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Chapter 351 Parents watch the battle, throw O'Neal to death!

"The Cavaliers' lineup is mainly based on positional warfare. If they want to pose a threat to the Suns, they must slow down the pace of the game as much as possible, and then use James' impact and the height advantage of the Twin Towers to kill the Suns in positional warfare.

"In the commentary box, coach Xu Jicheng was doing pre-match analysis.

Zhang Lili, who was on the side, said cheerfully after listening: "The Cavaliers' lineup is composed of Big Z and O'Neal. I guess they won't be able to get up fast even if they try."

Director Xu also laughed after hearing this: "Haha, for the Twin Towers, height is their advantage, but speed is their disadvantage. It is impossible for two big men to follow the Suns players all over the field, even if they can withstand their feet.

I can’t stand it either, so speed is still Sun’s magic weapon to win. Simply put, if you want to win, you have to be fast.”

Zhang Liyi nodded and expressed his agreement with Xu Xu: "Yes, we can see that the starting players of both sides have arrived in the center of the field, and the first game of the 2007-08 season finals is about to begin!"

Zhang Lili is in high spirits and his eyes are shining!

Although this is not his first time commentating on the NBA Finals, he is still very excited. The biggest reason is because there are Chinese people in this year's finals!

The commentator is not the only one who is excited. In China, 14,000 kilometers away, countless fans are already squatting in front of the TV with eager anticipation.

Many primary and secondary schools even opened multimedia classrooms to organize students to collectively watch the live broadcast of the finals. The education department believes that Chen Yan's spirit is worth learning for children, especially the spirit of not giving up in 33 seconds and 13 minutes.

Chen Yan has long been labeled as a high-quality idol by the outside world, both on and off the court.

On the court, Chen Yan never admits defeat and will swallow blood in order to win. Off the court, Chen Yan has almost no scandals and is passionate about charity.

High schools are unable to spare time for students to watch the NBA due to the pressure of entering higher schools. However, some schools still adopt a humane approach and allow students to turn on the classroom TV to watch the game during recess.

Even just 10 minutes of watching football is a luxury for these children who are under heavy academic pressure.

You must know that they would never dare to think of such a thing before.

All this is due to Chen Yan's influence.

Just imagine, if the finals were the Lakers vs. Cavaliers, a 23v24 showdown, which school would organize students to watch it?

It’s not that Kobe and James are not good enough, it’s just that in terms of domestic conditions, it is impossible for the education department to organize children to watch the games of two American stars.

Years from now, this game will become a memory for this generation.

And Chen Yan is the youth of this generation of children!

The children will recall that one sunny morning, the school suddenly organized the students to participate in an activity. This activity was none other than watching the NBA Finals between the Suns and Cavaliers.

In the current educational environment, it is very rare for schools to organize students to watch NBA games. Therefore, regarding every fierce confrontation in this game, every shot made by Chen Yan, every wonderful goal, and even after the goal

The celebrations will definitely impress the children.

On the screen, players from both sides are ready and the game is about to begin!

Stoudemire and O'Neal stood on the huge championship trophy logo in the center of the field, waiting for the referee's whistle.

As soon as the whistle blew, the referee threw the ball high into the air!

Stoudemire easily beat O'Neal and jumped to the basketball.

Boxing is afraid of young people, and the same goes for jumping balls.

Stoudemire's bounce and speed are much better than those of Ao Pang in his twilight years.

Nash dribbled the ball past half court and passed the ball to Chen Yan.

Let Chen Yan handle the Suns' first attack!

Facing Larry Hughes's defense, Chen Yan chose to play singles!

First, he made two consecutive probing steps to increase the shooting space, and then Chen Yan directly attacked Larry Hughes' front foot.

Chen Yan pushed his right foot on the ground, crossed his left leg, took one step and directly put the ball together and shot.

Fake breakthrough and real breakthrough, all in one go!

The suddenness of this kind of dry pull was so strong that Larry Hughes couldn't guard it at all. Whether he could advance or not was completely dependent on his touch.


The results proved that Chen Yan felt good tonight.

0 to 2.

Chen Yan used a high-level dry pull to give Taiyang the lead!

Larry Hughes had an expressionless face, and eating the sheets did not cause much fluctuation in his heart.

At this stage of the playoffs, all players are aware of Chen Yan's scoring ability. When Larry Hughes knew that he was going to face off against Chen Yan tonight, he was already prepared to be chopped more than 30 times on his head by him.



There was thunderous applause at the scene. Chen Yan entered the game very quickly, and the fans at the scene also entered the state very quickly. They immediately gave Chen Yan warm applause and cheers.

When the big screen in the stadium showed the camera to a middle-aged Chinese couple, the cheers on the scene became even louder.

