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Chapter 399 Historic breakthrough!

In the second half, Yao showed off his strength and scored 4 points in a row. He used an inside attack with a hook shot and a pick-and-roll to catch the ball from mid-range.

If you want to compete with a first-class team like Spain, it is not enough to rely on Chen Yan's performance alone. Basketball is never a one-person sport, and Yao knows this very well.

The Spanish men's basketball team's offensive efficiency is also very high, with Gasol and Navarro scoring consecutively.

Compared with the Chinese team that relies on the individual abilities of its stars, Spain plays more as a team and with less effort.

At this stage, their style of play cannot be learned from the Chinese men's basketball team. Whether it is tactical literacy, technical and tactical level, or the team's tacit understanding, the Chinese team is still far behind the world's top teams.

In the middle of the third quarter, Dayao came off the court to take a rest. Dayao's physical fitness dropped quickly. This is the difference between over-reliance on star players and the cooperation of the main team. Continuous strong attacks consume too much physical energy for Dayao.

After Dayao comes off the court, the restricted area basically belongs to the Gasol brothers.

Marc Gasol received Rubio's pass and hit the rebound to hit two points.

Pau Gasol received the ball on the left side and directly hit the Arab League, then turned his back and put the basket successfully.

These two rounds of offense are enough to show the importance of Dayao to the Chinese team's defense. Chen Yan can score points and organize, but he cannot defend the opponent's big man inside.

Yunus called a timeout and made substitution adjustments.

The men's basketball team has Chen Yan, Wang 7, Zhu 8, Du Feng and Dazhi.

This lineup is very bold, basically giving up interior defense and purely focusing on outside firepower.

Chinese fans are sweating when they see this lineup. This lineup will either kill the opponent or collapse itself.

Yunus, who has always been steady, did not go into this lineup blindly. He saw that the Chinese team's shooting touch was on point tonight. If the Chinese team had a bad shooting touch like the previous game, then it would be suicide to go into this lineup.

This one-star lineup showed its power as soon as it came on!

The Chinese team attacks, Chen Yan holds the ball at the top of the arc, Wang 7 and Zhu 8 are at 45-degree angles on both sides, Du Feng and Dazhi are ambushing in the bottom corner, and the space on the court is very wide.

The huge space allows Chen Yan to unleash his offensive talents at will.

After two consecutive large crossovers, Chen Yan lowered his center of gravity and accelerated past Calderon.

After tearing open the gap in Spain's defense, Chen Yan was equivalent to throwing them a multiple-choice question.

If Chen Yan is supplemented, Spain will miss someone on the outside. If Chen Yan is not supplemented, Spain will march straight in.

Gasol and Navarro still chose to retreat. After all, Chen Yan is the biggest threat to Spain.

Chen Yan passed the ball to Wang Qi very lightly, and the latter took action directly after receiving the ball.


Got it!

Looking back, the Spanish men's basketball team attacked the inside and Gasol scored two points.

This is the biggest disadvantage of the Chinese team's lineup on the field. Without the frame-protecting ability of Dayao and the Arab League, the team would be at the CBA level.

Du Feng quickly fired, and Chen Yan quickly advanced after receiving the ball. The Spanish men's basketball team's defensive attention was once again attracted by Chen Yan. One step outside the three-point line, Chen Yan flicked horizontally with one hand and twisted his head, very cool and unrestrained without looking at anyone.

Pass the ball!

Wang Qi, who followed up, took the ball comfortably and shot again, and his shot was very determined.


Enter again!

The whole place was in a state of excitement. Wang Qi was a very talented player. He was crazy when he was crazy and very iron when he was strong.



After three quarters, the score between the two sides reached 74 to 68.

The Chinese men's basketball team's one-star and four-shooter lineup showed unexpected power in the second half of the third quarter. However, after three points, the Chinese team still did not open the score. The Spanish men's basketball team also had strong offensive firepower, and the Chinese team also

Can't guard against them.

Seeing this, domestic fans couldn't help but worry. The Chinese team had already shot so much from the outside tonight but still couldn't open up the score. It was really hard to predict the outcome after their physical strength declined in the final quarter.

As expected, as the fans expected, the Spanish men's basketball team burst into flames in the final quarter to chase 5 points in a row.

Chen Yan broke through and made two free throws at the critical moment to stabilize the morale of the army.

