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Chapter 14 Tang's Judgment

Tang Ping looked at his palm. When it passed through the girl's body, his hand seemed to have passed through a void of light and shadow, without the feeling of touching anything at all.

This girl's body is nothingness!

But if the body is nothingness, how could she hold on to the door and be ejected by herself?

Although she didn't touch it, Tang Ping's actions made the girl wake up.

Tang Ping asked hurriedly: "You should be able to see where that thing is. Tell me where it is now!"

The girl shook her head quickly, looking anxious: "It only showed a slight flaw when the nail popped out. Now it is completely invisible, and even I can't find it."

Tang Ping shook his head in disappointment, whispered a few words, and then raised the door panel, carefully guarding against attacks that might come from any direction.

As the saying goes, if you know yourself and the enemy, you can fight a hundred battles without danger. Now that Tang Ping knows himself and does not know the enemy, he can only wait for the opponent's attack and passively take the beating.

Fortunately, the iron gate is strong enough and large. Even if you don't know where the invisible monster is, you can still counterattack relatively effectively with its huge attack range.

In this way, Tang Ping and the invisible monster were in a stalemate for about five minutes, with only a few minor injuries on his body.

But Tang Ping could feel that the monster was getting used to the way he used the gate, and he was afraid it wouldn't be long before he could find a way to conquer the gate.

It was a matter of life and death, and Tang Ping's brain was racing, thinking of ways to break the situation.

When the girl answered just now, one word touched Tang Ping, but the inspiration was not clear enough and someone needed to remind her.

Suddenly, the enemy broke through the iron gate and pounced. Tang Ping was slow to retreat a step in defense. His crotch was grabbed by the opponent, and his coat was scratched with three bloody marks.

"Are you a cat? Your claws are so sharp, you can't even afford to wear my clothes..."

At this point, Tang Ping paused, as if something was growing in his head, and he had an idea!

"Claws - nails - cut your nails! Yes, maybe you can win!"

Tang Ping took out a nail clipper from his pocket, raised it, and said loudly: "Go and cut the nails of the person with the longest nails here!"

The little nail clipper immediately flew out, chasing the thing hidden in the air, making a clicking sound. It wanted to complete its work and cut the nails of the mysterious creature!

Although this nail clipper obtained from the finger monster only has service-type abilities, if the service-type abilities are used well, it can also determine the situation of the battle!

Seeing that the nail clippers were not moving in circles, Tang Ping sneered: "I finally found you!"

The girl looked at Tang Ping anxiously: "Now that you have found a way to determine its location, run quickly. Even if you know its location, you can't defeat it."

She was right. Even if he knew the vague location, Tang Ping still had no chance of winning in a close combat with the invisible monster. He was able to hold on holding the door panel just now because the monster didn't want to get hurt, so it was slowly toying with him.

But Tang Ping didn't answer her. Instead, he spread his legs, squatted into a horse stance, lifted his windbreaker back, and got into a posture.

"It's time to show the real skills, Tang's single transmission, the seventh generation traditional martial arts..."

Tang Pingping showed a ferocious smile, pulled out two pistols equipped with silencers with both hands, and fired rapidly in the direction of the nail clippers!

Along with the smoke from the muzzle of the gun, the girl saw clearly the two black pistols in Tang Ping's hands.

The simple lines, tough shape, shiny gun body, and a red bird pattern on the muzzle. Every detail is the technological crystallization of the Hongshan Empire. The Yan Falcon 2 pistol has a magazine capacity of twelve rounds.

, is the weapon that can best take advantage of Tang’s traditional martial arts.

Tang Ping's hand speed was very fast, and he emptied two magazines in three seconds. Then he slapped the armed belt on his waist, and two magazines popped out. He waved his hands quickly, played with reloading in the air, and then fired quickly.

Although his shooting speed is very fast, he does not fire randomly. Every shot has a target, ensuring that even if he only knows the vague position of the invisible monster, he will still receive enough damage.

Two rounds of four magazines and forty-eight bullets were fired. Tang Ping blew on the hot barrel and looked in the direction of the invisible demon and sneered:

"Brother, this is Tang's Iihe!"

Tang Ping's great-great-great-grandfather was named Tang Liye. He was a man of great martial virtue. When he was young, he sought out famous teachers from all walks of life in order to achieve the ultimate in martial arts, and then use force to carry forward the family.

Until one day, when he and his master were robbing the rich and giving to the poor, the master was shot dead by a rookie security guard who had just been issued a police revolver.

Tang Liye was sent to prison. In the prison dragon field, he realized the truth of martial arts - times have changed, and guns are really useful!

After being released from prison, Tang Liye began to practice spear skills hard, and became the half-man, half-ghost, the best spearman. While passing down the traditional martial arts of the Tang family, he also left a considerable fortune...

Click, click, the nail clipper is still working conscientiously.

Tang Ping stopped recalling the turbulent years of his ancestors, replaced the magazine on his gun, walked to the side of the transparent demon, and fired a few more times.

Then he took out a large plate of hanging whip from the car, spread it on the road near the villa, and lit it.

The deafening sound of firecrackers sounded, accompanied by red confetti, white smoke, and the pungent smell of gunpowder spread far away.

Even with a silencer installed, the Flame Falcon pistol is still not silent, but with this set of firecrackers, no one should report it to the Public Security Department.

After dealing with the hidden dangers, Tang Ping returned to the hospital and prepared to receive his trophies.

"This invisible monster is not weak. There should be a giant egg that will appear. What will hatch out of it? It would be best to use an invisibility cloak. If it doesn't work, give me the invisibility ability or see through..."

Tang Ping's thoughts came to an abrupt end because there was no giant egg in the room. All the bullets fell on the ground, surrounded by a large pool of transparent gel.

"That's it?"

Tang Ping sighed: "Looking at the bright side, this at least shows that the appearance of the dome has nothing to do with strength... It may also be because its body is transparent, causing the bullet to hit its vitals and die before the dome is formed."

He complained about himself for a while, then felt pain in the wound, so he pressed his hand on the wound, harmonious energy spurted out, the blood immediately stopped flowing out, and the surface of the wound became glued together.

The principle of harmonization effect is to turn disharmonious things into harmonious things.

According to this principle, wounds and blood are also inharmonious, so harmonious energy can stop bleeding and heal wounds.

But this kind of recovery is only superficial, and rest is still needed to truly heal.

The ethereal fat girl walked over with a pale face. Her condition was much worse than at the beginning. Perhaps it was because an incorporeal creature like her was more sensitive to the power of the Evil Eye.

Tang Ping smiled at her kindly: "Tell me about your body and that monster."
This chapter has been completed!
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