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Chapter 1 The Perfect City

In a semi-abandoned underground garage, an old-fashioned sodium lamp worked stubbornly. The light could only illuminate a small area. The place outside the light was dark, cold and damp...

"Doctor Xiao, I'm sick, only you can save me!"

Within the limited lighting range, a beautiful female doctor and patient sit opposite each other.

The patient was a man, very tall, with scruffy and messy hair, a haggard face, and red bloodshot eyes. His body trembled slightly when he spoke, and he was obviously very emotionally unstable.

The doctor carefully comforted the patient: "I will save you, so... can you put down the knife first?"

The patient was stunned for a moment. It was indeed impolite to ask for medical attention with a watermelon knife.

So he threw the knife on the ground, took out a sharp hand ax from his thick black coat, and placed it on the doctor's neck.

"My name is Tang Ping. I just came to this city three months ago. This place makes me a little disgusted and even angry."

Tang Ping thought of that tragic night three months ago. Just because the story in the online article was so exciting, he was writhing like a big maggot on the bed. He accidentally fell off the top bunk, and when he woke up again, he appeared in this place.


Doctor Xiao carefully agreed with the midnight robber: "This is indeed not a good place. Everyone says that Muyuan City is full of gold and opportunities. Although this is true, it is more lies and violence..."


Tang Ping interrupted Dr. Xiao.

"Muyuan City is very beautiful. I have never seen a place like this even in my dreams. Everyone respects the old and loves the young. Everyone has enough food and clothing. Everyone is always smiling. There are no smokers, drunks, liars or gamblers. There is no filth.

Dirty and violent..."

Tang Ping talked for a long time, from economics to humanities, from entertainment to food, everything was fine and detailed, and every item was perfect without a trace of dirt.

Doctor Xiao had a puzzled look in his eyes. Is it really Muyuan City that Tang Ping mentioned? Even the fairyland, heaven and paradise fabricated by the Three Orthodox Sect are not so perfect.

But what Tang Ping said was too detailed and could not have been made up.

"Ah, I'm sorry, I'm a little off topic. I haven't met anyone with whom I can communicate normally for a long time." Tang Ping changed the topic: "Everything is good here, but I don't like it because I think I am not a good person."

For the first time, Dr. Xiao agreed with Tang Ping's words. Good people would not hide in an alley in the middle of the night and kidnap a female doctor who was working the night shift.

"I hate this hypocritical, extreme 'harmony' and this perfect city. It is a shackles and a cage to me!"

The sodium lamp above the head suddenly flickered several times, and the flickering light obscured the expressions of the two people.

In a trance, it seemed as if there was a deformed shadow, gradually elongating in the shadow, opening a bloody mouth, and sticky saliva connected up and down!

Tang Ping's thoughts, along with the flashing lights, returned to the beginning of his time travel three months ago!

The owner of this body is temporarily called ‘Old Tang Ping’.

Old Tang Ping was a rich second generation whose parents both died. He had a small manor in the east of the city. Thanks to Old Tang Ping, this time travel had a good start and there was no need for a grassroots counterattack.

But in old Tang Ping's memory, the world was dangerous, twisted, and crazy.

Wars continued, plagues raged, bandits were rampant, and there were even rumors that unspeakable man-eating monsters lurked in the shadows of the city.

But Tang Ping didn't see any of these terrible things.

As he said to Dr. Xiao, all he sees is the harmony of all things and the unity of the world.

In the first two days, Tang Ping was quite happy. After all, he was an orphan with no worries before he traveled through time. Coming to this world only made him less struggling with the "accumulation of several generations".

But on the third day, he realized something was wrong.

When he was out walking his dog, he witnessed a car accident at close range, but instead of seeing blood and flesh flying everywhere, he saw a piece of 'holy light'!

It's not the kind of holy light that destroys evil and exorcises demons in fantasy literature.

It’s the ‘Holy Light’ used in anime and TV to cover up blood and indecentness!

The unreasonable white light covered the stumps and broken arms, as if a patch had been applied in the real world!

At this moment, Tang Ping realized that it was not that the world was perfect, but that he himself had been given 'harmony' by some kind of power.

If he hadn't noticed the existence of 'harmony', he could still be happy, but now that he has seen through the truth, he can't stand it for a moment!

He struggled with this harmony for three months, but without any results, so that his mood became more and more violent and extreme, reaching the edge of madness, like a volcano about to erupt.

Until three days ago, he accidentally caught a glimpse of Dr. Xiao in the hospital.

