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Chapter 972: Lin Zhenhua's Black Flame

"Thank you too, King Sametan." Suddenly, before Sametan could react, I slammed into his head.

It is human nature to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, so Jadean dodged without thinking.

And I just took the opportunity to escape, and at the same time, I crashed into the weird stone pillar on the edge of Sleepy Hollow Town.

Jiuding Yanzhen and others were already lying on the edge of the cliff watching us. Seeing my behavior, Jiuding Yanzhen shouted: "I didn't ask you to hit it."

"It's tears that God sheds!"

I didn't say anything because the wind was too loud, but I kept saying in my heart: I heard the rumor of Jiuding, the gods shed tears, the way of snakes appeared, and all things in the world were safe and the emperor ruled.

But the problem is, how can I cry when everything is going well?

Actors can also ask for tear gas.

The problem is that I have nothing but pain from the impact.

But who would have thought.

There was a loud "bang" sound.

I don’t know whether I hit the stone pillar or where I hit it.

I just felt dizzy for a while. When I opened my eyes again, although I could clearly see the plants and trees outside, I couldn't move.

So I just killed myself?

Then I would be too unjust.

And before I had time to feel sad for myself, I saw a woman in colorful clothes who looked like a phoenix standing in the middle of the crowd.

She stood so high, in the center of thousands of people, shining brightly.

This is probably how it feels.

But I felt that she seemed very unhappy, but it was a pity that she was covered with a thick bead curtain.

I could never clearly see her appearance, but the people around her seemed to be whispering: "Only by observing the rules and the precepts can we protect the world."

"But there is no conflict between heaven and earth and human beings," the woman replied.

Only this time, the people around her didn't respond.

But he probably understood that she was dressed so grandly because she was going to guard the tomb.

It's just that this mausoleum is probably that of an ancient emperor, and it shouldn't be the mausoleum of only one emperor through the ages.

Suddenly, for some reason two words popped into my mind - Tomb of the Gods.

Does God also have a cemetery?

Isn’t God immortal? How could there be a tomb?

I was very puzzled, and the next moment the scene changed again. This time the woman finally took off her complicated clothes and wore something very simple and elegant.

From a distance, it looks a bit similar to what I usually wear.

At this moment, she was no longer alone, but there was a man standing next to her. I couldn't see clearly what this man looked like, or even his figure.

I could just hear the man's voice from a distance. His voice was so nice, clear and gentle.


Before I had time to think too much, the whole picture suddenly collapsed.

Lands and lands collapsed, houses collapsed, floods submerged villages, and fires destroyed everything. The whole world ceased to exist, but the two people just now were still there.

They stood far away, as if they were looking at each other, and they seemed to be repenting.

But what do they regret?

“When people are desperate, they can ask God for blessing, but what should they do when God is desperate?”

“People can ask God to repent when they do something wrong, but what about God when he does something wrong?”


"Ouch!" Along with a fierce roar, I felt that my whole body was moving. In fact, I did move.


"Who are you?!" Looking at the huge crimson creature in front of me, I was extremely surprised.

I sat on top of its head and couldn't see the whole thing.

But its head alone is beyond description for me. It is obviously covered with crimson scales, but there are horns at both ends of its head. Although it has both dragons and scales, it looks like a huge dragon.

But the whole body is filled with the fragrance of vegetation. If I don't look at everything in front of me, I seem to think that I am lying on a vibrant green land.

So, it has eaten a lot of grass, so it has a grassy smell?

"I am the python under the throne of Taozu. I am a stupid goddess."

"Who are you calling stupid?" I said angrily.

To be fooled by someone who doesn't look like him.


"Who do you think you are?" I widened my eyes in surprise, and then I realized that its body was really huge.

The bottom part is much easier to distinguish than the top part. The bottom part is clearly a complete dragon body.

"So you are the Dao Hui in Jiuding rumors!?"

"Stupid goddess, you finally figured it out." Dao Fei said with disgust.

But I couldn't help but ask: "Who is the Taoist ancestor? Are all your family members named Tao?"

I have to say that this surname is really unparalleled and domineering.

Daofei was unwilling to answer my question. He just said quietly: "Stupid goddess, the time you just rested is already fifteen minutes when converted into human time. Do you think those people outside can still resist?"

How many fifteen minutes?”


There are also Third Uncle, Southwest Zhenhun General, Jiuding Yanzhen, and even all the people in the southwest war zone.

"Dao Hui, please take me out. I want to save them." I said very sincerely.

Dao Hui rolled his eyes at me: "You are going to save them? Haha."

So I am being looked down upon by a dragon, no, a dragon that is not a dragon?

I was in disbelief, but in line with the principle that a good man never suffers immediate losses, I endured it and said nothing.

At the same time, I was still thinking, you just have to do it.

I still don’t know if I can beat King Shark.

Who would have thought that when I stepped out of the water again and rode down the road, I would see an incredible scene.

That was Lin Zhenhua, surrounded by black flames, standing opposite King Shark and Hei Xuan.

King Shark was obviously at a disadvantage, so he was no longer as majestic as before. On the contrary, he could not even stand up to fight.

But Bai Luo was also covered in scars at this moment.

Different from the injuries in the barrier, his wounds at this moment are surrounded by——

The same black flames as Lin Zhenhua's whole body.

So, it was Lin Zhenhua who injured him?

How is this possible?

Seeing this, I quickly said: "Dao Hui, let me down quickly, I want to go to Lin Zhenhua."

"I think you are seeking death. The black flames are more powerful than the evil fire of earth. Didn't you see that the King of Mountains and Seas was almost burned to death?" Dao Fei said with great disapproval.

Seeing that it really wasn't going to take me to Lin Zhenhua, I simply let go of the dragon's horns and jumped off myself.

I guess Dao Fei didn't expect me to be like this.

He immediately shouted "Ouch" into the sky, and then shouted: "Idiot goddess, come back here!"

Daofei is extremely fast, but I fall faster.

At the same time, it was only now that I discovered that Dao Hui had taken me flying too high, so with my depleted divine power, I could not support myself to land smoothly.

So, am I still going to be thrown to death in the end?

Then the circle is quite wide.

"Ling'er!" What I didn't expect was that I ended up falling into Lin Zhenhua's arms.

What surprised me even more was that Dao Hui, who was chasing him, shouted on the spot: "First King of Dongling, let her go quickly. Do you want her to be burned to death by black flames?!"


I didn't react for a while, but when I came back to my senses, I realized that my whole body was in flames.
This chapter has been completed!
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