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Chapter 661: Entropy Spirit is not dead

I'm still very scared of this formation.

So even though Hei Xuan dragged me and couldn't leave, I still wanted to remind Lin Zhenhua and the others to be careful.


"Below the Brahma Array is the World-Destroying Rune Array. Heixuan, you won't really open the Brahma Array unless you are absolutely sure." Lin Zhenhua said firmly.

I was stunned as soon as these words came out, and then I suddenly looked up at Hei Xuan.

The latter did not deny it, he did not even say a word, he just wanted to forcefully bring me back to the black platform before.

Hei Xuan wanted to pull me to complete the fingerprints.

I didn't particularly resist this. After all, my own fortune had already been assigned to Lin Zhenhua, and he had successfully been promoted to Pojing. This proved that I was indeed the daughter of the Zang family.

In this case, there should be no problem if you click it.

I didn't say anything, but Entropy Wang Yan spoke again: "King Dongling, the person you are with is not my sister Entropy Ling at all. Even if you pull her and force her body and mind to unite, you can't open the door to another world."

"King Entropy, do you think I will believe you?" Hei Xuan said disapprovingly: "But don't worry, since you are my brother-in-law, I will leave you a complete body no matter what."

They actually have such a relationship?

I was stunned when I heard this.

But other than me, Lin Zhenhua didn't react at all, as if he already knew.

In other words, that's not what he cared about at all.

Entropy Wang Yan didn't say much when he saw this, but turned his attention to Lin Zhenhua.

The latter raised his eyes and glanced at me and then stomped his foot. In an instant, countless runes burst out around him, and Hei Xuan, who was very close to me and Hei Xuan, also seemed to have suffered a huge attack.

It started to sway precariously.

Seeing this, Hei Xuan could no longer turn a blind eye, but immediately threw out five black silver needles, and immediately fixed the Hei stage.

Only then did he speak: "The Commander-in-Chief of Middle-earth is really powerful. He even gave part of his national destiny to the people of Middle-earth, and he still managed to break through and become a strong man."


"King Dongling, although you and I cannot feel the luck of others around us, you should know that the Qilin Order and the Spring and Autumn Brush have recognized their masters," Lin Zhenhua replied.

Hearing this, Hei Xuan's face finally turned gloomy: "So? What do you want to say, Commander-in-Chief of Middle-earth?"

Lin Zhenhua didn't say much, he just waved his hand and sent a trace of breath into the Qilin Order.

In an instant, the four great unicorns of metal, wood, water, and fire appeared one after another.

Huo Qilin, who had a particularly bad temper, immediately said angrily: "Lin Zhenhua, do you treat me like a dog and go away as soon as you hit me?"

"I'm also surprised, where did Zang Ling'er die? Hasn't the Qilin Order already recognized its master? Why can you use it too?"

As soon as Huo Qilin said these words, all the truth was ready to come out.

I looked at the chatty Fire Qilin and couldn't help but smile.

Shui Qilin on the side saw this and said, "Master, what is going on between you and the Chief Minister of Middle-earth?"

"I gave him some of my luck, and I never thought that it would give him the ability to use the Qilin Token." I looked at Shui Qilin and explained truthfully.

"That's how it is." Shui Qilin nodded clearly, and then turned his eyes: "General Commander of Middle-earth, I wonder why you summoned us again?"

Obviously, even if Lin Zhenhua didn't summon the remaining three-party unicorns for the first time, they still felt it.

"The First Minister of the Ming Dynasty"

"I'm sorry everyone, the last time I summoned the Fire Qilin was to prove that I could use Ling'er's weapons. I have the same understanding this time. I hope you can forgive me for intruding." Lin Zhenhua said sincerely.

As soon as he said this, the three Qilins of Gold, Wood, and Water expressed their acceptance, and the Fire Qilin was about to speak.

He didn't want to but was interrupted by Hei Xuan: "Lin Zhenhua, do you think I will believe you? Zang Linger is here, who knows if you two are colluding."

"If she really is not an entropy spirit, then I will kill her."

After saying that, when I was defenseless, Hei Xuan directly pulled me onto the black platform. Then he forcibly held my hand and pushed me towards the black platform.

This time Hei Xuan did it very cleverly. He put me in front in every aspect.

Whether it's Lin Zhenhua or Entropy Wang Yan, as long as they want to take action, they will definitely hurt me at such a close distance.

Therefore, although Lin Zhenhua looked very gloomy, he never took action.

Entropy Wang Yan said angrily: "Prince Dongling, are you crazy? I already told you that she is not an entropy spirit. You and her can't open the door to another world at all."

Hei Xuan ignored Wang Yan at all, but held my hand tighter.

"Heixuan, you don't have to be like this. I won't struggle, because I'm not an entropy spirit at all, so I don't need to struggle." I explained while looking at the man in front of me who was almost going crazy.

It was only at this moment that I realized that Hei Xuan had indeed never liked me.

He has always liked entropy spirits, and the reason why he got close to me was just because he mistakenly thought that I was an entropy spirit.

A loud "boom" sound followed.

The black platform that appeared out of thin air disappeared again.

It all happened so fast that I had no idea whether he succeeded or not.

Until, a large number of cracks began to appear under our feet, and the world-destroying rune formation that had been as stable as a mountain before began to fall apart.

It was then that I felt that something was wrong.

Faced with all this, Hei Xuan became even more unbelievably crazy. He immediately shouted: "No, this is impossible, how could it be like this?"

"Are you really not an entropic spirit?"

"Where is Ling'er? Where is she?!"

I was caught so tightly by Hei Xuan that I couldn't break free, and he had already entered a crazy state at this moment. Just when I thought I was going to be crushed to death by him.

Suddenly countless golden charms came towards me.

The fiery sword in Entropy Wang Yan's hand also attacked. Hei Xuan could not resist two attacks at the same time, so he had to let go of me.

Just at that moment when I let go, I was snatched away by Lin Zhenhua.

But before I could say a word to Lin Zhenhua, he pushed me out.

Only then did I realize that my third uncle and Ouyang Xuan had rushed over.

Looking at Ouyang Xuan with a decadent look on his face, I finally couldn't help but want to ask. Instead, I turned my attention to my third uncle: "What on earth is going on?"

Heixuan and Entropy Ling are actually lovers?

And the Rune World-Destroying Formation is actually just a key.

All of this exceeded our previous expectations.

What made me even more unexpected was that a man appeared at this moment. He looked at Lin Zhenhua and Hei Xuan who were in the storm and said: "I didn't expect that after a thousand years, Entropy Spirit is really not dead."


Hearing this, my third uncle, Ouyang Xuan and I were all shocked.

But after we saw the person clearly, all our doubts were replaced by confusion. Because the person who came was none other than Emperor Yao, who had never shown up.


"Emperor Yao, are you okay?" I asked very worriedly, looking at him who looked ashen and looked like a withered bone.

He didn't even dare to step forward and help him.
This chapter has been completed!
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