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Chapter 687: The Little Priest of the Mountain and Sea Realm

It was as if he had been shot in the heart.

"Master Zang, I want to say something." Unexpectedly, Xu Zichen actually said: "If you don't say it, it will be too late."

How is this possible?

Could it be...

"Aren't you Shao Siming? Why would they attack you?" I said in great surprise.

I have now basically confirmed that this hidden arrow was definitely set by the people from the Shanhai Realm themselves.

"The person who is honored is Shao Siming, not me, Xu Zichen." Xu Zichen tugged his lips and said with a cold smile: "As long as the sacrifice is destroyed, the invisibility of the black armored soldiers will be weakened. It may even disappear.

Because such a powerful invisibility skill is not innate to the people of the Shanhai Realm. However, the Shanhai Realm has prepared a lot for such sacrifices. Therefore, this method can only treat the symptoms but not the root cause."

"What's the root cause?" He had reached this point, so I hurriedly asked.

After all, I really want to know the solution.

But who would have thought that Xu Zichen shook his head: "I don't know, Da Siming never told me. But..."

Halfway through his words, Xu Zichen vomited blood again.

This time, even though he was vomiting blood, the aura around him was much weaker. Seeing that his complexion was extremely pale, I quickly tried to inject more energy into his body.

Xu Zichen shook his head: "They are outside, you have to protect those little priests and don't waste your energy on me."

"Will they also kill those small priests?" I was very shocked and confused.

"Why not." Xu Zichen smiled and said.

Seeing him getting weaker and weaker, I finally couldn't help but ask.

But Xu Zichen held on to his last breath and said: "But as far as I know, this invisibility technique was not prepared for Middle-earth. We were studying it a long time ago."

Does that mean that it is really difficult to achieve invisibility in the world of mountains and seas?

After all, the longer something is developed, the more mature it becomes.

Naturally, the disadvantages will be less.

Xu Zichen did not respond to my words. To be precise, he may not be able to respond to me.

Because at this moment, a large amount of blood flowed from his nose, mouth and even the corners of his eyes.

He was bleeding from his three orifices and there was no way he could save himself.

Seeing this, I quickly said: "Xu Zichen, is there anything else you want to say?"

After a pause, I said again: "It doesn't matter if it doesn't matter to China."

When a person is about to die, he should leave some last words.

"Zang Guoshi...the more complicated the thing...the solution may be simpler. They will leave it to you!"

These were the last words left by Xu Zichen.

When the priests of the Shanhai Realm who were released by Lei Ming saw this scene, they immediately knelt down and said in unison: "Xu Shaosi, I wish you a safe journey."

The next moment, Xu Zichen disappeared into nothing beside me.

I didn't even have time to capture his soul, and it disappeared along with his body.

What I didn't expect was that I originally wanted to explain to these mountain and sea priests that I didn't kill Xu Zichen.

Unexpectedly, before I opened my mouth, they said: "Zang Guoshi, we know that it was not you who killed Xu Shaosiming."


"How did you know?" I was very puzzled.

"Because Xu Shao Siming is not our first Shao Siming, nor will he be the last." The leading young priest said: "And the last few sacrifices died in this way."


How many?

Hearing what he said, I was speechless: "Do you, Mr. Siming, take turns and change people at any time?"

I was already very curious when I heard Xu Zichen say that it was not him who was distinguished, but the identity of Shao Siming. But I couldn't ask more questions about the situation at that time.

Who would have thought that what these little priests said would surprise me even more.

"It's not done in turn, it's designated by the chief commander. And not everyone can do it. Only the most talented and capable priests can do it."

What he said is correct, and I also read the record in the book.

"Then what?" I asked puzzled.

It’s a matter of choosing from thousands of positions, and it’s not a matter of taking turns. So why are there so many terms of being appointed the Young Commander?

"But if you don't obey the instructions of the great commander, or go against his wishes, a situation like today will happen." The leader of the little priest explained.

Okay, I understand after hearing this.

Regarding the invisibility technique in the mountain and sea realm, it is taboo and cannot be discussed.

After figuring out the cause and effect, I said: "Xu Zichen asked me to protect you just now. So if you are discovered by people from the Shanhai Realm, you will also be killed, right?"

"Yes, we will be regarded as traitors if we go out." The leader of the little priests replied.

Hearing his words, I had a doubt in my heart: "If that's the case, why don't they take advantage of it now?"

You must not have the intention to harm others, but you must have the intention to guard against others.

Especially when facing people from the world of mountains and seas.

Lei Ming naturally understood what I meant by asking this question, so he immediately put on a black face and said sternly: "Now that your young master is dead, if you want to survive, just answer the question honestly. Otherwise, don't blame us for being rude!"

"Don't kill us, we say."

I don’t know if this group of priests from the Mountain and Sea Realm are born weak or something.

They seemed to have a natural fear of Lei Ming, so they were yelled at by Lei Ming.

All of them turned pale and looked like they were begging for mercy. The leader of the little priest immediately spoke: "We don't know the specific reason, but there are precedents before. It should be that this thing can only be targeted at Shao Siming."

What's the meaning?

Originally, I had doubts about what could directly penetrate the Dark Banner.

Now it seems that there is no mention of wear at all.

This thing does not come from the outside, but comes from within?

"That's pretty much what it means." The leader of the little priests trembled: "As for the rest, we really don't know."

I took a look at them and realized that they didn't seem to be lying.

What's more, even with an identity like Young Master Siming, if they can be replaced, they naturally don't know too much.

After understanding this, I stopped forcing and nodded: "Okay, I promised Xu Zichen that I would protect you. Now you all line up and stand in line, I will take you out later."

"Yes, thank you very much Master Zang." Everyone thanked in unison.

In the face of everyone's thanks, I didn't say much. Instead, I invited Lei Ming to wait for him to discuss in detail: "Captain Lei, if we take them with us, we may not be able to hide in the dark."

In this case, even if there are no black-armored soldiers waiting for us outside.

We were also walking on tenterhooks along the way. It was very likely that we would be the first to ambush the black-armored soldiers before we found Lin Zhenhua and Qinghai Zhenhun General.

After all, the good luck I had when I met Xuan Kun last time doesn't happen very often.

Unexpectedly, Lei Ming was not as worried as I was. Instead, he glanced at the group of young priests in the Shanhai Realm and said: "Chief, I have a good idea. If we can use it, maybe we will not be dragged down by them.

, and can also achieve unexpected effects.”

"What can I do?" I asked curiously.

When it comes to marching and fighting, Lei Ming has much more experience than I do.

Lei Ming smiled, then lowered his voice and whispered in my ear.
This chapter has been completed!
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