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Chapter 16 The No. 1 pick became his spot-up shooter?

fxxkkkkkk! How the hell am I going to prevent this??”

Brandon Rush walked into the tunnel with a sweet smell in his mouth and cursed.

His tone sounded angry, but in fact it was more of annoyance and helplessness.

In the University of Kansas locker room, coach Bill Self gave a motivational speech during halftime.

"Are you going to let this kid score 80 points in front of us? In the Sweet 16? On top of us? Are you serious?"

"orge-on! Look at the cameras around us! Think about the fans supporting us on the field and in front of the TV! We must cheer up!"

"Listen, we have to work together to make this guy stop!" Bill Self paused after saying, perhaps feeling that what he said was a bit unrealistic, and then immediately changed his words: "At least let him score slower, he

He was already crazy in the first half, don't let him repeat his performance in the first half in the second half!"

"As long as we limit him, we still have a chance to win."

After Bill Self said it, the Kansas players didn't feel inspired.

They all know that they can win by restricting Chen Yan, but the key is not being able to restrict him!

The halftime break is over and the second half of the game begins.

The two sides battled again, and Kansas substitute Russell Robinson made a dragon swing layup to help the team score two points.

Then Kansas defended two waves of Texas attacks.

At 4 minutes and 37 seconds into the second half, Kansas' substitutes had narrowed the point difference to only 9 points.

The Texas bench and the Kansas bench are not on the same level at all, and they were beaten like crazy as soon as they came on.

The cheers of the Kansas fans gradually grew louder!

This team is about to gain momentum!

On the next dead ball, Texas head coach Rick Barnes substituted Chen Yan and Durant.

Chen Yan and Durant used practical actions to prove that Kansas' so-called momentum was just an illusion, and the pursuit of points was temporary. All this was just because the two were resting off the court just now!

The two of them had an alley-oop as soon as they came on the field!

Durant held the ball and threw it high, and Chen Yan ran into the wind and hit with thunder!

It bombards the visual nerves of the fans at the scene!

In the next offensive round, Chen Yan used Durant's screen to reach the three-point line, and then looked back and scored the ball easily.


Durant took the shot without making any adjustments after catching the ball, showing his true qualities as a killer!

Kansas tried every means to restrict Chen Yan, harassed him with trash talk, and constantly moved on the offensive end to attract Chen Yan's defense, trying to consume his energy as much as possible.

He even tried to use small tricks to provoke Chen Yan, making him take action and then perform extreme one-for-one exchanges.

It's a pity that Chen Yan doesn't follow that trick. Texas' lead is getting bigger and bigger, and the victory is getting closer. He won't fall into the tricks of these guys in Kansas.

In the offensive round of the University of Kansas, Wright used a screen to catch the ball and shoot. Chen Yan bypassed the screen in advance and jumped on his wing to interfere with him.


The sound of striking was heard, and the basketball hit the hoop.

Durant picked off the rebound and passed to DJ Augustin.

DJ-Augustin served as the setter and threw the ball directly to Chen Yan, who was running forward!

This ball advance amount is a bit large, but this is for ordinary players.

Chen Yan stepped on the accelerator and reached the basketball at the extreme distance!

Step directly, fly with one hand, and finish it in one go!

The moment the basket wailed, the fans' screams and cheers echoed throughout the Toyota Center!

"So fast! This attack on the University of Texas didn't even use three seconds!"

"There was no dribbling of the ball from the attack to the end of this round!"

"This basketball is played like a 100-meter relay. It's so fun to watch!"

The fans burst into exclamations, and Kansas head coach Self had no choice but to call a timeout.

"We are almost 20 points behind, and there is no way out. Let me use your hands and feet to attack from now on!"

University of Kansas head coach Bill Self yelled.

Kansas has sent four different defenders to take turns guarding Chen Yan, but with little success.

Blind defense will definitely not work. Self is not the character to sit back and wait for death, he has to take the initiative!

Either get your points back or lose more points.

Self has made a desperate move.

After the timeout, Kansas suddenly picked up the speed and started a fierce battle with Texas!

Kansas begins its final resistance!

But the more they resisted, the more excited Chen Yan became!

