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Chapter 29 Forced Harmonization Effects

In the alley, only Tang Ping and Huang Mao, who was frightened by the cursed evil eye, were left.

Tang Ping looked at Huang Mao and thought about how to deal with him.

This guy is obviously not a good person, and he tried to rob Tang Ping twice, so he is somewhat destined to Tang Ping, so Tang Ping is not going to let him go this time.

Then...be the guinea pig and informant.

After Huang Mao recovered from the shock, he saw Tang Ping looking at him kindly: "Follow me."

Tang Ping took Huang Mao to a more remote place and asked politely: "What's your name?"

"My name is Niuban, and all the brothers on the road call me Huangfa."

"Then you will be hairless from now on."

Tang Ping pressed his hand on Niu's blind head, and all his hair fell off. Dying hair on the street is also a disharmonious behavior.

Then he patted Niu Blind on the shoulder: "I will do something to you next, and you have to honestly tell me how you feel."

Looking at the eyes that were trembling with excitement on Tang Ping's face, the fear in Niu Blind's heart rose to the extreme, but he did not have the courage and ability to resist, so he could only endure Tang Ping's experiments in fear.

Due to confidentiality reasons, Tang Ping usually did not have the opportunity to test the effect of harmonious energy on ordinary people. He tested it on himself and could not be cruel, so Niu Blind became a perfect material.

Tang Ping tried to use various methods to apply different amounts of harmonic energy to Niuban's body to test the effect of harmonic energy on ordinary people.

Through testing, Tang Ping discovered a way of using harmonic energy that was different from the apparent harmonic effect. He named this way of using harmonic energy the forced harmonic effect.

The appearance harmonization effect is to distort things through harmonic energy, thereby permanently changing the appearance of things.

The forced harmonic effect is to achieve harmony with the essence of things by changing the structure of the harmonic energy so that the harmonic energy can gain stickiness and adhere to people or things.

Pour harmonious energy into the eyes of a blind cow, and he will not be able to see anything disharmonious.

Pour harmonious energy into his ears, and he will not hear others scolding him.

Pour it into his mouth and he won't be able to say dirty words.

Even if Tang Ping wanted to, he could make some of Niuban's disharmonious organs disappear smoothly and without leaving any traces!

Such as his ugly face, and some other things.

Maybe pouring harmonious energy directly into his brain can also 'brainwash' him and block out all the dirty things in his brain, but Tang Ping's cow blindness is still useful, so he can't try it crudely.

However, the forced harmonic effect also has shortcomings. The harmonic energy stuck outside will continue to be consumed when it is exerting its effect. When the harmonic energy is consumed, the effect of the forced harmonic effect will also end.

At the same time, if the energy of the harmonized item is too high or there is strong resistance, the consumption of harmonic energy will be accelerated, and the total amount of harmonic energy that Tang Ping can release is limited.

Therefore, this move basically cannot be used in battles with equal opponents.

At the end of the experiment, Tang Ping was very satisfied with the results.

Niu Blind looked at Tang Ping in horror. The experiment itself was not painful, but during the experiment, something happened that he, a human being, could not understand.

The multi-eyed man in front of me may be more weird and terrifying than the monsters that attack humans in rumors.

After digesting the experimental results, the order of the eyes on Tang Ping's face became more regular and looked less scary:

"You tried to rob me twice. Logically speaking, I should kill you, but you may still be of some use to me. Let me ask you, have you heard or seen anything scary and weird?"

Niu Blind looked straight at Tang Ping, this guy was the weirdest thing he had ever seen.

Tang Ping was slightly annoyed: "Except me!"

Niuban was rummaging through his mind quickly for the anecdotes he usually watched for fun, and said as he thought:

"A month ago, there was a man in Pingkang District who called himself a time traveler. He created a lot of new things, but he disappeared in just two days."

"In the Sancai Mental Hospital in Xinghua District, there seems to be a person who claims to be an ancient emperor. He used strange means to injure the guards and escape from the mental hospital. Later, he was hit and killed because he could not cross the road."

"It is said that in the dance classroom of Muyuan No. 17 Middle School, there will be a dancer dancing at midnight..."

Most of what he told could only be regarded as anecdotes or jokes and had little value.

Niuban's eyes suddenly lit up: "By the way, I remembered it. Recently, there are rumors that there are fish monsters that attack people in the sewers of Yongning District. If you enter the sewers with the lotus sacred pattern of the Afterlife Sect, you will be attacked. This matter

It’s true, it can’t be wrong! In the past two days, the sewer workers who believe in the religion of the afterlife have stopped working!”

Tang Ping thought thoughtfully: "Do you have the lotus sacred pattern?"

Today he came to trouble Chao Xun, but he still had to catch other evil spirits. After today's incident, he could try out the quality of the fish monster.

Although people like Niu Blind were not popular, they had better information than many people. The reason why Tang Ping didn't do anything to him was because he wanted him to help him collect information about evil spirits. Using him to test was somewhat of a test.

However, Tang Ping didn't want to delay the business because of Niu Blind, so he gave Niu Blind a phone number.

"That's it for today. If there is similar news in the future, please remember to inform me and don't try to hide it. Also, don't do such things as robbery."

He put his face close to the cow blind, and his face covered with eyes was instantly covered with a layer of snake skin, with countless black and white patterns flashing.

"I can make your organs disappear temporarily, or I can make them disappear permanently. I hope you remember my words."

After saying that, Tang Ping picked up his bag and left. Niuban leaned against the wall and sat down slowly, his face turned pale, and the clothes on his back were soaked.

This is the first time he has seen a real monster!

"Your feet are beautiful."

This apartment has been built for a long time, and the rooms are generally small in size, but this room is still neatly tidied, and the sunlight shines in through the floral curtains, making it look quiet and warm.


The hostess of the room was tied up, a bulb-sized ball with floral patterns was stuffed in her mouth, and her legs were placed on a chair.

Ashimi, who exuded a foul odor, was playing with a chainsaw. There were more than a dozen huge scars on his back, and all five toes on his left foot were completely broken. He was obviously much weaker than before.

"Don't struggle. If the incision is not neat, your feet will look ugly."

Since being caught by Chao Xun, Zu Yu has stopped doing this kind of thing for a long time, but this time he was released by Chao Xun and allowed to move freely outside.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, he began to search for the sole of his favorite foot. Only by relying on subtle details, he could find the foot that satisfied him the most.

After studying for a while, he finally figured out how to operate the chainsaw. Just as he raised the chainsaw, he heard a bang and the door was kicked open.

Tang Ping was holding the package and standing at the door, staring at Zu Yu with stern eyes, murderous intent boiling in his heart.
This chapter has been completed!
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