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Chapter 38: Chao Xue's Secret

Chao Xun died, and Tang Ping's most urgent threat disappeared.

But he can't rest in peace yet because he has other things to do.

The first time he dealt with Chao Xun, he misjudged the opponent's strength and got help from the illusory girl Wu Ying. He was able to escape unscathed this time and gained experience for killing Chao Xun in the future.

For this reason, Tang Ping agreed to take Wu Ying home.

Let her see how her parents felt after her death, and what changes the company's colleagues and leaders had due to her sacrifice.

In this way, she achieved her wish and could disappear into nothingness.

Based on his experience from some supernatural stories in his previous life, Tang Ping didn't think there was anything wrong with Wu Ying's words.

Last night, she made a call to the safe house where Wu Ying was staying. On the phone, Wu Ying was very anxious and kept urging Tang Ping.

So Tang Ping decided to take a day off today and take Wu Ying to fulfill her wish tomorrow.

Tang Ping has two things to do today.

The first thing was that Chao Xun's daughter Chao Xue woke up, and he needed to deal with her stay.

The second thing was that he was going to find a claw bird joint, and he had a few questions he wanted to know the answers to.

Renjie Sanatorium is a high-end sanatorium funded by the Tang family.

This place is basically only open to the inside of the Tang Group. Muyuan City knew that there were not many people here. When Tang Ping came over, Chao Xue was sitting on the hospital bed by the window, looking at the leaves of the peach tree outside the window in trance.

Tang Ping came over and sat in front of the hospital bed.

Chao Xue turned her head, looked at Tang Ping and smiled: "Thank you for saving me."


"My father should be dead."

Tang Ping stopped for a moment and looked at Chao Xue with serious eyes.

He came here just to talk to her about Chao Xun and make some arrangements for her future life. A girl who lost her father and was seriously ill. If Tang Ping didn't help, her end would be no worse than that of Jie Xun.

The bum on the edge is better.

But now it seems that this girl is not as simple as she seems.

After thinking for a few seconds, Tang Ping nodded.

"Yes, he is dead."

"As expected, then as a daughter, I must take revenge."

Chao Xue didn't look sad, but rather relieved. She clenched her weak fist and punched Tang Ping on the chest.

"That's it?"

Tang Ping raised his eyebrows.

You don't even have the strength to hit someone, but you still say you want to avenge your father?

"To avenge him, this is enough."

Chao Xue turned her head away and continued to look out the window. The chirping fat chirping tree standing on the branch particularly attracted her attention.

"What kind of person do you think my father is?"

Tang Ping fell into deep thought. In his eyes, Chao Xun was divided into several stages.

At the beginning, he thought Chao Xun was a bad guy and wanted to dig out his own eyes and stomp on them.

After obtaining the memory from the python, he felt that Chao Xun was a tragic and dangerous person who would do anything for his daughter.

When he saw the pills for treating amnesia at home, he felt ridiculous and ironic, and even felt some sympathy and understanding in his heart.

But the conversation when he was killed in the end overturned all Tang Ping's views on him. He was simply...

Before Tang Ping could tell the answer, Chao Xue answered first: "He's just a lunatic, right?"

"I have had a special ability since I was a child and can predict certain things."

Tang Ping was slightly surprised: "Predict the future?"

"I haven't predicted the future, I just have some vague premonitions about things related to me..."

Chao Xue's thoughts gradually returned to the past, and a story unfolded along with her memories.

"I remember that when I was a child, my family was very happy. I occasionally showed some abnormalities, but my parents only thought that I was a genius... until I was seven or eight years old, when I suddenly had a premonition of a huge crisis, and this crisis...

From my mother!

She seemed normal, and she was even closer to me than before. She would often give me kisses, hugs, and hugs, but I always felt that when she got close, her eyes didn’t look like she was looking at a child, but like she was looking at a child.


Since then, I kept telling my father to let him care about my mother's abnormality, but he didn't care.

On the seventh day, the sense of crisis almost overwhelmed me. I knew I would die if I didn't leave, so I pretended to be sick and tricked my father into taking me to the hospital...

Everyone in the building died that night!

The only survivors were my father and me, but he didn’t think that I saved him, but that I caused the disaster and killed my mother.”

Tang Ping recalled the memory of the python man. Chao Xun would often say that it was Chao Xue who caused the disaster, and he didn't care about Chao Xue.

At that time, he only thought that Chao Xun loved Chao Xue, and the indifference he showed outside was just the old father's disguise. He did not realize that those appearances were all true, and he was really full of malice towards his daughter.

Chao Xue continued: "My father loved my mother very much. He made me believe that love really exists, and he also made me feel that love... is terrible.

He cared about almost nothing except my mother, not even my grandparents and me. Since my mother died, he became very depressed, like a zombie, but suddenly one day he suddenly became very happy, and I also noticed

Danger has arrived.

But every time this premonition of danger makes me want to escape, I will lose my memory. After I lose my memory enough times, when I wake up again, I will see you. This is my whole story."

After Tang Ping heard this, his expression suddenly became clear.

He never thought that Chao Xun was the cause of Chao Xue's illness. That guy was really crazy.

Only now did he have a complete understanding of Chao Xun.

As the first enemy who triggered Tang Ping's sense of crisis, if Tang Ping didn't understand Chao Xun clearly, he would always feel that something was missing.

After sighing for a while, Tang Ping stood up and looked at her, his tone became much more serious: "You should know in your heart that your ability will attract prying eyes. You can pretend that you don't know anything, why do you want to confess your ability to me?"

Chao Xue also stood up. At 1.6 meters tall, she looked so small in front of Tang Ping.

"If I don't speak clearly, you may give me a sum of money and send me away. Only by being honest and proving my worth can I stay by your side."

Tang Ping chuckled and said sarcastically: "If you want to stay with the enemy who killed your father, you may not be looking for an opportunity to murder me."

Chao Xue raised her head and looked seriously into Tang Ping's eyes.

"You are dangerous, scary, weird, and there is a fire in your heart that can break out anywhere."

"But what makes me feel contradictory is that my premonition tells me that I will be safe around you... You are like a luminous giant. Everyone who bathes in your light will be happy. You are my most beautiful person."

Good place to go.”

She suddenly grabbed Tang Ping's clothes and raised her head with tears in her eyes: "Good Samaritan, please take me in, an orphan girl who has no father or mother and is just recovering from a serious illness."

The corners of Tang Ping's lips gradually turned up. This girl said that she was so good, so her premonition ability must be true.

"In that case, you can come to my house. My house is very big and there are not enough maids."

This chapter has been completed!
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