Chen Yan has already prepared to play the entire game. The men's basketball game in the Olympics only lasts 40 minutes. He can't even last 48 minutes in the NBA, let alone the Olympics.

The game became more and more anxious, and Yunus did not dare to replace Chen Yan easily.

Two minutes later, Yunus replaced Arab League and Dayao, and the Chinese team returned to its regular lineup in the final quarter.

A lineup with one star and four shots is very lethal, but it takes too much control. In the end, Yunus still wanted to play it safe.

The current lineup of the Chinese team: Sun Dasheng, Chen Yan, Zhu Ba, Ah Lian, Dayao.

Yunus replaced Liu Wei with Sun Dasheng in order to strengthen the defense. As the game progressed, he became more defensive.

Spain also sent in its starting lineup. There are still 8 minutes and 47 seconds left before the end of the game. The two teams intend to advance the time for the decisive battle.

Calderon dribbled the ball past half-court and passed to Gasol.

Gasol grabbed the ball with one hand from the high post, and the Spanish male basketball player started running.

Reyes used a double screen to cut to the basket without the ball. Gasol immediately lobbed the ball inside. The ball was given just right in advance. Reyes received the ball and started to make a layup.

Spain's offense was flowing smoothly!

The Chinese men's basketball team mainly relies on the players' personal abilities.

After half-time, Chen Yan lobbed the ball into the inside. The moment Dayao caught the ball and turned around, Calderon rushed out from the blind spot and cut the ball away!

After the basketball rebounded, Calderon failed to catch the ball firmly and knocked the ball away!

Dayao and Gasol also fell to the ground, and the scene was chaotic.

During the melee, the ball rolled in front of Sun Dasheng. After Sun Dasheng took control of the ball, he saw a figure running towards the basket quickly. Out of instinct, Sun Dasheng sent the ball into the air with both hands!

In the picture, Chen Yan takes off on one foot. The Spanish men's basketball team's defense is in chaos, and no one can stop Chen Yan.

At this moment, a figure suddenly appeared on the side of Chen Yan!

Ah Lian is also flying in the air!

Both of them thought the ball was passed to them, so they rushed together.


As the sound of the basket was smashed, the fans screamed in surprise.

Just at the last moment, Chen Yan and Ah Lian pushed the ball into the basket at the same time!

This dunk is a bit like a two-man shot by a football player.

The two got together by mistake and created a classic scene in the Olympic men's basketball team!

After the celebration, the fans quickly fell into a tense mood.

The Spanish men's basketball team had a fierce offensive in the final quarter. As one of the favorite teams to win the Olympic men's basketball championship, they were unwilling to go back empty-handed.

Even if you don't win a gold medal, at least you should get a medal as a consolation prize.



The anxious score remained stalemate until the last three minutes of the game, with the Chinese men's basketball team leading by 2 points, 93 to 91.

Chen Yan held the ball at the top of the arc, and Yunus waved his arms on the sidelines and shouted: "Pull away! Pull away! Pull away!"

Yunus had great trust in Chen Yan at the last moment, which he earned through his own journey to the Olympics during this period.

Defending Chen Yan on the outside is Fernandez.

Fernandez was specially placed on the field by the head coach. Compared with other outside players in the Spanish team, Fernandez has better physical fitness and more agile footsteps.

Chen Yan first continued to test his crotch, and when he saw that the Spanish team did not choose to double-team, he let go and started to attack.

In fact, it's not that Spain doesn't double-team Chen Yan, it's that they don't dare to double-team.

Chen Yan has sent out 11 assists so far. Most of the assists are sudden points passed to teammates who are open. Tonight, the Chinese team felt good both up and down. This is also the main reason for Chen Yan's assists to rise.

Fernandez lowered his body to defend, but Chen Yan's continuous changes of direction failed to create any room for breakthrough.

But Chen Yan's breakthrough moves are far more than that, followed by another leaning down to accelerate, Chen Yan is ready to forcefully break through Fernandez's right side!

Fernandez quickly took a step sideways, which is a defensive move that most players will take.

The moment the two bodies came into contact, Fernandez reached out and Chen Yan suddenly dribbled the ball behind his back just as Fernandez reached out!

This looks like a subconscious action, it happens very naturally, and it would be impossible to do this without top-notch man-ball combination ability.

When Fernandez realized something was wrong, Chen Yan had already rushed in from his side.

