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Chapter 788: You die, I die!

——Life or death unknown

But listening to Ling Xiao's urgent shouting, it was probably more serious than bad.

Thinking of this, I couldn't help laughing.

"You can still laugh." Suddenly a trembling voice sounded from behind me.

The next moment, the familiar warm embrace lifted me up from the ground, but I didn't dare to move.

I'm afraid that this is my dying dream, and if I move even a little bit, the dream will be shattered.

It wasn't until the majestic zhenqi enveloped me layer by layer, and a golden seal enveloped the Qilin Ghost Seal, that I dared to be sure that all this was not my dream.

"Commander." All the soul-suppressing soldiers shouted in unison.

Long Ren even knelt heavily on his knees: "Teacher, I'm sorry for you! I didn't take good care of my wife."

In the face of everyone's shouts and Long Ren's apology, Lin Zhenhua ignored it. He just hugged me tightly and whispered in my ear in a hoarse voice: "Ling'er, don't leave me, please."

It turns out that Lin Zhenhua can also say the word "Qiu".

I reached out to touch his cheek to reassure him that he didn't have to be like this.

But I found that my hands were already covered in blood at some point. I instinctively wanted to let go, but in fact I had no strength.

He didn't want to, but he was grabbed by Lin Zhenhua: "Zang Linger, if you dare to die, I will accompany you."

"Practice what you say and never make any lies!"

As he spoke, Lin Zhenhua turned his fingers into a knife and directly touched his heart.

Then, he stabbed directly into his own chest without any hesitation or nostalgia.

"Chief, no!"

Everyone was shocked when they saw this scene, and Long Ren immediately got up from the ground. He wanted to rush over, but was bounced away by the barrier set by Lin Zhenhua.

But they are no match for Lin Zhenhua.

And I was shocked when I saw this scene. I didn't know where I got the strength to hold Lin Zhenhua's hand tightly and said with all my strength: "No, don't."

"Ling'er, if you persist, nothing will happen to you." Seeing that I finally responded again, Lin Zhenhua was extremely happy.

But I really want to tell him that all this is just a flashback.

After all, I really have no strength left, not even a drop of energy left.

After all, to withstand the Qilin Ghost Seal with level 2 strength really made me feel like my internal organs were crushed.

It's just that I haven't said the last words yet.

Suddenly, I saw countless flowers, plants and trees surrounding Lin Zhenhua, as if we were not in Tongguan Station at this moment, but in a fantasy forest.

But is this an illusion?

But why do I feel that all the flowers and plants seem to be moved by me, and they all want to inject a steady stream of vitality into my body?

"This star really wants to retire"

"Commander, open the barrier quickly and you won't be able to save her if it's too late!"

This is--

Dad’s voice?

I opened my eyes in disbelief, and the next moment my father, third uncle, and fourth uncle were all here.

What makes me even more unbelievable is the strength gathered around the three of them, which is clearly only possessed by level 5 experts.

So this is Dad and the others regaining their strength?

Or is everything just a dream?

And just when I was losing consciousness, my father's stern voice blasted in my ears: "Zang Ling'er, please cheer up. The Great Luck Technique can repair all things. Your third uncle and your fourth uncle and I worked desperately to catch up.

Come here. You can’t give up at this time!”

"Dad." His lips trembled slightly, and he wanted to continue talking, but in the end he couldn't utter a single word.

"Save your strength and don't talk." Dad understood very clearly, and then, the majestic vitality continued to flow into my body along his hands.

Behind him was the full support of his third uncle and fourth uncle.

I can indeed feel that the wounds on my body are being repaired bit by bit, but my injuries are too serious, and the Kirin Ghost Seal is by no means an ordinary thing.

So, for me, these are undoubtedly trying to stop the car from happening.

Dad is using the Great Luck Technique to save me at the moment, so he naturally knows my situation very well: "It doesn't matter. If you really die, Ling'er, you will be an eternal sinner in Middle Earth."

"It was you who took away the commander-in-chief, and it was you who took away the peace and victory that China finally achieved."

"Thousands of people in Middle-earth will be involved in the war again because of you, and countless families will never be able to get together again because of you!"


Listening to my father's words, I moved my eyes hard and looked at Lin Zhenhua.

Looking at the wound on his chest that was still bleeding.

I opened my mouth and said angrily: "You can't do that, right?"

He is the commander-in-chief of Middle-earth, and he will never be so affectionate. He will always guard Middle-earth.

Lin Zhenhua hugged me tighter and said in a very suppressed voice: "I will! Zang Linger, if you die, I will die! There is no redemption."

In the end, I was saved, but my father, third uncle, and fourth uncle collapsed directly on the ground.

Fortunately, they just consumed too much and were not seriously affected.

But Lin Zhenhua didn't get anything. The reason why he came back so quickly was because he missed the opportunity. The city god left before he and Tongguan Zhenhun arrived.

It seemed that he had been gone for at least a day, which meant that the traitor was not in Tongguan, but in Kyoto.

Of course, there is something to be thankful for, that is, my father, third uncle, and fourth uncle have recovered their full strength.

As for why this happened, it was probably because I seriously injured Bai Luo.

Their sacrifice formation uses Bai Luo as the formation eye, so if the formation eye is severely damaged, problems will naturally arise in the formation.

But if the formation cannot be completely found and destroyed, Dad's strength will still be weakened.

However, it seems that these are not things I can pay attention to.


"Chief, can you put me down? There are so many people watching?" I was wrapped in a small blanket and held tightly in Lin Zhenhua's arms.

At this moment, we have just returned to Kyoto from Tongguan. It is not a secret operation, but I did not expect so many people to come.

Not only Lei Ming, but also the Kyoto Zhenhun General, Ouyang Xuan, etc., even Chen Lang and several congressmen came.

This really makes me feel a little ashamed.

Lin Zhenhua said calmly: "Follow the doctor's orders."

"But Dr. Sun said that there is nothing serious about me." I tried to argue.

Lin Zhenhua lowered his head and glanced at me: "Doctor Sun said that if you want to avoid sequelae, you should not be able to walk for half a month."

Doesn't this mean the same thing?

And I can use a wheelchair.

However, Lin Zhenhua ignored me.

However, these people came up and all of them cast their eyes on me. So much so that I wanted to bury my head in the blanket.

In the end, it was Chen Lang who was the first to speak: "Zang Guoshi, you are really amazing. I heard that you seriously injured Prince Bai Luo with only level 2 strength. You also beat the powerful mirror-breaking Ling Xiao, Grand Commander, and fled."

"Yes, Master Zang, you are truly a woman. No matter whether your strength is weakened or not, it will not affect your combat effectiveness." Another congressman also said.

So they are not here to watch, but to praise me?

"Zang Guoshi, we have come here specially to greet you. You are a great hero in China!"

"After the news of Ling Xiao's Grand Commander's escape and Prince Bai Luo's serious injury spread, the morale of the Shanhai Realm army was immediately shattered. It can be said that they were defeated like a mountain." Another council member said excitedly.
This chapter has been completed!
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