The fast-paced offense and defense means that Chen Yan's scores will skyrocket!

First it was an air cut to score 21, and then there was another mid-range hit after using a screen!

His personal score instantly rose to 41 points!

After entering the second half, Chen Yan's number of pick-and-roll calls increased significantly.

Although his singles success rate is very high, the pick-and-roll is always the most energy-saving offensive method on the basketball court.

Usually those 50 and 60-year-old men in the field can stand on the stage all afternoon just by covering and shooting...

Chen Yan is not a fool, so naturally he will not use such an efficient and energy-saving attack method.

In the next offensive round, Chen Yan called another pick-and-roll. After switching defenses, Chen Yan directly faced Kansas center Sasha Cowen.

Chen Yan did not rush to attack, but dribbled back two steps and pulled Sasha Cowan outside the three-point line.

I don’t know why, but Sasha Cowan has an ominous premonition...

Sasha Cowen squatted down and lowered his center of gravity slightly, only to see Chen Yan in front of him first move his crotch, and then quickly change direction in front of his body.

These are all very common actions among outside players, but for some reason Sasha Cowan felt that gravity seemed to disappear at this moment.

Then he sat down on the spot!

"Woooooow! This big white guy was knocked down!"

"It looks like Chen just used a very ordinary change of direction!"

Amid the cheers of the fans at the scene, Chen Yan reached the basket and made an elegant lob, scoring easily!

Seeing this pass, Dayao also clapped his hands very excitedly: "Good shot!"

But while he was excited, Dayao felt more and more that the ball he just played looked a bit familiar.

Isn’t this a replica of the ball that Marbury knocked himself down in the 2002-03 season!?

Kansas offensive possession.

Sasha Cowen was obviously affected by being knocked down in the last round. He missed a small hook under the basket with a good opportunity.

Many times it is not technology that determines a player's performance, but psychology.

If the mentality is broken, then many simple goals will not be scored.

Fortunately, his teammate Darrell Arthur on the other side of the basket stepped up and made a tip-in, helping Kansas recover 2 points.

Looking back, Chen Yan continued to switch defenses to play in singles against Sasha Cowen!

This round Sasha Cowen didn't dare to follow beyond the three-point line. He only had one butt and two ankles, and he was afraid that it wouldn't be enough for Chen Yan.

Seeing an open space ahead, Chen Yan took a step forward and shot from a high position, hitting easily!

Scored twice!

"Chen's confidence has been fully developed. Basketball players can continue to score goals when their confidence is over the top." Barkley said.

"Especially for a talented athlete like Chen." Kenny Smith added on the side.

In the Kansas offensive round, Darrell Arthur and Chalmers played a hand-off, and the latter went to the basket for a layup and scored two points.

In fact, Kansas' offensive efficiency was also good during this period, but the score was like a bottomless pit and they could never catch up.

The reason is that they can't limit Chen Yan's performance.

Texas offensive possession.

When Chen Yan set his sights on Sasha Cowen, the white center's hair almost stood on end. Could it be...

What he thought was right, Chen Yan summoned Pitman to cover for him.

After the defense change, Sasha Cowen stood in front of Chen Yan again.

Sasha Cowen is mentally disturbed.

You go ahead and torture your opponent! Why the hell are you torturing me?!

Just when Chen Yan was about to complete his hat trick against Sasha Cowen, Wright rushed over from the side.

It can be understood that Wright's move means that his teammates can't stand it anymore...

The two quickly formed a double-team on Chen Yan!

Chen Yan kicked off his feet and took off, throwing the ball in the air to the young coach who was already free!

Durant caught the ball at a 45-degree angle from the free throw line. Wright immediately fought back, but it was too late.

Wright was seriously out of position and could not interfere with Durant at all.


Durant hits easily, Xiaoshuai's jumper is trustworthy!

This was Durant's 15th point of the game.

Two of these 15 points came from free throws, and the other 13 points came from catch-and-shoot shots after running or such open shots.

In the past, if Texas wanted to win, Durant would have to kill him, but today with Chen Yan as a fixed-point shooter, the team was already ahead by 20.

Durant said that it feels good to win games occasionally...

[The author has something to say]

This chapter has been completed!
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