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Chapter 840: Kneeling to the Holy Spring

"Lin Zhenhua, you..." My eyes widened in disbelief.

Lin Zhenhua just smiled: "Ling'er, you win."

"Let's go." Seeing that I still hadn't come to my senses, Lin Zhenhua took my hand and said, "Now that you've decided, don't delay any longer."

And when I fully understood what was going on, Lin Zhenhua had already led me to the front of everyone.

Seeing me finally appearing, Zi Yan, third uncle, and fourth uncle all breathed a sigh of relief.

Only Hei Xuan looked at me with some amusement, and then looked at Lin Zhenhua: "I didn't expect that the Chief Minister of China was really willing to let Master Zang go to the Holy Spring."

I don't care what he said.

Lin Zhenhua didn't respond, but when a group of us were about to arrive at the Holy Spring, I couldn't help but whisper to Lin Zhenhua: "It's not that I won, it's that you were reluctant to let me lose, and the same is true for me."

Can anyone in this world win over Lin Zhenhua?

There must be, because there is someone outside the sky and there is someone outside the world, but that person cannot be me.

And the reason why I made him retreat and make him admit defeat again and again was not because I was really good, but because he loved me.

"Me too." Lin Zhenhua looked at me affectionately and said.

"Cough." Suddenly a cough sounded suddenly, interrupting us: "General Manager of Middle-earth, the Holy Spring is in front of us."

The person who is so ignorant is naturally not us from Middle-earth, but Mr. Cui.

"Yes." Lin Zhenhua returned to normal and nodded: "Mr. Cui, what do you want to pay attention to?"

"Yes." Cui Lao nodded: "The holy spring is in front of the commander."

"Huh?" Lin Zhenhua looked puzzled.

In fact, not to mention that there was a very big sign standing right in front of us. Even without us, everyone knew that the holy spring was ahead.

After all, besides the holy spring, is there any place in the world of mountains and seas that contains such great power?

Zi Yan also looked stunned: "Mr. Cui, what exactly do you want to say?"

Obviously, we all saw that Mr. Cui didn't mean what he said.

Mr. Cui looked at me and then at Lin Zhenhua. Seeing that we really didn't understand, he stamped his feet speechlessly and said, "I want you to let go."

"Let go, do you understand?"


"Why do you want to let go?" I asked puzzledly.

Lin Zhenhua, who was holding my left hand tightly at this moment, showed no signs of letting go.

Zi Yan even said bluntly: "Mr. Cui, I've never heard of the saying that you can't shake hands when entering the holy spring. This is a bit too nonsense."

On the other hand, Hei Xuan, who had been silent all this time, smiled coldly: "Princess Zi Yan, you misunderstood. It's not that you can't shake hands when entering the holy spring. It's that the Chief Minister of Middle-earth had better not hold hands with Zang Guoshi."

As soon as he said these words, Zi Yanrao understood a little bit even though she didn't understand.

So I didn't ask any further, but looked at me with a bit of pity in my eyes.

But what Zi Yan didn't expect was that I raised my eyebrows and smiled: "I don't care. If Shengquan cares, then let him mind. Anyway, I am not and I don't want to be a saint."

"Master of the Middle Kingdom, are you serious?" Mr. Cui probably didn't expect me to do this.

After all, we have come here, so we should abide by the minimum rules.

"It's absolutely true, truer than pearls." My smile did not change.

Lin Zhenhua even refused to respond and said directly: "Everyone is on heightened alert and is preparing to approach the holy spring."

"Yes, Chief." Everyone responded in unison.

Lin Zhenhua held my hand and walked forward, not letting go at all and not paying attention to what Mr. Cui just said.

Seeing this scene, Mr. Cui froze on the spot.

"Mr. Cui, let's go." Hei Xuan took a step forward and patted the other party on the shoulder.

"King Dongling, what I just said was not clear enough?" Mr. Cui asked with self-doubt.

Zi Yan was actually a little suspicious.

Only Hei Xuan laughed loudly and said: "No, you said it very clearly. But it is impossible for Lin Zhenhua to let go. It is impossible in this life. Hahaha."

Although I was led by Lin Zhenhua and walked in front, Heixuan's voice was so loud and he had such a hearty smile.

Of course I heard it clearly.

So I couldn't help but ask: "Commander, has Hei Xuan lost his strength and his brain at the same time?"

Otherwise, why would his current behavior be completely different from his previous behavior?

"I think he has really thought about it, which is good." Lin Zhenhua said bluntly.

Have you thought about it?

Heixuan's true form is an ancestral dragon, not a flower. What does he want to bloom?

However, Lin Zhenhua did not respond to my next question.

Because at this moment we have reached the holy spring, and all the Chinese people, including Lin Zhenhua, have serious expressions on their faces.

Zi Yan and Heixuan also calmed down their emotions, and even their breathing became lighter.

I was the only one who looked at the holy spring up and down and found that it was nothing but a pool of blue water.

He had no choice but to ask: "Mr. Cui, what should we do to awaken the first King of Dongling?"

After all, it's impossible. Let's talk about it in front of the water.

It's not necessarily useful, it just looks silly.

"Sincerity leads to spiritual success," Mr. Cui replied.

I originally thought he was joking again, but I never thought that after saying this, Mr. Cui actually knelt down and knelt down to worship the holy spring.

That look and movement are comparable to the three kneels and nine bows in China.

I never expected that it would start like this. What made me even more unexpected was that Zi Yan and Hei Xuan looked at each other.

He also knelt down and started to worship.

This, this...

"Third Uncle, do we have to kneel too?" I asked the experienced Third Uncle in surprise.

The third uncle was silent for a while, then he said, "Would you rather believe that it exists than believe that it doesn't exist? Why don't we give it a try?"

"Yeah." Lin Zhenhua also nodded.

However, he did not forget to say: "Ling'er, if you are inconvenient, you don't need to kneel down, just stand aside."

This, okay.

I chose a position away from Lin Zhenhua and my third uncle and stood aside.

Led by Mr. Cui, everyone began to kneel down and worship.

A moment later, Mr. Cui said bluntly: "Shengquan, our Shanhai Realm is now devastated because of Bai Luo's life, and there are countless casualties. Please Shengquan, you can return to uphold justice."

However, Mr. Cui was greeted with silence.

Does this method work?

Seeing this, I couldn't help but feel a little suspicious.

But Cui Lao was very pious and continued: "Holy Spring, we all know that is not a legend. Since you are the first King of Dongling, you should not watch the destruction of the mountains and seas."

Kidnapping, this is definitely moral kidnapping.

If I were a holy spring, I wouldn't be happy listening to it.

However, I am not a holy spring, and it is not my turn to make the decision on this matter, so I did not speak.

But what I didn't expect was that at this moment, several pillars suddenly appeared out of thin air beside the holy spring. These pillars were the same color as the holy spring, both blue.

The only difference is that these pillars are not only engraved with complex words, but also each one is very long, as if straight into the sky.

Could this be the legendary Tianzhu?

I asked curiously: "Mr. Cui, what is this pillar used for?"
This chapter has been completed!
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