Gasol, as the team's last line of defense, stood in the penalty area trying to defend the basket.

The moment Chen Yan accelerated his sprint, he raised his hand and threw it!

The ball drew a super high parabola and then went straight into the net.

Chen Yan was also knocked down by Gasol the moment he took action.


The moment Chen Yan fell to the ground, the referee's cordial whistle sounded.

twenty one!!!

Two points are valid, plus a penalty!

Chen Yan was pulled up from the ground by his teammates amid roaring cheers at Wukesong Stadium.

Chen Yan failed to be the hero who saved the team in the last game. In this game, he stepped up when the team needed him most.

As he stood on the free throw line, shouts of "mvp" filled the arena.

Chen Yan took a deep breath, and Dayao pressed his hands down to signal that the scene should be quiet and not put pressure on Chen Yan.


After a slight pause, Chen Yan scored the extra penalty!

91 to 96.

After scoring this goal, Chen Yan's personal score rose to 37 points.

Chen Yan spent more of his time tonight connecting with the team to make wedding gifts for his teammates, but when the team needed him to score, he stepped forward without hesitation.

Chen Yan's three-pointer caused some changes in the mentality of the Spanish players. Haste makes waste, and Fernandez missed the outside shot.

Dayao took off and successfully protected the defensive rebound.

The Spanish men's basketball team wanted to counterattack on the spot, but Dayao was very experienced and used his iron elbow to drive away the opponent twice. When Chen Yan ran over, Dayao took off his defense and passed the ball out.

After Chen Yan crossed half court, he passed the ball to Dayao who was running from the backcourt.

Dayao caught the ball from outside the three-point line.

At this time, Dayao had a chance to shoot but he did not take it rashly. Dayao was very calm and knew that it was time for the Chinese team to seek stability.

Dayao paused for a while, then handed the ball to Sun Dasheng, and then used his huge body to cover Sun Dasheng.

Sun Dasheng took a step laterally and did not take a shot. Sun Dasheng's three-point shooting percentage is terrible. If he misses the shot at this time and loses the game, he will be the biggest sinner of the Chinese men's basketball team.

Sun Dasheng stopped the ball to observe, and Chen Yan took advantage of the Arab League's off-ball screen to make an S-shape and go around the three-point line.

Sun Dasheng's vision and passing skills were above average. When he saw Chen Yan coming around, he decisively sent the ball out.

Chen Yan didn't make any adjustments after receiving the ball, and took advantage of the inertia of running without the ball to directly drift out of the three-point line!

This is Chen Yan’s iconic drift dry pull!

This kind of shot is very difficult, and blocking is even more difficult!

Whether Chen Yan can score or not depends entirely on his shooting feeling.

After taking the shot, Chen Yan kept his hand shape and stared at the flight path of the basketball.

He didn't dare to take his eyes away for a moment until he was sure that the three-pointer hit the net!


91 to 99.

Three points like blood sealing the throat!

In the commentary box, Zhang Lili and Director Sun almost jumped up!

This three-pointer made them feel that the medal is getting closer and closer to the Chinese men's basketball team!

"Well done, Chen Yan! If Spain's advantage is smooth teamwork, then the Chinese team's biggest advantage is Chen Yan!"

"Yes, his scoring is the guarantee for the Chinese team's victory." Director Sun nodded in agreement.

Hitting such a key goal in the Olympics cannot be overstated.

At this moment, as much as Chinese fans love Chen Yan, Spanish fans hate him.

The Spanish fans in front of the TV watched Chen Yan high-fiving his teammates and kept vomiting their sweetness.

On the court, Gasol glanced at the coaching bench.

Gasol intended to call a timeout to calm down the situation on the court, but the coaching staff signaled that the game should continue. Players can call a timeout in the NBA, but not in the Olympics.

Gasol didn't understand why the coach didn't call a timeout at this time, but he could only continue playing.

Spain currently has only one last timeout left. The coaching staff wanted to leave this timeout until the end, but there is no end. In these two minutes, the Chinese team hit a 9-2 spurt, widening the point difference to 9 in one fell swoop.


At the last minute, Spain put on an all-shooter lineup and tried to give it a try, but there was nothing they could do.

93 to 102.

The Chinese men's basketball team completed a historical breakthrough and won a landmark bronze medal!

This chapter has been completed!
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