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Chapter 44: Vengeance

"This is the office building of Sancai Industrial. I made an appointment in advance. All your colleagues who were still working here will participate in this return visit."

While waiting for the elevator, Tang Ping said to Wu Ying.

Wu Ying pouted: "Is this the privilege of the rich?"

Tang Ping shrugged: "That's right."

The elevator slowly ascended, and when it was about to reach the large conference room used for return visits, Wu Ying's face suddenly changed and her body shook a few times.

Tang Ping noticed this, but just shook his head slightly.

The people Wu Ying is about to meet are the ones she hated the most when she was alive. It is understandable that she is feeling uneasy now.

There were more than a dozen people sitting in the conference room, and Wu Ying looked at them as if they were going to be eaten alive.

But what surprised Wu Ying was that the return visit process was unexpectedly harmonious. These people all sincerely admitted their mistakes, confessed to the mistakes they had made, and expressed their guilt and regret for Ms. Li Aiyuan.

Wu Ying's anger dissipated and a smile appeared on her face.

The return visit ended successfully. Tang Ping took Wu Ying downstairs, feeling relieved.

Although Wu Ying hid something from herself, it was enough that the matter ended successfully. No matter what happened next, it had nothing to do with him, Tang Ping.

Standing downstairs, the two chatted for a while. Tang Ping could feel that Wu Ying's mood was getting better and better, and her body was getting lighter and lighter, and finally disappeared into nothing.

"The obsession dissipates and the soul ascends to heaven. This is a good thing..."

Tang Ping smiled and remembered the boy in a wheelchair he had seen before.

When he met before, he felt that he had an inexplicable liking for the young man. Now that he thought about it carefully, his liking should come from the young man's legs.

But before, it seemed that I had indeed hatched a pair of legs.

He closed his eyes, and golden threads like hair were rippling on his head. He chose one of them to check, and found that the golden thread was facing the direction of Wu Ying's house.

"That's true...wait, that's not right!"

Tang Ping's eyes widened.

Thinking of these legs, he thought of the death of the python, and then the death of the demon.

There are only two possibilities for the death of the evil spirit, one is to be condensed into an egg by the harmonic energy, the other is to be recovered by the mysterious ferryman, and the body disappears instantly.

Wu Ying's disappearance is inconsistent with these two results.

The reason why he just felt that Wu Ying's soul was liberated came from his inherent understanding of ghosts in his previous life, but the experience of his previous life could not be used here.

Claw Bird's words have proven that Wu Ying is an evil spirit, and the theory of ghosts is not popular in this world.

So Wu Ying disappeared just now...

"not good!"


A man mixed with glass particles and fell in front of the Tang plane. The blood spread like a rotten tomato. The smell of blood filled the air and people screamed and fled in panic.

Tang Ping looked up and saw a broken glass on the roof of the building, which was the floor of the large conference room.

Li Ailun was sitting on the steps in the yard, with confusion on his face.

When he was fighting the invisible monster just now, he was dominated by anger, so he just kept attacking wildly.

But now that he calmed down, he suddenly realized that the transparent monster never wanted to harm him. Instead, he could detect a feeling of sadness and happiness from the transparent monster.

Why is it happy and why is it happy?

In the courtyard next door, Du Yizhi, who was missing an ear, was lying on the wall and said nonchalantly: "Young man, something has happened to you."

Li Ailun immediately protected his leg. He didn't want others to know that his leg had recovered.

Du Yizhi chuckled: "You don't have to hide it from me. I know more than you think. It was your sister who came back just now."

"Impossible, absolutely impossible."

Li Ailun strongly objected: "My sister is already dead."

Du Yizhi pointed to Li Ailun's leg: "Since your legs can be restored, why can't your dead sister come back?"

Li Ailun's expression suddenly changed. He remembered Tang Ping's previous 'return visit', and then thought about the feeling of fighting the monster. The more he thought about it, the more he felt that Du Yizhi's words were right.

"Where is she? I'm going to find her!"

Du Yizhi shook his head: "She is invisible and I am not a god. How can I know her whereabouts? But you can ask about the gods of your old religion."

"The Old Church has no God!" Li Ailun refuted.

"Really not? Think about what happened the last time we talked."

Du Yizhi turned back with a smile, took two steps and ran back quickly: "Don't report me this time. The officers of the Civil Affairs Bureau are very cruel in beating people, and they don't follow martial ethics and only slap people in the face!"

Li Ailun was silent for a long time, and then said something silently in his heart.

"If there really is a god in the Old Day religion, can you tell me where my sister is?"

Suddenly, Li Ailun's eyes widened. In a daze, he seemed to see a golden thread coming from a distance, seemingly pointing a direction.

"My sister is there!"

After Tang Ping left, a dozen people in the conference room relaxed.

The sorrow and self-blame on their faces disappeared, replaced by depression and dissatisfaction, as well as the shame and anger caused by the ugly appearance just now.

This morning they suddenly received news that everything they had done before had been exposed, and if they admitted their mistakes sincerely, the punishment would be reduced, which is why they cooperated with Tang Ping's return visit.

But as soon as Tang Ping left, they started to complain to each other in a very annoying tone.

A man with prominent cheekbones roughly tore off his tie: "The death of that fat woman, what does it have to do with us? It makes me even lower my voice."

"What you did was too much. But after all, she is a woman, and her rationality is greater than her sensibility. I just made some jokes with her and committed suicide." The slightly fat male salesman used a warmer soaked in wolfberry.

The cup took a sip of water.

"What do you mean, you look down on women?" A woman with heavy makeup and squinted eyes looked in the mirror and said in a strange manner: "But she was demoted for doing something wrong, why is she so arrogant? It seems like she is the only one who knows how to do it.


A seemingly calm man said in a deep voice: "I heard that her family also had an old mother and a disabled brother. She committed suicide after being wronged. She did not consider her family at all. It is simply too selfish."

"Yes, too selfish, too selfish." Everyone agreed.

They obeyed Tang Ping's return visit because they were afraid of losing their jobs and compensating Wu Ying's family.

But after Tang Ping left, their true colors were revealed.

However, although Tang Ping left, the other person still stayed here, listening to all their conversations.

Wu Ying was mentally disturbed and her memory was incomplete, so many of the things she and Tang Ping said did not match up.

But there was one thing she deliberately lied about.

She wanted to go home and go back to the company, not to see everyone's reaction after her death, but to take revenge!

If these people were really sincere, she might at some point give up on revenge.

But now, this may be gone.

The man with prominent cheekbones who first talked about Wu Ying's fat woman floated up out of thin air, smashed through the window, and fell from the tenth floor.

Immediately afterwards, Wu Ying's figure appeared in front of her colleagues.

Her face was pale and strange, floating in the air, and a lot of black air came out of her body.

Her hatred and anger could no longer be restrained.

This chapter has been completed!
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