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Chapter 76: The Qilin Strange Seal

"Miss Zang, get out of the way!" Seeing this, Xinyue Fox danced the rune knife in her hand very fast.

And all the runes on her knife fell off, protecting me tightly.

But looking at the extremely solid golden runes, they were instantly shattered into powder under Bai Wuchang's full blow.

And before I could react, the white mourning stick was about to fall.

But the next moment, holding the funeral baton high suddenly stopped.

But Bai Wuchang would be so kind as to let me go?

Then I looked up and realized that it was the rune knife in Xinyuehu's hand, and it was slashing Bai Wuchang's body with a quick and accurate stroke.

But Bai Wuchang was very firm, even his lower body was cut into nothingness.

But he still refused to give up and said: "General Zhenhun, I will settle the score with you after I finish killing this monster."

"Girl, what method did you use to immobilize Hei Wuchang just now? Why don't you try it again now?" Bai Wuchang clearly saw that I had no other choice, so he said pitifully.

But I didn't respond to him even a word. Instead, I took advantage of this air raid and ran away.

If I can't beat him, I don't know how to run.

What happened just now was simply a coincidence. Just when I was using the Ghost Seal Pattern, Wang Hu and the others succeeded in their plan to destroy Wufu Town.

That's why Hei Wuchang was temporarily immobilized under the huge impact of Yin and Yang.

But this is only temporary.

And this situation can never happen again.

But what I didn't expect was that Hei Wuchang got out of trouble the next moment. At the same time, Bai Wuchang shouted loudly: "Old Hei, you come to deal with these people. Leave this girl to me. No matter what, we must kill her today."


As he said this, Bai Wuchang picked up the mourning stick again and chased me relentlessly.

Tangtang Bai Wuchang, the number one soul seducer in hell, is pursuing me so relentlessly.

This is not a blind man lighting a lamp.

What a scam!

"Haha, just be afraid now. Girl, no one can destroy the plan of the underworld. Since you have the ability to change the restrictions of Wufu Town, the underworld will never let you stay!" Bai Wuchang said unceremoniously.

Then the pace accelerated.

No matter how young I am and how good I am at running, I can't outrun the number one seducer in hell.

So I was about to be chased right before my eyes.

The other soul-suppressing soldiers also shouted: "Miss Zang, use the ghost seal pattern. Don't just run away and not fight back."

Oh, this is so fresh to say.

I looked back at the soul-suppressing soldiers speechlessly, if not for the worry on their faces.

I really want to scold them.

After all, although my ghost seal pattern is powerful, it still takes time to draw.

What's more important is that for a while, I really can't think of any ghost seal pattern that can restrain Bai Wuchang for a while.

"The Romance of Fairy Wood"

"Girl, don't run away."

"The soul-suppressing general has been entangled by Lao Hei. As for those soul-suppressing soldiers, no matter how many there are, it is of no use. Can they fight against me?" Bai Wuchang chased me so close that I even

I felt like he was talking in my ear.

There was a fierce pursuit and beating behind him, and his terrifying voice could be heard in my ears.

This is a real physical and mental double blow.

But now I really have no other choice but to run.

At this moment, Wang Hu and other soul-suppressing soldiers also came running from all around.

When Wang Hu saw me being chased all over the place, he hurriedly said: "Don't be afraid, Miss Zang, we are here to rescue you."

"No. Don't come." I immediately waved my hand to stop him: "He is not an ordinary hell charmer, he is Bai Wuchang! Don't come here to die."

If they were just ordinary hell seducers, I would never let Wang Hu and the others hold them back first.

Then I used the ghost-suppressing pattern, but the problem is that the person in front of me is Bai Wuchang.

But Wang Hu was not willing to listen to me. He just waved his hand and led a group of soul-suppressing soldiers to stop Bai Wuchang.

"Captain Wang!"

Looking at Wang Hu who was hit by Bai Wuchang until he vomited blood, I immediately exclaimed.

"Miss Zang, I'm fine, you go!" Wang Hu covered his chest and said resolutely: "All soul-suppressing soldiers must obey the order and must stop Bai Wuchang to the death to ensure the safety of Miss Zang."

"Yes!" As soon as he finished speaking, the surrounding soul-suppressing soldiers responded in unison.

As they gathered more and more people, Bai Wuchang, who had been chasing me madly before, had to stop the script abruptly. And the distance between me and him began to gradually widen.

But the price was also very heavy, because soul-suppressing soldiers kept falling down, and blood kept flowing out of their bodies.

I tried to keep running forward.

As long as I run faster and they delay a little longer, I will be safe.

Because Black and White are ultimately from the underworld, as long as the agreement between China and the underworld is not invalidated, they will not be able to act unscrupulously in places other than Wufu Town.

General Hua Dong Zhenhun will definitely receive the news when the time comes.

Maybe the third uncle or even the fourth uncle will come over. As long as I keep my head down and run back without caring about anything, I will definitely be safe and alive.


"Miss Zang, what are you doing!?" Seeing me running away in the opposite direction again, Wang Hu shouted in shock: "Go quickly, get out of here!"

At this moment, Xinyuehu, who was entangled by Hei Wuchang, was extremely shocked when he saw me running back gradually: "Zang Ling'er, what are you doing here!? Your ghost seal pattern is useless against Black and White Wuchang. You can only do it when you come back.

It’s to die.”

Indeed, the ghost seal patterns drawn at my level are indeed useless to characters of the level of Black and White Impermanence.


"General Zhenhun, our Zang family has never been people who are greedy for life and afraid of death. What's more, how will you know it's useless if you don't try it."

In fact, my last words were purely meant to bluff people.

So Xinyuehu was speechless about this.

But before she could point me out, Bai Wuchang said with a cold expression: "Ghost Seal Pattern, Zangmen Ghost Seal Pattern! Are you a member of the Zang family?"

"Yes, I am the Zang family, and I'm not afraid to tell you. I also have the Kirin Ghost Seal on my body. So Bai Wuchang, it's not that I couldn't beat you just now, I just didn't want to kill you." I said in a serious tone.

There is no way since I can't beat it, I always have to brag.

Otherwise, you will really be pinched to death.

However, what I didn't expect was that Bai Wuchang, who looked livid at first, suddenly burst out laughing after hearing my words.

His smile was so proud and cheerful that I had to ask: "Bai Wuchang, why are you smiling?"

After all, I really don’t think there is anything laughable about what I just said.

"Girl of the Zang family, if you didn't tell such an obvious lie, I would still be a little afraid of you. But your lie is too clumsy. Qilin Ghost Seal, hahaha." Bai Wuchang looked up to the sky and laughed: "The Zang family didn't tell

Are you, the Kirin Ghost Seal, always firmly in the hands of our underworld?"

This chapter has been completed!
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