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Chapter 23 The Inner Demon and the Apostles

The two thighs remained motionless, as if they didn't hear Tang Ping's greeting.

Tang Ping raised his eyebrows: "Is it because you don't have ears that you ignore me?"

He had an idea and did a little dance with his hands on his hips.

After a few seconds, the two thighs also started dancing, and they danced much better than Tang Ping.

After the dance, the thighs stopped, the legs were brought together, and the upper ends were slightly pressed down, as if giving a salute to Tang Ping.

Tang Ping looked surprised: "Hey, you're quite polite. Do you want to go home with me? My house is quite big."

His legs stagnated for a while, then he immediately turned around and ran out, even faster than Zu Yu, and disappeared from Tang Ping's sight in the blink of an eye.

The corner of Tang Ping's mouth twitched. It seemed that what was hatched this time was another uncontrollable thing.

He checked his physical condition and found that he had an extra strength and a fragmented memory in his body. Then he smiled. At least this time, his work was not in vain.

Ability and memory can be checked after returning home. Tang Ping picked up the equipment box, cleaned up all traces related to himself in the villa, and then used the harmonization effect to briefly treat the wounds, and then walked downstairs, preparing to leave.

This is a place of right and wrong.

"Hey, brother, can you heal injuries?"

When going downstairs, Tang Ping met the clawed bird. The guy had woken up and noticed that Tang Ping's injuries were lighter than before.

He looked at Tang Ping carelessly: "Then you can help me get some treatment, and my brother outside, if he doesn't get treatment, he's going to die."

Tang Ping looked at him with strange eyes: "Do we know each other? You just asked me to treat your injuries?"

Claw Bird waved his hand: "After all, we are comrades fighting side by side. It doesn't matter if I ask my comrades to help treat the injuries. You can't be my enemy."

Tang Ping stared at him with calm eyes, thinking about his attitude towards the Civil Comprehensive Bureau.

Seeing that Tang Ping didn't respond for a long time, the claw bird became a little numb, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead: "You are not an enemy, right?"

Tang Ping stopped thinking, walked to the clawed bird, put his hand on him, the harmonization effect was activated, and the wound began to heal: "I can only stop the bleeding and superficial healing, you can do the rest as you wish."

The clawed bird nodded gratefully: "That's enough."

In this case, even simply stopping the bleeding is enough to save lives.

After that, Tang Ping carried the ball king back. It took a long time to treat the ball king's wounds, but it was not difficult. It was just that the clawed bird kept nagging beside him, which made Tang Ping tireless.

What he meant most was that he was short of money.

This operation was not completed, and one eye was blinded. It delayed making money in the future, and it was a huge loss.

Listening to his complaints, Tang Ping was annoyed for a while, then suddenly caught the key point, turned to look at the clawed bird, his eyes became slightly weird.

"Why do you look at me like that?" The clawed bird suddenly felt a chill.

Tang Ping considered his words: "I am interested in alchemists, demons, and many other supernatural things, but I lack channels for information sources..."

The clawed bird smiled generously: "What's the matter? You just saved my brother's life. You can ask whatever you want, but some information is confidential and I can't tell you."

"Well... what if I am just interested in secrets?" Tang Ping looked at him with burning eyes: "Not only are there problems now, I may need to use the Civil Information Bureau's intelligence network to check something at any time in the future."

Claw Bird's expression suddenly changed: "Do you want me to be a spy for you?"

"No, no, no, spy is too ugly." Tang Ping changed the word: "I want you to be my mole."

"Wouldn't that sound even worse?" Claw Bird changed his previous enthusiasm and said with a firm and iron face: "I will not sell you information easily."

Tang Ping narrowed his eyes and captured two key words.

Easy to sell.

So he asked the claw bird: "If you didn't let Chao Xun go this time, how much would the bonus be?"

"I can get one hundred thousand yuan." The claw bird answered with his head raised.

"Then I'll give you one hundred thousand."

The clawed bird rolled its eyes: "Oh, we are all alchemists, and if you want to bribe me with only 100,000 yuan and let me keep sending you information, you are looking down on me too much."

Tang Ping understood what he meant: "This 100,000 yuan is just the price of this information. I will pay you every time I ask you for information in the future. Also, please rest assured that the information I want is only for my own use and will not be used by the Civil Affairs Bureau."


The claw bird's attitude immediately changed: "How are you going to pay the bill? I don't think you have brought so much money. You don't want to scare me with a bad check."

Tang Ping laughed: "Tell me your bank account."

In the life of a clawed bird, the number he remembers most clearly is his bank deposit amount, and the second most clear thing is his bank account.

Soon Tang Ping used a hidden account to transfer money to Claw Bird, and the two completed a pleasant friend transaction.

After receiving the money, Claw Bird became much closer: "If you have any questions, just ask, I will tell you everything I know."

Tang Ping thought for a while and asked the first question: "I once killed an evil demon, but the body of the evil demon disappeared in a strange way. What was the reason?"

The clawed bird gave Tang Ping a strange look: "This is a large-scale 'abnormality' called 'The Ferryman' that covers the whole world. Legend has it that the Ferryman will recycle the corpses of evil spirits and drain the power from the remains of the alchemists."

, to prevent the world from being polluted..."

"Are the ferrymen you're talking about a group of skeletons wearing black robes?" Tang Ping interrupted Claw Bird.

The clawed bird held back what he was about to say: "Yes, you are right."

He was about to say that no one knew what the ferryman looked like, he could only see the ferryman in action... Now he couldn't figure out how much Tang Ping actually knew.

Tang Ping nodded. He felt more relieved when he learned that those men in black robes were not just targeting him: "Then the second question is, how did the evil spirit come?"

"Well...this is really the right person to ask. Alchemists generally believe that at the moment when ordinary people completely lose their sanity, there is a chance that they will be contaminated by the 'source of chaos' and turn into evil spirits."

"It sounds like you know something else."

The claw bird was silent for a while: "This information is a bit dangerous. Don't delve into it after listening to it. I met an expert in martial arts a few years ago. He said that there is a creature called an 'apostle' who loses his mind."

Human beings may become demons only if they are noticed by the apostles."

Tang Ping suddenly realized: "The apostle you are talking about is..."

"Stop, don't tell me!"

Claw Bird stopped Tang Ping, and the martial arts expert told him that it was enough to know the information about the apostle, and it would be dangerous to continue to delve deeper.

Tang Ping clicked his tongue and asked the question he was most concerned about: "So the demon who has been transformed but still retains his humanity, is there any chance of returning to normal?"

Claw Bird shook his head: "Unfortunately, it is not possible. The anchor of humanity will collapse one day. If you know that such an evil devil exists, please kill him as soon as possible... while he still has humanity."

Tang Ping sighed, and his mood suddenly turned bad.
This chapter has been completed!
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