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Chapter 766: Zang Hao vomited blood

At the same time, he did not forget to say: "Captain Lei, I will leave Ling'er to you. If she feels any discomfort, please send someone to notify me immediately."

"Don't worry, Commander, I will do it." Lei Ming promised solemnly.

After he left, Dr. Sun soon came with people.

Fortunately, after an examination, Dr. Sun said: "Madam, please rest assured, there is nothing wrong with you and your child."

"That's good." I nodded gratefully.

Then, thinking of Zang Hao's situation, I couldn't help but ask: "Doctor Sun, is my great grandfather okay?"

Who would have thought that as soon as I said these words, Dr. Sun, who was packing the medical tools, suddenly stopped.

Then a hidden general also hurried over, but when he saw me behind him, he swallowed back what he wanted to say.

If I can't see the clues at this moment, then I have been the leader of the hidden general for so long in vain.

"Dr. Sun, what happened to my great grandfather?" I said bluntly: "And Xiao Zhang, have you received the latest information about my great grandfather?"

Doctor Sun and Xiao Zhang looked at each other.

Finally, Dr. Sun spoke first: "Madam, Mr. Zang vomited blood before, but his condition has stabilized. Now he has been sent to the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and I will go there for consultation later. All the experts will go. Madam, if you are still pregnant with the child, don't

Too worried."

Vomiting blood?

I was extremely surprised. Zang Hao was fine before.

And it's not just a weakening of strength.

How could it be so serious that I vomited blood?

Obviously, Dr. Sun was unable to answer my series of questions.

"Doctor Sun, please go quickly. My uncle is leaving it to you." Thinking that he still had to attend the consultation, I immediately spoke again.

"First Evolution"

"Okay, ma'am, I'll leave first. If you feel any discomfort, please tell me immediately." Dr. Sun left these words and left in a hurry.

I looked at Xiao Zhang and asked: "Is this the latest situation you received? Is there anything else you can add?"

"No more." Xiao Zhang shook his head honestly.

After thinking for a moment, Lei Ming asked Xiao Zhang to inform the director to come back.

Unexpectedly, the sound of vehicles came from downstairs at this time, and then I saw Lin Zhenhua taking three steps at a time and two steps at a time, rushing upstairs.

"Commander." Seeing him coming, Lei Ming and several hidden generals said hurriedly.

Lin Zhenhua ignored it and just grabbed my arm: "Ling'er, are you feeling that bad?"

It was rare that he showed such emotion.

So I immediately reassured him: "I'm fine, I'm fine, and the baby is fine too. Dr. Sun was here just now."

After hearing what I said, Lin Zhenhua's brows relaxed a little.

But what I didn't expect was that when there was another sound from downstairs, Ouyang Xuan appeared in front of me with instruments and researchers.

"Ouyang, aren't you supposed to examine my uncle at the Chinese Academy of Sciences?" I was very surprised.

Dr. Sun just said that the Chinese Academy of Sciences and various experts will go.

Wouldn't Ouyang Xuan participate?

"Zang Linger, the situation of the Zang and Wu families is more serious than we previously expected. And you are also a Zang family member." Ouyang Xuan said seriously.

After hearing what he said, I understood.

I am also a member of the Zang family, and I am also the national advisor of the Zang family.

I didn't say anything more, but sat down and cooperated with his inspection.

Fortunately, Ouyang Xuan did a series of checks on me and still found no problems.

But unfortunately what Ouyang Xuan said next:

"Commander, it seems that Zang Guoshi has no problems at present, but this does not mean it is good news." Ouyang Xuan said word by word.

"Why?" Lin Zhenhua asked.

"Because the news we have received so far is that all the people from the Zang and Wu families, including the disciples of the two families who have just been recruited. As long as they are related to the blood of the Zang family and the Wu family, or are involved in the martial arts, all of them have been attacked. Even

Mr. Zang, who is far away from the war zone, is no exception. But as Zang Guoshi is a direct descendant of the Zang family, he has not suffered any damage. So I think there are only two possibilities."

"What two kinds?" Lin Zhenhua continued to ask.

I was lucky enough to think that since there are two possibilities, one of them must be good.

But is this really the case?

Not really.

Because, Ouyang Xuan actually said: "The first kind of Zang Guoshi's situation will be the most serious and worst. It is precisely because of this that the attack happened last."

"The second one is that this is not an accident but a very targeted man-made disaster. The person who initiated this man-made disaster has temporarily excluded Master Zang."

The word "temporary" was particularly emphasized by Ouyang Xuan.

"These two pieces of news are really worse than the other." I said with a dry smile.

I can't even tell which one is worse.

Lei Ming's expression also became extremely bad. He immediately said bluntly: "Academician Ouyang, is there no other way to prevent it first? Aren't the other Zang and Wu families already showing symptoms? Can you prescribe the right medicine?


"Captain Lei, it's as simple as you said, this..." Ouyang Xuan suddenly stopped mid-sentence.

Lei Ming also looked regretful and immediately closed his mouth.

But I still understood the meaning of their words, and immediately said: "Are my uncle, dad, third uncle, fourth uncle, and those disciples all serious?"

I had never thought that such a thing as being punished would happen to me.

After all, this kind of thing only happened in ancient times.

"Zang Guoshi, their lives are not in danger for the time being. Moreover, Mr. Zang and the others are extremely powerful people. So no matter how long the opponent has been preparing, if you really want to take them down in one fell swoop, with all due respect, this is simply a fool's dream."

Ouyang Xuan said decisively.

I know that it is somewhat against his will for him, a scientific researcher, to come up with such a firm conclusion without any data or theoretical support.

Therefore, I was very grateful and said: "Ouyang, thank you."

"You're welcome." Ouyang Xuan responded, then turned his eyes: "Commander, since Master Zang is fine, I will go back first. If you have any questions later, please feel free to contact us."

"Okay." Lin Zhenhua nodded.

Ouyang Xuan hurried back to the Chinese Academy of Sciences with his researchers.

It was self-evident as to what they were going to do, so looking at their leaving figures, I didn't want to look back for a long time.

Finally, Lin Zhenhua spoke: "Although the teacher's condition is a bit serious, there is no fear for his life. The same goes for my father-in-law, third uncle and fourth uncle. They are all strong men at the top of the Middle-earth pyramid. It is not that easy to kill them.


"What do you call me dad, third uncle, and fourth uncle?" I looked at Lin Zhenhua in surprise.

If I remember correctly, this was the first time he called them that.

"Did I call you wrong?" Lin Zhenhua raised his eyes and looked at me gently and asked.

"That's not true." I said with some embarrassment, "I'm just not used to it all of a sudden."

Don't talk about me, I think my father and third uncle will be very uncomfortable hearing this.

"Then slowly get used to it from now on. Your family, Ling'er, is also my family. So don't worry."
This chapter has been completed!
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