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Chapter 628: The Third Squad

"Master Zang, isn't fifteen just right..."

Xing Rima fell silent at the critical point, but I said bluntly: "It's exactly the number of people for a well-organized team."

In other words, except for my fourth uncle, everyone else sent by Kyoto was completely wiped out.

This is by no means good news, so even if the communicator is not disconnected.

The five teams of soul-suppressing soldiers did not dare to say anything.

Everyone was silent, but I couldn't.

So, after hesitating for a moment, I said: "The team that found the five corpses is standing by to send the coordinates. So everyone is gathering there. Remember, be sure to be careful and call for help at any time if you encounter any problems."

"Yes, Master Zang."

At the same time, Xingrima and I were also rushing towards the coordinates.

Xing Rima didn’t question me as to why I rushed to the place where most corpses were found. He just couldn’t help but ask: “Zang Guoshi, will Mr. Wu Si be fine?”

Obviously Xingrima understands that if my fourth uncle dies.

It was a huge blow to both the Wu family and China. More importantly, if the fourth uncle died, the treasures of heaven and earth would inevitably be taken away.

At that time, my uncle was afraid that there would be no hope of survival.

"Don't worry, I believe that Fourth Uncle will be fine. Just contact Long Yan immediately and tell him the situation. And ask Lei Ming to check the Wei family again. I always feel that we made a mistake somewhere.

"After thinking about it, I said.

Such a powerful puppet master would be willing to submit to the Wei family.

Although Wei Qing's legs are very suspicious, so far none of us have seen him actually stand up.

He just sent Wu Erye and others to attack China.

But can the Wei family be so powerful that they really let a disabled person take charge of the entire family?

I always feel like something is wrong.

"Yes, I will contact Master Zang immediately." After saying this, Xing Rima did not hesitate at all and passed what I said back.

At this moment, we have also arrived in front of the corpses of five Kyoto soul-suppressing soldiers.

Sure enough, just like what I saw before, they were also killed by puppet strings.


"Where is the other team?" I asked after seeing that the four teams had arrived.

"Zang Guoshi, there is another team on the way, but they are a little far away, so we have to wait a little later." The soul-suppressing soldier who understood the situation explained.

If it were normal, I would believe his explanation.

But now...

"No, something must have happened to them. Contact them immediately." I didn't accept the man's explanation at all, but said anxiously.

Seeing me like this, Xingrima took the lead in opening the communicator: "The people from the third team will report your specific location."

However, there was indeed silence in response to Xingrima.

It's like there's something wrong with the communicator and the other party didn't receive it.

But all of our communicators got it.

In other words, they are the problem.

"People from the third team answer me!"

"Where are you? Report immediately."

"Team 3!"

"If you don't respond, you may be sent back to military law for punishment."

After all, they are all Xingri Ma's confidants, so naturally he can't accept that they will be gone. So at this moment, he is still shouting into the communicator.

But he didn't accept it, but I couldn't understand the seriousness of the situation.

"Tongguan Zhenhun General, please cheer up. If I guessed correctly, we have been targeted by the puppet master." I looked around and said coldly: "It's just that we are outnumbered, and his main purpose is

It’s not like he wanted to kill us, so he didn’t do it in the open.”

But this kind of assassination is often the most difficult to prevent.

Hearing what I said, Xingri Ma finally regained his senses, "Zang Guoshi, let's not act separately from now on, right?"

"Yes. And since he is a puppet master, he must be good at bewitching and controlling people's hearts. So we also need to pay special attention." After saying that, I looked at everyone again.

Seeing that none of them looked strange, I nodded: "Hurry up, let's find our fourth uncle first."

Mention my fourth uncle.

Xing Rima's expression became slightly solemn, and he lowered his voice and said: "Zang Guoshi, since the puppet master can assassinate our soul-suppressing soldiers, it is enough to prove that he has not succeeded, and he has not even been able to find Mr. Wu Si."

"Then if we go there like this, are we leading the way for him?"

"Yes." I raised my head and looked at Xing Rima honestly: "But if I can't find my fourth uncle, not only will he be in danger, but my grandfather's life will also be in danger because of the long delay."

So we have no choice.

The only thing that can be done is to maintain combat effectiveness before the official battle and strive to capture this hidden puppet master in one fell swoop.

"I understand, Tibetan Master." Xing Rima nodded.

Then he turned around and said: "Everyone should be alert, we can encounter the puppet master at any time."


Everyone responded in unison, and I also found the clues left by my fourth uncle based on the place where most of the soul-killing generals died in Kyoto.

Just as we were speeding along and approaching our final destination.

Suddenly the communicator rang: "Zang Guoshi. General Zhenhun, are you there?"

This sound?

I frowned and looked at the people behind me.

The soul-suppressing soldiers behind them also waved their hands to indicate that they were not using the communicator.

On the other hand, Xing Rima said solemnly: "Zang Guoshi, this is the voice of the third team."


When I heard this, my face darkened, but I still nodded towards Xingrima.

Then he said: "Team Three, we are here, why didn't you respond before?"

"General Soul-Suppressing, great, we have finally contacted you." The third team said excitedly: "We were attacked before, so the communicator was accidentally lost, and we just found it again."

This reason sounds okay, but it's a bit too coincidental.

So I frowned and said, "Are you okay? Are there any casualties?"

"It's okay. All four of us were injured to varying degrees, but luckily it's not fatal. Master Zang, we will join you now."

"Okay, I'll send you the coordinates and you can come over."

After that I will send the location.

Thinking that we were not far from our final destination, I prepared to divide my troops into two groups and stay at the same place secretly. Not only to pick up those of us who were waiting to come out, but also to secretly observe the third team to see if there was really any problem.

Unexpectedly, my coordinates were just sent.

The third team sent a reply: "Zang Guoshi, our coordinates are not far in front of your position. Will you move forward? If so, how about we meet up as we go?"


Such a coincidence?

Hearing this, I, Xingri Ma, and all the Soul-Suppressing Generals all looked at each other.

I said, "There's no need to leave. Just wait for us where you are. By the way, send us your coordinates."

"Yes, Master Zang."

After a while, the third team sent the coordinates, which happened to be our final destination.

Seeing this scene, Xing Rima said: "Master Zang, are they being controlled?"

"I don't know, but there are no such coincidences in the world." I said coldly.

Then his eyes changed: "Everyone, this puppet master is so amazing, so he must be good at controlling people."
This chapter has been completed!
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