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Chapter 174 All-star starter, give David Stern a face!

On the evening of February 1st, NBA officials also announced the 2008 All-Star Eastern and Western lineups and vote statistics!

West: Chen Yan (1901992), Kobe Bryant (2129899), Anthony (1723701), Garnett (1718231), Dayao (1709012).

East: Kidd (1230981), Wade (1609823), James (2109212), Bosh (820989), Howard (2061021).

Kobe beat James with a slight vote advantage and became the 2008 All-Star vote leader.

Chen Yan defeated Tracy McGrady, Iverson and other veteran guards and was selected into this year's All-Star starting lineup!

The Suns currently have the best record in the Western Conference, Chen Yan's gorgeous play and his 63 points in three quarters and 6 consecutive 40-game performances have greatly added to his votes.

Many domestic fans said that if the rules of All-Star voting were not changed, Chen Yan would probably be the top vote-getter this year.

This year's voting mechanism made the votes of most domestic fans invalid, as can be seen from the case of the United Arab Emirates.

The United Arab Emirates only received a total of 410,029 votes, ranking fifth among the Eastern Conference forwards.

Although we can't see the grand occasion of three Chinese players entering the NBA All-Stars at the same time, domestic fans are still excited, because it is a historic moment for Chen Yan and Dayao to appear on the All-Star starting list at the same time!

Due to the fierce competition for guards in the Western Conference this year and Yao Yao at the center position, Nash and Stoudemire were not selected as All-Star starters.

However, it is no surprise that the two will be selected for this year's substitute lineup. The Eastern and Western All-Star substitute lineups and coaches will be announced in two days.

Less than an hour after the All-Star starting lineup was announced, Chen Yan received a call from David Stern.



"President, you have to believe that human energy is limited. It is impossible for me to participate in the Rookie Challenge and the All-Star Game at the same time and also participate in the three-point contest and dunk contest!"

Chen Yan was almost speechless. The purpose of David Stern's call was not for anything else, but to invite Chen Yan to participate in the All-Star Three-Point Contest and Slam Dunk Contest.

David Stern wanted to ensure that Chen Yan would be present during the three days of the All-Star Game, and use his influence to further attract fans in China and even Asia to pay attention to the All-Star Weekend.

David Stern's calculation was very good, but he ignored Chen Yan's feelings.

Chen Yan said that he participated in the All-Star Weekend to relax and have fun, not to work overtime!

After a moment of silence on the other end of the phone, David Stern spoke again: "Chen, I'm sorry that I neglected to consider your health, but I still hope you can choose to participate in the dunk contest or the three-point contest."

"President, the regular season schedule is already very full..."

Before Chen Yan finished speaking, a sincere voice came from the other end of the phone: "Please give me David Stern some face!"

Chen Yan was speechless. The CEO had already taken out the fruit of his face, what else could he say?

After thinking for a while, Chen Yan chose to participate in the three-point contest.

After all, compared to the Three-Point Contest and the Slam Dunk Contest, it is more physically demanding, and you also have to spend energy preparing before the game.

"Chen, I have another unkind request..."

Hearing David Stern's words, Chen Yan's heart skipped a beat. What new tricks does this little old man have?

Immediately, a desperate voice came from the other end of the phone: "Chen, I hope you will sing a song see-u-again with Taylor Swift before the start of the All-Star Game."

David Stern's song is very popular recently, and I also know that the song's lyricist and composer is Chen Yan.

Chen Yan was a little speechless. This little old man could think of any tricks for gimmicks.

"President, I'm just a ball player, and you asked me to sing..."

It’s not that Chen Yan doesn’t want to perform, he’s mainly worried that his KTV-level singing voice will scare the audience.

"We have already contacted Taylor Swift. Enjoy the All-Star Weekend. This is your first All-Star. I hope you have an unforgettable performance!"

David Stern didn't give Chen Yan a chance to refuse and hung up the phone at the speed of light.

Chen Yan: "..."

It seems that in addition to practicing football during this period, I also have to practice singing.

This chapter has been completed!
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