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Chapter 672: Two overlapping Italian seas

"Is your body okay?" Lin Zhenhua asked worriedly.

But I said with determination: "Of course. Didn't the doctor also say that I'm fine? Or is Mr. Lin lying to me? China-Earth is not as good as you said?"

"Or maybe Mr. Lin has taken me to 'escape' to the deep mountains and forests, and I can't see other people?"

"You, you are a mother, why are you still acting like a child?" Lin Zhenhua shook his head helplessly.

Finally he agreed to take me out.

When I walked out of the house, I realized that I lived in a single-family house.

Moreover, this villa is located in Kyoto, and it is still a very lively place. However, the road to the villa is specially opened, and there are soul-suppressing soldiers guarding the surrounding area.

"The Romance of Fairy Wood"

That's why it seems so quiet.

Although Lin Zhenhua should be treated like this even if he is relegated to the second line.


"Since you have chosen to resign as the chief, why do you still stay in Kyoto? I remember that you like the north, don't you?" I raised my head and asked in confusion.

"It's good to go north, but it's also good to stay in Kyoto." Lin Zhenhua responded ambiguously.

This answer is easy to deceive others, but it is impossible to deceive me.

So I didn't speak, but stared straight at Lin Zhenhua.

The latter felt a little guilty when I saw him, and finally said helplessly: "Okay, I admit that was partly the reason, and partly because Kyoto has the best medical conditions. I feel more at ease if you stay in Kyoto before the child is born.


Children, children again.

"Why didn't we have our first child?" I became more and more curious.

"It's all over." Lin Zhenhua tried to muddle through.

But it was rare for me to keep a straight face in front of him, "I asked Aunt Gu and she said she didn't know, but how could she not know? And you won't tell me now."

"Okay, then you can just let me think about it alone."

Gu Lan was the old man who served Lin Zhenhua. She had no idea that such a big thing would happen and it would be impossible.

The words of the doctor and nurse just now were revealed to me intentionally. Or that’s all she could say.

"It's because of me." When Lin Zhenhua said this, the smile on his face faded away.

"Is there an evil spirit trying to attack us?"

Naturally, I didn't want him to recall the painful past, but I had a hunch that this matter was closely related to waking him up. So I had to ask further, but at the same time, I still reached out and held Lin Zhenhua's generous hand.

Lin Zhenhua gently held my hand with his backhand, and then said: "It's not an evil spirit, it's a human being."

Turns out to be a human being?

This is something I never thought of.

"It was a very few congressmen who had objections to me at that time." Lin Zhenhua said with a serious look: "Actually, I don't care about their opposition, and I don't even care whether they want to compete in the next general election. But why did he design a

He made a scene about attacking me? What’s even more irritating is why it happened in front of you on purpose.”

"Ling'er, you know what? I was really crazy when I saw you rushing over, and when I saw that chair hitting you. If it hadn't been for Kyoto's soul-killing general, or Dragon Blade and the others, I think I would have washed the whole place with blood.

Conference room.”


Lin Zhenhua would actually say such a thing, which shocked and worried me.

After all, he has always been a fair and restrained person.

When General Longnan Zhenhun betrayed him, he did not use such strong words.

"Yes, I have always been fair. I have never been sorry to anyone, but why did they treat me like this?" Lin Zhenhua heard my words, and instead of calming down, he became even more angry and said: "I fought to protect China.

At the last moment, I was even prepared to die for my country. I also acted fairly and justly to prevent civil strife. But what was the result?"

"Just a few people killed my child because of their own selfish desires!"

"Ling'er, do you know? In the morning, you told me happily that we had a child. But in the afternoon, the child left us forever."

"I still remember the way you looked when you were in so much pain that your body was twitching uncontrollably, but you still begged me to leave you alone and to save the child."

"Why? Why do they do this to me and my children!"


"It's okay, I'm here." Seeing Lin Zhenhua, who was clearly showing signs of being possessed, I immediately stepped forward and gave him a hug: "The child is here too, and we are all fine. Please don't be angry, okay."

After a long time, the atmosphere around Lin Zhenhua calmed down again.

At the same time, what I received in response was a more intense hug.

Although I was hugged extremely warm by Lin Zhenhua, my heart suddenly cooled down. Because before I discovered this, I thought that the first level of the sea of ​​mind was separate from the second and third levels.

Then I just need to break through the levels like a level.

But now I understand that things are not that simple.

Because this second level of consciousness may be intertwined with the third level. So now Lin Zhenhua hopes to return to a simple life with me, but is also so angry that he cannot let go of the grudges in his heart.

Because he never disappoints anyone, but these people took away the family he cared about most.

And this just aroused the hatred and anger in Lin Zhenhua's heart.

Before I could think of a reason, Lin Zhenhua spoke again: "I'm sorry for scaring you."

I looked up at him who looked apologetic, smiled and shook my head: "No, it's my fault. I shouldn't ask about those things."

"Let's go and have a look in front. I think it's very lively there." I smiled and pointed to the crowded shop in front of me.

Lin Zhenhua hesitated for a moment, but finally nodded.

But we said we were going to take a look, but besides him, there were four soul-suppressing soldiers following behind us.

Probably people who live nearby have seen a lot of soul-suppressing soldiers at one time or another. So they didn't panic or even care at all.

Instead, he continued to happily select the things he wanted to buy.

I also stretched my neck and took a look and found that they were indeed very exquisite gadgets. No wonder so many people like them.

But what makes me happiest is not these things, but people.

Kyoto has really emerged from the war, whether it is the brand-new street shops or the ordinary people who travel in groups with smiles, everything shows this.

Kyoto is very good now, even better than before the war.

"Is there anything you like?" Lin Zhenhua saw that I was looking everywhere but never bought it, so he couldn't help but said, "If there is one, I will buy it."

"Yes." I looked at him and said seriously.

"That one?"

When Lin Zhenhua asked this question, the soul-suppressing soldiers behind him had already come over. Apparently they were preparing to help me buy it.

However, no one expected that I would actually stand on tiptoe and put my hand around Lin Zhenhua’s neck and said, “This one.”

"I wonder if I can buy it back?"

Lin Zhenhua was stunned for a moment, then laughed: "You don't need to buy this one, because it already belongs to you."

Hearing this, my smile completely blossomed, and then I hugged Lin Zhenhua tightly.

This chapter has been completed!
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