to do, and you still want to follow me?" I looked surprised.

Even if he can't be the soul-killing general guarding a side in the future, it's always good to leave a good name.

After all, Xie Fang was the Wei family's business and he didn't know about it.

Then he tried his best to stop everything Xie Fang did.

"Zang Guoshi, I never care about such things as false fame. Besides, at least I am still the soul-suppressing general of Tongguan now. I should fully cooperate with you in both circumstances and reasons." Xing Rima said with great sincerity.

"Okay, then let's go to Tongguan Prison together."

Since Xing Ri Ma is willing to bear the stigma with me, I will naturally not refuse.

What's more, with him around, many things are indeed much easier to handle.

For example, the one in front of me...

"Zang Guoshi, you gave those evil spirits one hour. But it's only been five minutes now. How about we wait a little longer?" said the vanguard captain who I left behind before.

"No wait." I said simply and concisely.

The vanguard captain wanted to say something else, but was stopped by Xingri Ma.

Then Xing Rima gave a direct order: "The grace time we gave has expired. From now on, we will capture all the prisoners who escaped from Tongguan Zhenhun General and execute them one by one."

Still need to be executed?

After hearing Xing Rima's words, many people put forward different opinions.

Some people in Tongguan even shouted: "Tongguan's soul-killing general must be spared and spared. We have killed so many evil spirits before, are we really not afraid of their revenge if we continue to kill them now?"

"Yes. Although our Tongguan is located in a remote place, it has always been peaceful."

"We'd better not cause any more trouble. As for those evil spirits who escaped, wouldn't it be nice to catch them and imprison them again?"

"That's right, Tongguan Zhenhun General, forget it."

For a while, everyone started talking, but most of them wanted to settle the matter.

I'm not surprised that they have such an attitude.

After all, few ordinary people like to see scenes of cruelty and killing.


"Everyone, General Tongguan Soul Suppression is giving orders to the Soul Suppressing Soldiers, not negotiating."

"In two hours, before the sun sets, I need to see all the evil spirits caught!"

It is not enough to capture them all and execute them.

Because if you catch them today, they will still be arrested, and if you catch them next year, they will still be arrested.

"Who are you?" one of the onlookers asked: "I know the wife of Tongguan Zhenhun General, she doesn't look like you."

"Yes, who is this little girl? Why is she so angry at such a young age?"

I didn't say anything, just glanced at the hidden general behind me.

Lei Ming was currently working with Long Yan to clear out the puppets in the city, but Yin Jiang still left him behind.

So the next moment, a dozen hidden generals appeared, completely separating me from the crowd.

At this time, I showed my own dignity and said word by word: "I am Zang Ling'er, the national master of China. I am currently in charge of all matters in Tongguan."

My words were mixed with strong luck and super level 4 strength, and ordinary people who heard them would just feel deafening.

The aunts who were just watching were also completely blocked by the hidden general.

As a result, it became a lot quieter.

But I know that this silence is only temporary, because I just looked at the list. There are probably more than 60 prisoners on the run, and only ten can come back and surrender.

In other words, there are at least fifty evil spirits still on the loose.

The orders from me and the Tongguan Soul-Suppressing General have been issued, except for Long Yan and Lei Ming who are leading the team to eliminate the puppets in the city. Now all the Tongguan Soul-Suppressing Generals are engaged in the operation to capture the evil spirits.

"In half an hour at most, all those evil spirits will be captured. Have you chosen the person to be executed by then?" I looked at Xing Rima and asked.

"Returning to the Zang Kingdom has been selected. They are all soul-suppressing soldiers of level 3 or above. As for the knife, I will use a rune sword. It can also prevent other evil souls from escaping." Xing Rima replied.

"Okay, no problem. Are you ready for the follow-up preparations?" I asked again.

"The twenty rope locks have all been prepared and are being knotted now. Just put them on when the time comes."

It was at this time that the vanguard captain couldn't help but interjected: "Zang Guoshi, it is very rare to kill all evil spirits regardless of the size of the crime. Now you still use his head to hang on the Tongguan City Gate. This

Isn’t it a bit too cruel?”

Hearing what he said, Xingrima wanted to speak. But I stretched out my hand to stop him and said, "Captain Li, you have never been on a real battlefield, have you?"

Pioneer captain Li Huai shook his head: "No."

I smiled and said, "Okay, then let me tell you. The evil spirits in the southern Hunan war zone not only killed the soul-suppressing soldiers without restraint, but also treated the innocent people in southern Hunan as food rations and devoured them alive. Thousands of people were directly killed like this.

Eat it. I think that scene is more cruel."

"Because this is the first time for a large number of charm attacks in the Mobei War Zone, the Mobei Soul-Suppressing General and others are completely unprepared."

"They fought desperately, and in the end Mobei Zhenhun had both of his legs cut off by the evil spirit. And most of the Zhenhun soldiers he brought at the time were so broken that they couldn't even be pieced together, but even so he still stood tall.

I'll kneel down and die in front of Xie Sui."

"Cruelty? Captain Li, do you think war is about treating guests to dinner? Do you have to follow the rules and be polite?"

"I tell you, it is right that China treats prisoners preferentially. But from the moment they escape from prison, from the moment they prepare to take advantage of the opportunity to cause trouble, they are no longer prisoners or prisoners, but enemies!"

"Those evil spirits, Yin soldiers, corpse clan, and demon clan have caused too much blood to be shed in our Middle Earth. If we are still kind to them, then all the previous blood will be shed in vain!"

"Do you understand what I said?!" I looked at Li Huai loudly and asked.

"I understand, Master Zang, I made a mistake just now." Li Huai said with slightly red eyes.

"Okay, then I hope that before the execution, you can let the people of Tongguan know what I just said. Let them understand that it is not that the tiger will stop eating people if it is temporarily locked up. It is that the tiger is always ready to kill them.

One blow."

Tongguan is located in a remote location, which is an advantage, but it is also a disadvantage.

Because there is no large-scale formal battlefield, the people here are very blindly optimistic, and the soul-suppressing soldiers here are very stupid and naive.

And this is definitely not what I want to see.

"Yes, Master Zang, I promise to complete the mission." After saying that, Li Huai immediately took the order and rushed out.

In an instant, I and Tongguan Zhenhun General were the only two people left in the room.

After looking at each other, I smiled and said, "I'll leave the preparations to them, but I'm afraid we need to think carefully about how to kill in such a shocking way."
This chapter has been completed!
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