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Chapter 965: The Blue Sac Corpse

The Southwest Soul General looked around and asked.

Then, he started to prepare people to search separately, but I suddenly frowned: "No, they used the breath masking technique!"

"They are right next to us!" I added loudly and loudly.

Then, he directly cut his index finger, and a few drops of blood fell into the ground.

People from the Undead Dragon Clan who had been hiding invisibly, and even people from the Jiuding Clan showed up.

And they are only a few steps away from us, and all of them are holding scythes. If we approach unknowingly, they will only be successfully harvested by their heads.

Even to the point of death I don’t know what happened.

But now, now that they have appeared, the southwest soul-suppressing general and a group of soul-suppressing soldiers know how to deal with them.

The Southwest Soul Guard said loudly: "Master Zang, thank you very much, you saved all of our lives!"

After saying that, the Southwest Soul Guard shouted: "Kill, brothers, don't waste Zang Guoshi's blood, we vow to kill all these demonic dragons."


The sickle and the rune sword were fighting fiercely, and the swords and swords of both sides clashed constantly.

But I discovered that the Jiuding clan members also participated in the fighting.


"Southwestern Soul-Suppressing General, the Jiuding tribe is under control. Use your runes to penetrate their eyebrows, and I will release a few drops of blood to unlock their spells." I saw the problem and said loudly.

"Yes, Master Zang." Southwest Zhenhun General responded quickly.

Obviously, he is worthy of being alive by all the Jiuding clan members, because if they survive, they will help us kill the undead dragon clan.

But, I just wanted to cut my wrist.

Lin Zhenhua took the lead and cut himself, and then said: "Ling'er, you are not allowed to use your divine power. I am not asking you to harm yourself."

Golden blood fell from Lin Zhenhua's wrist.

The Southwest Zhenhun will immediately cooperate, and those Jiuding clan members who were trapped by the spell will instantly regain their consciousness.

I immediately said: "People of the Jiuding Clan, you were all controlled by the Undead Dragon Clan just now. Now your opportunity for revenge and counter-attack has arrived. Do you still want to miss it?"

"Never!" Jiuding Yanzhen took the lead, raised the dragon-beating mace in his hand, and struck hard at the undead dragons beside him.

She has set an example and others have followed suit.

Although the number of undead dragons is large, their combat effectiveness is mediocre due to the support barrier.

Originally, the soul-suppressing soldiers were evenly matched against them, but now with the addition of the Jiuding clan members, it is natural to get twice the result with half the effort.


After searching around with my eyes, I couldn't help but asked, "Where is Jiuding Yanzhen, your grandfather Jiudingmu?"

"And where is my third uncle?"

Why are they missing?

"Zang Linger and the others were taken away by Demon King Xiu, and..." Jiuding Yanzhen stopped talking.

"And what?" I asked anxiously.

Unexpectedly, Jiuding Yanzhen still didn't speak. Instead, the young man beside her who did the bloodletting last time spoke: "I'm sorry, Zang Guoshi. You and the Chief Minister of Zhongtu should be careful about our leader and your third uncle."


Does he know what he's talking about?

Why should I be careful about my third uncle?

However, before I had time to ask Lin Zhenhua for confirmation, suddenly there was a sound of chains behind me.

I don't have to look back to know that this chain is heavy and heavy, because the underworld has invaded China before, and the underworld's favorite weapon is the soul hook.

However, it was different from the soul-grabbing chain in the underworld. When I turned around, I realized that this chain was more than ten times thicker than the underworld one.

Its whole body is dark black, stained with countless resentments and hostility.

Each chain is connected by a black ring, and the resentment and hostility are also increasing layer by layer.

And all of this is not the most unacceptable thing for me. The most difficult thing for me to accept is that the person chained is none other than my third uncle - Wu Baisheng.

"Hei Xuan, what are you doing!?" Seeing him holding the iron chain of his third uncle in his left hand and the iron chain of the Jiuding Wood in his right hand, I shouted angrily.

"Zang Ling'er, isn't this obvious to me?" Hei Xuan smiled and said: "Originally, I planned to use the King of Mountain and Sea and the Dragon Blade as the corpse."

"But these two are more skilled than the other. They run too fast and have no choice but to use Wu Bai Sheng and Jiuding Mu." Hei Xuan smiled sadly: "So if you want to blame, you can only blame the King of Mountains and Seas and Long.

Blade, you must not blame me."

"Are you crazy?" I gritted my teeth and said: "The green bag corpse is formed by gathering the yin and yin of heaven and earth. It looks like a drought demon, but is more powerful than a drought demon. And this thing will bite the Lord!"

"Hei Xuan, do you really think that you can escape because you are an eternal strong man?"

The Qingnang Sutra has an upper, middle and lower volume. The first volume describes the fusion of the two qi of yin and yang, the five qi of Hetu, and the positioning theory of Luo Shu's directions to form the body and heaven and earth, which is called Huashi; the middle volume talks about the dependence of form and qi and the coordination of directions between heaven and earth.

The driving force that forms an integrated body is called transformation. The second volume explains the influence of the combination of Qi, shape, position and various laws between heaven and earth, which is called transformation.

It can be said that it uses the simplest and clearest words to unravel the complexity, obscurity and mystery of Feng Shui. It is a rare book.

But in this world, where there is yang, there is yin, and where there is good, there is also evil.

I don't know that from that era, there was an evil sect that specialized in studying the Qingnang Sutra. But what they studied was not the orthodox Feng Shui method in the book, nor was it the reasoning behind Qimen Dunjia.

On the contrary, this book reversed Taoism, and finally allowed them to develop something like the green bag corpse, which was harmful to others and themselves.

"Zang Ling'er is worthy of being the goddess of the mountains and seas, the only true god in the world. She really knows everything and understands everything. Then do you know how to save a person who has become a corpse?" Hei Xuan said with a slight smile.

"My third uncle and the others have lost contact for only an hour. Even if you are a genius and the devil of all ages, it is impossible for you to make a green corpse in such a short period of time!" Although I was very angry, I also knew that the enemy was at hand, especially the enemy.

Avoid confusion.

Because if you are confused first, you will fall into the trap of others.

Seeing that Hei Xuan's face was turning blue, but he still held back, I said again: "Xiu Demon King, my third uncle and Jiuding Mu are looking so bluffing now. Could it be that you used your own earth evil karma fire to force them to do it?"

The yin energy and resentment poured into it, right?"

"If that's the case, how much karma do you have left now? Isn't it like me that you don't have enough magical power?"

"Hahaha." Suddenly, Hei Xuan looked up to the sky and laughed.

His sudden smile made Lin Zhenhua stand beside me immediately.

It was also Lin Zhenhua's move that made Hei Xuan smile even more: "Zang Ling'er, you are really the smartest woman I have ever seen. But so what? Yes, these two things are not real buddies.

Corpse. But I am more than capable of dealing with you now. As for me, you can ask the chief minister of China to come and try to see if I am not strong enough."

"But does he dare to come?" Hei Xuan laughed and said: "If he comes, who will protect you and the son of God in your belly? Rely on these soul-suppressing soldiers?"

"Zang Ling'er, no matter how smart you are, what's the use. People, once you have a weakness, you can only lose."
This chapter has been completed!
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