Soon, a line of subtitles appeared at the bottom of the big screen: Chen Yan’s father and mother.

Originally, there were quite a few fans who didn't know who this Chinese couple was, but now they know.

As early as three days before the finals, Chen Yan booked a flight to Phoenix for his parents. Chen Yan hoped that his parents would come to witness his journey to the championship.

Chen Yan's parents wore fan version uniform T-shirts as a way for them to support their son.

It is usually hard to get a ticket for the finals, but as Chen Yan's parents, there is no need to show any ID or tickets to the stadium administrator, as long as Chen Yan goes over and swipes his face.

Knight's attack round.

Gibson took possession of the ball and looked for James after halftime.

James immediately called for a pick-and-roll after receiving the ball.

Big Z Ilgauskas mentioned a high position.

As soon as James took a step forward, the referee's whistle sounded.

"Beep beep!"

The referee made a signal and moved to cover.

James spread his hands, and Big Z Ilgauskas also shook his head.

Although the two of them were a little helpless, they did not argue with the referee.

After all, the game has just begun, there is no need to challenge the referee's authority because of a ball.

Transition of possession.

Sun attack round.

It's still a positional battle.

The Suns' offense this round was very simple.

Nash called for a screen at the top of the arc, cooperated with Diaw in the pick-and-roll, and then walked directly inside.

Seeing that Big Z Ilgauskas couldn't defend him, Nash took a shot directly near the left elbow area.


0 to 4.

Mid-range hit, very stable!

Nash pushed his hair behind his ears as he stepped back. His hands felt good tonight. After a few days of rest and recuperation, his physical condition was also good, and the pain in his back was significantly reduced.

Knight's attack round.

Gibson passed the ball to James early after passing the half court.

After James and Big Z played a pick-and-roll, the defense was not broken. James dribbled the ball back to the three-point line and asked for another pick-and-roll.

This time James took advantage of the pick-and-roll and successfully broke in!

In the penalty area, James attracted the defense and then changed hands in the air to pass the ball to O'Neal.

During this period, James had not yet gained weight, and he still had a free and elegant feeling when doing this kind of action in the air.

O'Neal caught the ball under the basket and immediately went up and scored a shark dunk!


The basket couldn't stop shaking!

Although he is old, the shark's remaining power is still there!

Stoudemire was watching the whole game from the side. It wasn't that he was passively defensive, but that there was no need to defend the ball. O'Neal would have been unstoppable when he caught the ball and dunked at this distance, and Stoudemire did not force himself to pay an unnecessary foul.

The bottom line of the sun is coming soon.

Only by increasing the speed can the opponent's position be unstable, and only by taking advantage of the opponent's unstable position can there be more opportunities for defensive misalignment.

Two steps beyond the top of the three-point arc, Nash handed the ball to Chen Yan.

Chen Yan dribbled the ball laterally after receiving the ball.

Stoudemire covered his crotch to block Larry Hughes, then turned around and went down.

Chen Yan did not choose to pass Stoudemire, but continued to move one step laterally.

Seeing that O'Neal on the inside had no intention of making a save, Chen Yan made a decisive three-pointer!


The basketball hits the net crisply!

2 to 7.

D'Antoni clapped vigorously on the sidelines. The Suns started well, which is directly related to the team's pre-game tactics.

The Suns coaching staff guessed that the Cavaliers would most likely field the twin-tower combination of Big Z O'Neal. This twin-tower combination is very powerful in the paint, but their disadvantage is equally obvious, that is, switching defenses after the pick-and-roll.

Especially O'Neal, he was swept by his opponents many times in the early stages of his career precisely because of this, and was also targeted by the Kings at the peak of his career.

In the 2001-02 Western Conference Finals series, the Kings took advantage of O'Neal's weakness in the pick-and-roll and allowed starting point guard Mike Bibby to open fire.

Bibby, who averaged only 13.7 points per game in the regular season, relied on this routine to increase his scoring average to 22.7 points in the Western Conference Finals series with the Lakers.

People who didn't know just by looking at the data would think that the Kings changed point guards.

Anyone who has watched football knows that the difference between a player averaging 13 points per game and a player averaging 22 points per game is almost the difference between a role player and a star player.

You must know that Bibby is still a point guard whose passing is not outstanding, and his breakthrough speed is not outstanding. The only thing he can really take is his long-range shooting, but it is precisely this type that O'Pang is most afraid of.

This is O'Neal in his prime, and now the Shark in his twilight years is even less able to fight.

Therefore, the coaching staff deliberately asked Nash and Chen Yan to strengthen their personal offense at the beginning, especially after the pick-and-roll switch, they stared at the two tall Cavaliers to attack fiercely, and took advantage of their inability to guard against the twin towers!

This chapter has been completed!
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