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Chapter 679: The Beast of the Four Spirits

"By the way, the Imperial Master of China you are talking about is my daughter."

The man in white seemed to have suffered a serious blow. He vomited out a large mouthful of blood again and said, "You actually killed Zang's family!"

"Damn it, the gray wolf actually dared to trick me."

Obviously the gray wolf this person calls is his accomplice.

But before his father had time to interrogate him, he said to himself: "Zang Zetian, it doesn't matter how powerful you are. Can you stop our thousands of troops by yourself?"

"I'm afraid the flowers, plants and trees here are not enough for you."

"Oops!" After hearing his words, my father suddenly reacted.

After capturing the man in white in front of him, it would not be that difficult to find the person he led. So Dad used his breath as a benchmark.

Stomping their feet heavily, all the men in black showed their true bodies in an instant.

"This time they can't hide anymore, kill them all and move forward at full speed to support the East China Theater." Dad immediately ordered.

"Yes! Mr. Big." Wang Feng and the first team behind him responded in unison.

Dad dragged the man in white who fell to the ground away, and then one of them rushed to the East China War Zone.

It was only when he arrived at the East China War Zone that he realized that the situation was worse than he expected. The exorcism team sent a total of 5,000 people this time.

The large number of people should have been an advantage during wartime, but now it became the biggest disadvantage.

Because they can't see where their opponents are, and these people deliberately lead them to one place, it only takes a little bit of blinding to make the exorcism group start killing each other.

By the time Dad arrived, more than half of the casualties were already dead. If we didn't stop them in time, it would only be a matter of time before they were all killed.

"Stop!" Dad roared angrily, holding on to his own strength.

The soul-suppressing soldiers who were originally in chaos immediately woke up, although they still couldn't see where their opponents were.

But the rune sword in his hand will never slash his comrades again.

But they stopped moving, and those invisible opponents started to act again.

"Crack!" followed by the sound of a long knife cutting into flesh and blood. After this first sound, the following sounds came one after another without any interruption.

It's not that the soul-suppressing soldiers didn't want to refute, it's just that they stood too close.

Not only can't see the opponent, but also have to take care of the comrades, the soul-suppressing soldier has not gained any benefit at all.

"How can we get all your people to show up?" Dad asked angrily, glaring at the man in white on the ground.

"Hahaha, Mr. Zang, you still don't understand that this is not invisibility or a spell. It's that our people are born with the ability to hide themselves. Your strength can be felt through your breath. But what about them?"

"Are these thousands of soul-suppressing soldiers not as capable as you?" The man in white said more and more proudly.

"Say!" Dad didn't want to talk nonsense with him, so he directly grabbed him from the ground, and then used his palms hard.

"Ah!!" The man in white suddenly felt the pain of cramping and pulling out bones.

One after another, extremely shrill screams continued to come out of his mouth.

Dad didn't show any mercy at all. After all, compared with those dead and injured soul-suppressing soldiers, the injuries of the man in white were nothing at all.

"Do you still want to hide in the dark and watch? I, Zang, have countless ways of torturing people."

After saying that, Dad patted the man in white on the left shoulder again.

This shot seemed like nothing, but the left shoulder of the man in white suddenly sunk. There was a big gash in his back.

Just looking at this injury makes people feel pain.

The man in white didn't even howl anymore, he spat out a large mouthful of blood, and tilted his head as if he was about to faint.

"There's no way to faint." Dad said coldly, then raised his hand to attack him again.

Unexpectedly, there was a "swish" sound.

A black light came towards Dad, but he had already taken precautions, so he hit the black light back with a backhand.

"Is your Excellency, General Manager, willing to show up?" Dad raised his eyes and said with a smile.

But when he saw the person in front of him, his smile instantly froze.


Four, what appeared in front of me was not one person, but four people.

What's more important is that the auras of these four people are all different.

"Mr. Zang, you don't need to look at it. We distinguish between the four spiritual beasts: Lin, phoenix, turtle and dragon. And the number of soldiers and horses we brought this time is exactly 5,000. But..."

Lin, the leader, looked down and said with a smile: "More than half of the people in China have been killed or injured, but we have not suffered much damage. So now we are bullying the few with more."

"The beasts of the four spirits." Dad looked at the four people in front of him, felt their breaths calmly, and then said, "Are you from the world of mountains and seas?"

"That's right." Lin nodded, and then said: "Mr. Zang, you can't save these soul-suppressing soldiers. I admire you as a level 5 strongman, and if I don't want to be your enemy, you can leave."

"Let's go?" Dad seemed to have heard a very funny joke, "This is my land in China. I don't care whether you are a beast of four spirits or a beast of four ghosts. As long as I, Zang Zetian, am here, I can't let you be arrogant."

Then, Dad no longer paid attention to the four people Lin, Feng, Turtle and Dragon in front of him.

He roared loudly, summoning all the luck around him and shouted: "Fighters of the Exorcist Group, listen, now I have distributed my luck to you. As long as you concentrate and calm down, you can see where the opponents are.


"Remember, they are nothing to be afraid of. We, the soul-suppressing soldiers of Middle-earth, have never seen anything. They are just invisible and cannot defeat us!"

"That's right!" The exorcism team, which got their father's luck, immediately gained a lot of morale.

"Mr. Big, don't worry, the exorcism team will never let you down, let alone let the people of Middle-earth suffer harm."


"Then let's kill the enemy together!"

Seeing that everyone had regained their momentum, my father was very pleased. At the same time, the first team of soul-suppressing soldiers also arrived.

Upon seeing this, Wang Feng and others immediately launched an attack on Lin, Feng, Turtle, Dragon and others.

It's just that he is a level 4 super, so he really can't get any advantage in front of the four people.

Fortunately, he still had his father, so when he was injured by Lin and Feng and fell backward, his father took action to stop him.

"Mr. Zang, we would have been a little wary of you before. But how much luck do you have left now? What does a great luck master have if he doesn't have luck?" Lin said with a very arrogant smile.

Then the three remaining phoenix, turtle, and dragon attacked Dad together.

In the battle between level 5 experts, Wang Feng couldn't intervene, not to mention that he was already injured. So he could only shout: "All the soldiers of the exorcism group, follow me and fight bravely to kill the enemy."

"Kill these evil spirits as soon as possible so that we can return our fortune to Mr. Da!"

The fact that Zang Zetian is the Great Luck Master is known to all the soul-suppressing soldiers in China.

And they also know very well what sharing their own fortune means to the fortune masters.

Therefore, everyone did not hesitate at all, but immediately replied: "Yes!"

For a time, the sound of killings in the Middle Earth was loud, and morale increased countless times.
This chapter has been completed!
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