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Chapter 771: He still rushed in

"Chief, do you want to domestically abuse me?" I asked.

That's why he locked Ouyang and the three of them out.

Lin Zhenhua was so angry at what I said that he laughed: "Master Zang, do you still need me to do domestic violence? Aren't you already committing suicide?"


"This child himself has the blood of Shanhai Realm. If he is gone, none of us can say what harm it will do to you. Secondly, you are also a Zang family member. Now even the teacher and Mr. Zang Da are like that. Do you think you are serious?

Isn’t there any danger at all?” Lin Zhenhua rarely shouted at me: “Don’t you care about your children or your own life?”

"Zang Linger, this is not a joke, you are really going to die!"

"But the people inside are my dad, third uncle, and fourth uncle." I said a little aggrievedly: "You care about me, and I care about them too. And if I don't face it actively, I can't escape it.


Now it seems that the reason why I can't find Bai Luo is not that they are not in Kyoto.

It's that their plan comes in stages, so they won't show up until it's fully implemented.

After hearing what I said, Lin Zhenhua's expression finally softened a little.

Seeing this, I quickly raised my hands and said, "Mr. Lin, I promise you that I will be fine, and my child and I will be fine."

I understand what Lin Zhenhua means, he doesn't have to have this child.

But because he needed fetal blood before, he absorbed the power of the shadow of Silver Face. Therefore, this child was born with a part of the blood of the Mountain and Sea Realm.

Such a strange combination was naturally beneficial to us at first, but now it has its disadvantages.

That means it is very likely that the child will be aborted, and I will die as a result.

"You promise." Lin Zhenhua smiled helplessly: "Hold me to the table and chair, what guarantee do you have?"

It seems to be true.


Lin Zhenhua shook his head helplessly, and then reached out to touch my lower abdomen. The curvature was not very obvious at first, but it was much more obvious now that I was sitting down.

At first I thought he was just saying hello to the children as usual.

Never thought...

"Commander, what are you doing?" I looked at the Yanhuang Qi on his hand and flowed into my abdomen along his fingertips.

Is he passing the country on to an unborn child?

Is the national destiny of China so wasteful?

"I hope this glimmer of national luck can protect him at the critical moment." Then, Lin Zhenhua said softly: "Don't act like your mother, be strong and behave."

"How could I be fooling around?" I argued unconvinced.

Lin Zhenhua didn't say much, just glanced at me. He seemed to be saying silently, right?

I was completely defeated.

After Lin Zhenhua opened the door, he said to Ouyang Xuan: "It's okay to let her do the experiment, but she must wear protective clothing and she can only try it a little bit."

"Don't worry, Chief, I'm measured." Ouyang Xuan nodded immediately.

Then someone was immediately sent to make arrangements.

After a while, I put on the special protective clothing.

Looking at the dense clothes covering me, I couldn't help but sigh: "Academician Ouyang, you have really armed me to the teeth."

Ouyang Xuan didn't respond to me. He just carefully checked the data, then checked my clothes, and then said: "I will open the small passage on the left later. When the time comes, put your left hand in first."


It’s really a little trial and error.

There's no need to go to such trouble, right?

However, after seeing Lin Zhenhua's solemn face, I swallowed my words and changed them to: "Okay, I will listen to you."

Even though he was fully armed, even if he only stretched out one hand, Ouyang Xuan still spoke again: "Master Zang, if you feel any discomfort, please return your hand immediately, do you understand?"

"Yeah, I understand." This time, I didn't complain anymore, but nodded obediently.

I thought I would be praised by Lin Zhenhua this time, but to my surprise, he stood behind me without saying a word.

Seeing this scene, I was stunned.

Ouyang Xuan and Kyoto Soul Guard General Jiao Mujiao said in unison: "Commander, you can't stand here, this position is too dangerous."

"That's right." I quickly nodded in agreement.

Then, he was about to signal Jiaomujiao to take the person away, but Lin Zhenhua said: "If you follow Ouyang's words, it won't be dangerous for me to stand here."

As soon as he said these words, Jiaomujiao stopped.

Ouyang Xuan stopped trying to stop him, because they both knew that Lin Zhenhua would not leave.

I smiled dryly and said, "Commander, do you really not believe me?"

Lin Zhenhua did not respond, just looked at Ouyang Xuan and said: "Let's get started."

Ouyang Xuan nodded, and then said worriedly: "Zang Ling'er, you must not act recklessly, the commander-in-chief will not be able to withstand this kind of erosion for long."

This time I didn't feel impatient at all, but solemnly nodded: "I will."

Seeing me like this, Ouyang Xuan felt relieved and opened the passage.

The passage was very small and narrow, and it was opened in an extremely inconspicuous place, so it did not arouse the idea of ​​the crazy dad.

And I followed their previous instructions and slowly stretched my left hand in.

Time passed by minute by minute, but I didn't feel any discomfort. Seeing this, I just wanted to ask what to do next.

Suddenly Lin Zhenhua's expression suddenly changed and he shouted: "Ling'er."

Then he immediately tried to pull me back. His speed was so fast that most of my body had fallen into his arms.

"Becoming an Immortal in One Step"

However, the hand I put in was suddenly grabbed by my father and the protective clothing in front was torn.

Seeing this, Lin Zhenhua shouted: "Ouyang Xuan, open the door and evacuate quickly!"

"No, Chief, both you and Zang Linger will die." Ouyang Xuan refused immediately.

I was also frightened and overwhelmed.

However, what happened next took us all by surprise.


"My hand is fine." I said in great surprise.

What surprised me even more was that after grabbing my hand, my originally manic father suddenly calmed down.

Seeing this, I pushed Lin Zhenhua away.

Then he opened the entire passage and successfully entered the glass frame.

"Zang Linger, come out here!" Lin Zhenhua said angrily.

"Lin Zhenhua, I'm fine, don't worry." After saying that, I no longer paid attention to him outside the glass, but moved closer to my father.

Sure enough, I still didn't feel any discomfort.

My whole body did not become extremely dark, nor did it turn into a pool of blood. On the contrary, it was the same as usual.

Seeing this, I completely took off my heavy protective clothing and whispered: "Dad, I am Ling'er, do you still recognize me?"

Dad still didn't respond, but his mood was very calm, and he just looked at me blankly.

At the same time, he also stretched out his other hand.

However, just as he wanted to touch me, he was pulled into a warm embrace before he even touched me.

Lin Zhenhua walked in without telling me at what time, and he held me in his arms with absolute protection at this moment. His back was exposed to my father.

"don't want."
This chapter has been completed!
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