The light of the sodium lamp returned to stability, and Tang Ping put away his memories, his tone already a bit crazy.

"I have tried every means, but I can't destroy this harmony! Even if I deliberately do evil, trample someone under my feet, and shoot him in the forehead, only a funny flag will come out of the gun!"

"That's enough, I don't want to listen to your crazy words anymore."

The panic on Dr. Xiao's face disappeared, replaced by a sinister expression. The atmosphere in the underground garage became gloomy, and the temperature was much lower. It seemed that the fishy smell of rain outside could be smelled.

The weak and bullied female psychiatrist is just her disguise. The real her is not as fragile as she looks. The reason why she let Tang Ping catch her is just to find out the situation first, in case this is from the People's Comprehensive

Bureau's temptation.

But at this point in the conversation, there was no need to continue testing. She had already confirmed that Tang Ping was a delusional lunatic because she discovered the logical loopholes in Tang Ping's words.

Doctor Xiao raised his head and asked in a cold tone: "If what you are telling is true, and you can't do a single evil thing, how can you explain the current situation?"


Tang Ping clapped his hands: "You finally realized this problem, and this... is also the question I want to ask you!"

He stood up, raised his sharp hand ax, and struck Dr. Xiao on the head.


The powerful hand ax stopped halfway, and a black claw easily grasped the blade.

Dr. Xiao, who was tied to the chair just now, suddenly grew half a meter taller, and her expanded body broke the rope. Her body was covered with black hair, and her face was crowded with dozens of eyes, looking crazy and evil.

The breath stretches wildly.

Doctor Xiao held the ax blade with one hand and looked down at Tang Ping, bringing his ugly face closer, with a dozen eyes flashing constantly.

These eyes are her core ability—cursed evil eyes!

As long as ordinary humans look at her true form at close range, they will collapse mentally and go crazy. Even mentally strong people will be immobilized in a short time.

She really wanted to see Tang Ping collapse and cry.

But, she only waited for a fist!

Tang Ping punched Dr. Xiao in the face. Several eyes were immediately blown out, and his hard cheeks were also sunken.

"I'm sorry, you just kept staring at me after you transformed. I couldn't help it, so I took action first."

Not only was Tang Ping not affected by the cursed evil eye at all, but he became extremely excited and grinned almost to the top of his ears.

"But I didn't expect that, hahaha, you turned out to be a monster!"

He grabbed Dr. Xiao's feet, picked her up with one hand, and slammed her against the wall. Cracks were created in the solid wall, and the dirty blood flowing from Dr. Xiao's body soaked into the cracks.

"You know, for the past three months, I have been looking forward to seeing something like you every moment, something that can be beaten, scolded, and killed!"

Dr. Xiao's monster-like body hung on the wall like a mural. Before she could slide down, Tang Ping punched her in the stomach again, embedding her into the wall.

"So, thank you!"

"Thank you**, you despicable and ugly bastard, I will break your hands, tear your face apart, and use your blood to make lipstick!"

Dr. Xiao's head kept shaking and he spit out filthy curses.

Tang Ping looked satisfied and smiled: "Just curse a few more words, I love hearing them!"

He has not heard such vulgar language for three months in a row.

Realizing that Tang Ping was a bitch, Dr. Xiao stopped talking and expanded his body again. He used all his strength to grasp Tang Ping's palm with his two black claws.

In addition to cursing the evil eye, Dr. Xiao has another trump card.

That is her innate ability ‘Black Claw’!

These two jet-black claws are not only invulnerable, but can also exert several times their own strength, and can even easily overturn a car.

She poured all her strength into her claws, with a crazy smile on her face, as if she had heard Tang Ping's screams when his palms were crushed.

But he didn't expect that Tang Ping's hands, as if they were made of steel, were in a stalemate with the power of the black claws!

Doctor Xiao finally panicked. Although her black claws could hold up against Tang Ping, her wrists and arms were far behind. The bones were creaking and they were already overwhelmed.

She asked angrily: "What are you, an alchemist? A foreigner? Or a forbidden warlock? Or a demon in human skin like me?"

Tang Ping was stunned for a moment: "What you are talking about are all nonsense. I am obviously a human being."

Dr. Xiao screamed: "How can humans have such unreasonable strength?"

Tang Ping used both hands at the same time to break Dr. Xiao's wrist. Then he rounded his right hand and slapped Dr. Xiao away with a big slap. His fangs flew all over the floor mixed with dirty blood, and he said in a relaxed tone.

"I'm just born with divine power!"
This chapter has been completed!
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