Turn off the lights
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Chapter 25 Openness and honesty

At midnight, everything is silent.

Only some hard-working overtime dogs, freelancers like thieves, and some people who visit other people's homes when their husbands and wives are not at home will appear on the street at this time and make sporadic noises.

The night sky is like the heads of sloppy young men and women, filled with dandruff-like stars. The bright stars in the middle indicate that God's hair is worrying.

With the moonlight above his head, Master Tang tiptoed back to the villa through the secret passage and opened the door to his bedroom. Then he saw Tang He sitting on the big sofa in the center of the living room, looking at Tang Ping with a gloomy expression.

The living room in the bedroom may sound strange, but every master bedroom in the Tang family has one bedroom, one living room and one bathroom.

Having said that, when Master Tang saw Tang He, his heartbeat immediately accelerated.

This was not because he had any evil thoughts, it was simply because he was afraid. His mood at this moment was the same as that of a student secretly playing with his mobile phone in a self-study class when he found the teacher standing behind him.

"Sister, you're still up so late. Sleeping late is the natural enemy of your skin..." Tang Ping sneered.

Tang He said coldly: "Come here and take a turn."

Tang Ping obeyed the instructions obediently, like a child showing dirty clothes to his mother.

"Whoever hurts you, I'm going to kill him and cut him into as many pieces as I have hair!"

Tang He's hair floated wildly, and a black curtain was cast in the bedroom. The cold murderous intent gave Tang Ping goosebumps all over his body, and the three maids who were sleeping all had nightmares.

Although the wound had been treated with the harmonic effect, his physical condition could not be hidden from Tang He. She could tell at a glance that Tang Ping had just experienced a big battle.

"No, it's disgusting to cut so many slices. It's already dozens of times worse than Ling Chi."

After using jokes to lighten the atmosphere, Tang Ping's expression became serious.

"I did go out to fight tonight, and I did get some injuries, but it doesn't matter. I enjoyed the process and didn't feel any pain, and I don't want you to be angry about it."

Tang He frowned: "Then you promise not to take risks again."

Tang Ping shook his head: "Impossible, I will go out often, and sometimes the injury may be more serious..."

"Xiao Pingting, you are really capable! Do you believe me or not..." Tang He raised his hands in anger.

Tang Ping stepped forward: "Staying at home is safe, but it will turn me into a waste. I have to become stronger, so I have to do these things until... In short, I hope you can understand and support me.

, I will be very happy this way.”


Tang He placed his palm gently on Tang Ping's head, his expression a little disappointed, but also a little happy: "Since you have mentioned this, I won't stop you anymore, but there is one thing, you must..."

Tang Ping showed a confident smile: "Don't worry, I will never die."

After the matter was settled, the two fell into silence.

After knowing that Tang He would eventually turn into a demon, Tang Ping knew that such a confrontation would happen sooner or later.

In order to turn Tang He back into a human being, Tang Ping needs to become stronger and have a deeper understanding and control of the harmonic energy until the harmonic energy can work on Tang He. For this reason, he must often take risks.

But Tang Ping is Tang He's human anchor. To Tang He, no other person or thing is more important than Tang Ping, so Tang He will not sit idly by and ignore Tang Ping's adventure.

So Tang Ping only had two choices left, either hide every adventure from his sister, or have a frank talk with her and gain her support.

Not to mention whether Tang Ping could hide the sister he got along with day and night, but if the concealment failed, it might cause the anchor of human nature to collapse, which made Tang Ping not choose to hide it.

Therefore, Tang Ping only had one choice left, and that was to be honest.

Today, Tang He acquiesced to Tang Ping's idea of ​​taking risks, which really made Tang Ping feel good.

After a moment of silence, Tang He took the lead to break the embarrassment: "By the way, you won't just be busy fighting and forget what I want to buy, will you?"

Tang Ping chuckled: "How can you do that? Your business is my business. The goods will be delivered in two days, but I have to ask my sister for help tomorrow."

"What's the rush?"

"Help me train. I think I should gain a new ability."

"All creatures are burdened with the original sin from the distant past. All our pain is to pay for the sin. Your legs were disabled due to the original sin, and my ears were also injured due to the original sin..."

Li Ailun was basking in the sun in the yard and listened patiently to a man with one ear lying on the wall, preaching to him the ideas of the old days.

The reason your legs are disabled is because you have original sin. This is the harshest sentence in the ears of Li Ailun, who has been unable to stand since he was a child.

But he couldn't help but listen. His mother sent him here to bask in the sun, and then went back to his room to do handicrafts.

He could crawl back on his own, but that would make him look embarrassed. He hated being embarrassed, and he hated looking embarrassed in front of people he hated even more.

"So, is there any way to avoid the pain caused by original sin?"

Li Ailun knew that this guy was going to talk about building a harmonious order, doing good deeds, and doing righteous deeds. His father who abandoned his wife and children was a believer in the Old Day Church. Li Ailun was more familiar with these words than the one-eared man.

"Yes, that is to seek the blessing of the true God!"

Li Ailun's expression was stunned: "The old religion has no God!"

"The purpose of the Old Day Religion is to establish a harmonious order and hope to use merit to offset original sin. So why not believe in the 'harmonious order' itself? Our Lord is the master of order and the creator of harmony. Believe in my Lord,

It will be..."

The Old Day religion has no gods, or in other words, the three orthodox religions that are allowed to spread, each of them has no god in the conventional sense. The religion in the afterlife believes in Buddhism, and the religion in this world wants to become an immortal.

The Old Day religion does not even have transcendent idols such as immortals and Buddhas, but only believes in some human beings who have contributed to the harmony of human civilization in human history.

Therefore, what this one-eared man said about the only true God made Li Ailun extremely disgusted.

So after the one-eared man returned, he made a phone call: "Hey, Civil Comprehensive Bureau, there is an uncle with only one ear next door to my house. He said he wanted me to believe in the true God. I don't know what that means...


When I was a child, a one-eyed comb-headed officer with many bandages on his body kicked open the door of the next door and walked out after a while carrying the man's only remaining ear.

Hearing these movements, Li Ailun laughed happily. Finally, no one harassed him while he was basking in the sun.

"This man has grown so old in vain. There is no one true God in the old religion. If you can avoid original sin by believing in God, how could I be disabled since childhood..."

Tap tap, tap tap!

Li Ailun suddenly heard a sound behind him.

He turned around impatiently and saw a pair of shimmering thighs standing behind him!

"Ah, ah, help!"

The thigh seemed unable to hear Li Ailun's screams, and walked straight towards him, overlapping with his disabled legs.

Then Li Ailun felt that his legs were conscious!
This chapter has been completed!
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