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Chapter 758: Pregnancy

I chuckled and said, "That's probably the identity of those women, and they haven't reached the point where he needs to use them."

And since I am the national advisor of China and the wife of Lin Zhenhua, there are not many places where I can be used by him.

"Maybe." Entropic Ling did not deny this. She just smiled and said: "But he seems to be the only person you can ask."


"Then I might as well go back and ask the chief." After thinking about it, I said seriously.

"Sure, then you can go back and ask." Entropy Ling smiled with his eyebrows creasing.

But I was speechless, "Entropy Ling, this is how you treat me. Are we still friends?"

Did the ancients from thousands of years ago plasticize the friendship between sisters?

"Look what time it is now?" Entropy Ling was not in a hurry to explain, but pointed to the clock on the wall: "And isn't there a doctor going to consult you today?"

Looking at the clock on the wall, it already pointed to five o'clock.

I stood up quickly: "Yes, I should go. See you in Entropy Ling tomorrow."

"Slow down, don't fall." Looking at my furious back, Entropy Ling said with a helpless smile.

It's not that I want to run away, but the doctor's appointment today is at five o'clock.

But I haven't gone back yet. If Lin Zhenhua finds out about this, he will frown again.

I don't want him to be so busy and have to worry about such a small thing like mine.


"Madam, please slow down." Gu Lan was already greeting me at the door of the Governor's Mansion. Seeing my anxious look, she couldn't help but say.

When I saw her, I quickly asked: "Is Dr. Sun here?"

"Here we come." Gu Lan said truthfully: "And..."

"And what?"

You must know that Dr. Sun is the family doctor of the Governor's Office. He is old and has a good temper. He will definitely not sue me for being late.

It doesn't matter, I just want to run faster.

"Ling'er, is this what you said, don't worry about me and will cooperate with Dr. Sun?" Hearing this familiar voice, I was startled and my feet fell flat.

Fortunately, I am on my way up from the first floor, so I won't die if I fall like this, but I will probably break my bones.


By the time I reacted belatedly, the person was already hanging in the air and rolling downwards.

Fortunately, I was picked up by Lin Zhenhua before I could get past the first floor. But compared to the pain of falling downstairs, Lin Zhenhua's expression at the moment made me feel more headache.

Originally, I agreed to cooperate with the doctor but I was caught late, so I didn’t say anything.

I was unlucky enough to fall down the stairs.


Originally, I just wanted to make amends, but Lin Zhenhua's face turned extremely ugly in an instant. Then he directly stretched out his left hand.

I was very confused by his sudden behavior.

But when I saw the blood stains on his left hand, I was even more shocked: "Are you injured?"

It shouldn't be.

Recently, he has been guarding Kyoto and has not gone out. How could he be injured if he is so good?

"Zang Linger, this is your blood." Lin Zhenhua's jaw tightened and he bit out these words from between his teeth.

Then, he said in a rare panic: "Aunt Gu, get Dr. Sun down quickly. And call the hospital right away."

Gu Lan had been paying attention to me from the beginning, and now when she saw this scene, her face turned pale with fright, and she hurriedly said: "Yes, Chief, I, I'll go right away."

Everyone was busy because of me. At this moment, I was held in Lin Zhenhua's arms.

Looking at Dr. Sun who was hurriedly coming down the stairs, I didn't dare to say a word as he felt his pulse. But I didn't know whether it was because I was frightened or if I hit something when I really fell.

When I tried to open my mouth again, I felt so unconscious that I couldn't say a word.

I could only vaguely hear Lin Zhenhua yelling my name.

Alas, I got into trouble after all.

After thinking about this last sentence, I completely fell into a coma.

When I woke up again, what struck me was not the white ceiling of the hospital, but a familiar room. This made me feel relieved.

But when I just wanted to raise my hand, I found...

"Isn't it just that I fell down the stairs? Why are there still infusions? How long will it take for such a big bottle to be given?" After seeing clearly the infusion stand in front of me, I lamented.

You have to know about injections and infusions, that's what I hate the most.

"Madam, you are awake, are you feeling uncomfortable in any way?" Hearing the movement in the house, Gu Lan pushed the door open and said.

"No, I'm fine. Where is Lin Zhenhua?" I asked.

Has he gone back to work again?

"The chief is rearranging the guards and inspection personnel downstairs. They will come up later," Gu Lan replied.

Why reschedule?

There are already enough people patrolling the Governor's Mansion tomorrow.

Gu Lan smiled and refused to answer my question.

It wasn't until Lin Zhenhua walked up that she said, "Commander, Madam just woke up. I'm going to make some appetizing porridge for her."

"Okay, thank you for your hard work." Lin Zhenhua nodded.

He closed the door and walked in front of me, but he didn't pay attention to me first. Instead, he carefully looked at the infusion bottle to confirm that everything was normal, and then turned his attention to me.

"I'm fine, and the blood probably came from scratching the skin. So can I stop infusion?" I looked at Lin Zhenhua pitifully and asked.

If I look at him like this normally, he will agree to whatever I ask for.

So will it work the same this time?

Apparently not.

It's just that it's rare for Lin Zhenhua to be so angry. And I didn't make such a big mistake.

Seeing that he remained silent, I couldn't help but speak again: "Mr. President, are you angry with me?"

However, the person who responded to me was still silent.

Come on, I was really angry. It looked like I was quite angry. When I saw this, I quickly wanted to get up.

Who would have thought that Lin Zhenhua was one step ahead of me and held me down: "Don't move. If you really want something to happen to your child, then you can continue to act nonsense."



"We have a child?" I stared wide-eyed in shock, but after a moment I thought of something: "What about the blood before?"

"The baby was just over a month old. You rolled down the stairs and almost had a miscarriage. The blood flowed out of your belly." Lin Zhenhua said with an unhappy expression.

When I heard what he said, I was completely silent.

Firstly, I never thought about this matter. Secondly, I finally understood why Lin Zhenhua was so panicked at that time.

He probably guessed at that time, if the child really couldn't be saved at that time.


"I'm sorry, I didn't know this would happen." I said truthfully, and the more I thought about it, the more I felt the tip of my nose was slightly sour.

In the end, I started crying unconsciously.

Lin Zhenhua, who was still angry at first, saw me like this and sighed heavily: "Ling'er, do you know that I have the blood of Shanhai Realm now, and this child also has it. But you are not from Shanhai Realm, if this child is

It's fine if you're fine, but if something goes wrong, the damage to your body will be irreversible."

"I know." I whispered back.

Since Lin Zhenhua absorbed Silver Face's power, he has naturally integrated into his bloodline. It is precisely because of this that this child's blood can restrain the invisibility technique.
This chapter has been completed!
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