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Chapter 21 Mad Blood and Violent Blood

Tick ​​tock, tick tock...

Blood dripped down the clawed bird's forehead and onto the ground, forming a small blood puddle here.

Memories of old times flashed in his mind.

Clawbird was not a natural alchemist. When he was still a baby, he was abandoned by his parents in a trash can. When he was about to become food for wild cats and dogs, he was discovered and sent to a public orphanage in Muyuan City.

He has been a restless guy since he was a child. He often makes troubles and gets the dean into trouble. He is not very gregarious.

"Ha, it turns out that I was such a bastard when I was little." Clawbird smiled weakly.

Every year, the Civil Affairs Bureau selects children who may become alchemists from orphanages across the city. Jaw Bird was selected when he was fourteen years old. After several years of training, he had a primitive refining formation on his body, but he has always been

I can't find anything that can be refined by myself.

Until one day, he watched a cockfighting match. Among the cockfighting cocks bred by merchants, there was a cockfighting cock that was as unsociable as a clawed bird. That cock had a fiery red comb.

I heard from the boss that this fighting cock will become violent and violent once it is injured. He feels that the cock is the boss and he will fight anyone he touches. Every time someone tries to subdue it, someone gets pecked. This time it pecked its own cock.

Lord, the owner is going to make it into pepper and sesame chicken.

The refining array on his body actually reacted to the fighting cock, so the claw bird bought the fighting cock and acquired sharp claws, gliding, and strong physical fitness.

To this day, he still remembers the look in that fighting cock's eyes when it was being refined, which was a little proud and a little disdainful, as if he looked down on himself.

The bird's body was getting colder and colder. He wanted to take advantage of his last moments to think about the people he should be grateful for, but for some reason, the only thing he could think of was the chicken.

"Ha, is this what it feels like before death? I'm even hallucinating."

Everything around him disappeared, and the earth and the sky were all pale. There were only the clawed birds sitting on the ground bleeding, and standing in front of him was a fighting cock with its head held high and its chest high, with a fiery red comb.

The eyes of the fighting cock are staring at the eyes of the clawed bird. Although it is obviously smaller, it seems to be condescending.

"What do you want to express?"

The clawed bird grabbed the fighting cock, but the fighting cock suddenly turned into a pool of blood, staining the clawed bird's hands and the pure white world red.


The severely injured clawed bird suddenly pushed away the bricks and stood up, letting out a shrill roar. His black mohawk turned as red as blood and burned like a raging flame.

The whites of his eyes turned blood red, and his pupils seemed to be broken. When he opened his mouth to yell, his saliva was scarlet. At this time, he had no reason, only the desire to fight and kill.

Then, he saw a violent explosion!

Tang Ping pulled the trigger of the rifle, and along with the sound of blank ammunition being fired, the grenade was launched.

Chao Xun, who was dazzled by the fireworks, had no time to dodge and was hit by a rifle grenade. The explosion exploded violently. Chao Xun was engulfed in flames and smoke. Tang Ping's face was covered in high-temperature airflow, and his hair smelled like burning feathers.

"This is what men should play with!"

Seeing the explosion, Tang Ping was still unfulfilled.

The Fire Drill Type 3 rifle grenade does not require the installation of auxiliary devices. It only needs to be replaced with a blank bullet in the rifle to fire. The firing pin in front of the grenade will trigger the grenade after collision. Even among the regular troops of the entire Hongshan Empire, the Fire Drill Rifle Grenade

It is also considered the most powerful individual weapon.

Although it is not as powerful as a rocket launcher, its portability is worse than a rocket launcher. It is a good thing with a price but no market in the Hongshan underground weapons market. Most civilians do not even know that this thing exists.

From the aspect of weapons, it can be seen that the New World's technology, especially war technology, is actually far inferior to Tang Ping's previous life, because in Tang Ping's previous life, this kind of rifle grenade was already outdated.

Not only are there rifle grenades that do not require blank rounds to fire, but there are also individual weapons such as grenade guns, and even worse, the ultimate individual weapon that will also perish - the individual nuclear bomb launcher.

Having said that, although this rifle grenade is already very backward in Tang Ping's opinion, there should still be no accidents when dealing with a humanoid monster.

But as expected, an accident occurred.

After Chao Xun was blown away, he fell to the ground. The scales on the front half of his body were all shattered, and his flesh and blood were burned to the ground. Half of his eyeballs and his entire gum were exposed.

But the heartbeat, as loud as a drum, came from his chest!

Chao Xun stood up again!

The blood vessels on his body glowed red, and his flesh, flesh, and scales were regenerating at a high speed. His round eyes were staring at Tang Ping with terrifying madness: "Your eyes must be mine." !”

Chao Xun is a magician.

Choosing to refine evil spirits is a crazy thing.

Strength affects the spirit. The power of evil spirits can make people stubborn, insane, and even step into darkness. If you want to become stronger, you can only improve it by refining the same type of evil spirits in the future.

But Chao Xun is many times crazier than the average magician.

Because he refined six different kinds of evil spirits!

In addition to his own ability to cultivate and enslave evil spirits, he also refined evil spirits with special abilities in the brain, scales, body strength, tail, and heart.

These demons gave him mental shock, strong scales, superhuman physique, sharp cone tail and other abilities, and the demon heart gave him the ability to burn blood in exchange for short-term substantial improvements!

The name of this ability is, violent blood!

Tang Ping took a deep breath, his eyes became firm, he dropped the rifle in his hand, picked up the huge hammer, and walked slowly towards Chao Xun.

After using rifle grenades on the Sukar rifle, you need to replace the live ammunition magazine and adjust the gas regulator before it can be used. Now the hammer is more reliable.

At this point, all the cards in Tang Ping's hand have been played out, and there are no other small means that can be used. The only thing that can determine life or death is actual combat ability!

At this moment, both Tang Ping and Chao Xun noticed that there was a cluster of fire-like hair burning in the dark night street.

The clawed bird made a sound similar to the crowing of a chicken from its throat, locked the target, ran quickly, jumped high, and then glided with its wings, falling towards Chao Xun like a meteor in the dark night.

Tang Ping also turned away and ran. The sledgehammer was as light as a sword in his hand.

Chao Xun, who was so aggressive, could only choose to stop the offensive and switch to defense when faced with simultaneous attacks.

He stamped his legs hard on the ground and roared. When the two of them were two meters away from him, he launched a mental attack. At the same time, he jumped up high to avoid the expected path of the hammer, and pointed his cone-like tail towards the trajectory of the clawed bird behind him. Stab, both claws ready to strike.

This method of coping is extremely clever. The three of them are too close. Under the influence of the mental shock, Tang Pingzhaoqian is unable to change his moves. If everything goes well, he can seriously injure two of them with one move!

Then his thick cone tail flew out.
This chapter has been completed!
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