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Chapter 434 A unique stunt, will you use it for a fart?

The Heat attacked and Wade took the initiative to control the ball past half court.

Wade's action is sending a signal that he is going to start attacking!

At the top of the arc, Haslem took the initiative to start a pick-and-roll with Wade.

The Suns quickly shrank their defense and gave up the area beyond the free throw line to Wade.

Wade made an emergency stop and hit a mid-range jumper.

The basketball hits the back of the hoop and into the net.

35 to 44.

Wade's mid-range shooting during this period was very accurate, and most teams would not choose to let him shoot, but the Suns are not an ordinary team. D'Antoni sometimes even asks his players to let go of the opponent's mid-range and long two-point shots.

, the purpose is to speed up the pace of the game and increase the number of rounds.

A high number of rounds is the lifeline of the Suns, and it is the basis for them to launch a tornado and score high points in every game.

When the Suns attacked, Nash passed the ball to Chen Yan on the wing after halftime.

Chen Yan dribbled the ball with his right hand and walked towards the top of the key while observing his teammates. Wade kept a perfect defensive distance and followed Chen Yan closely.

Chen Yan hit the ball continuously from the top of the arc and singled out Wade.

Nash gestured for everyone to spread out. Wade is good at using pick-and-rolls to launch attacks, while Chen Yan prefers to go one-on-one.

Chen Yan did not rush to start after dribbling continuously. He looked at Nash on the other side, which was a look to pass the ball.

Wade unconsciously took a small step laterally. If Chen Yan chose to pass the ball, he was sure to complete the steal directly!

Wade felt that he was predicting Chen Yan's next move, but in fact he had quietly fallen into the trap set by Chen Yan.

Chen Yan immediately dropped the ball the moment Wade moved sideways and broke through from the left!

Wade only moved a small step, but it was enough for Chen Yan to complete the breakthrough.

Seeing Chen Yan speeding up, Wade became nervous and quickly retreated to pursue the defense.

Chen Yan did not continue to accelerate, but paused when the ball was suspended with his left hand. Wade immediately followed him, thinking that he was about to shoot.

Chen Yan suddenly changed direction with his crotch and handed the ball to his right hand again while completely wiping Wade!

Worship the Buddha neatly!

After the pass was successful, Chen Yan retreated and stepped outside the three-point line.


The basketball spins rapidly, draws a wonderful arc, and then hits the net hollowly.

35 to 47.

There were bursts of exclamations from the fans at the scene. The fans liked the scene when Chen Yan used "worship to Buddha" to tease his opponents, especially a star-level opponent like Wade.

This season, Chen Yan has used 'Buddha' to score on the top five goals many times. 'Buddha to Extraordinary' has been used by many players before, but no player has used it so frequently and so vividly, so in the eyes of fans, it is

Chen Yan naturally became the spokesperson for worshiping Buddha.

Every star in the league has his own unique skill, Kobe's fadeaway jumper, Driver's golden rooster independence, Nash's horseback riding and archery, Wade's wandering step, James' dominating step...

Chen Yan doesn't mind "worshiping Buddha and surpassing others" as his special skill, which sounds pretty cool.

Looking back, Wade continued to respond.

After calling for a pick-and-roll in the high post, Wade focused on the opportunity and pushed the ball quickly through the gap between Laga Bell and Stoudemire!

In addition to "Flashman" and "Cheek Man", Wade is also nicknamed "Pick-and-roll Man". In terms of his ability to tear apart the defense after the pick-and-roll, it is not an exaggeration to say that Wade is the best in history.

After getting rid of the defense, it's Wade's show-time!

Wade strode into the penalty area, and after Diaw defended, he poured the ball into the basket with one arm!

37 to 47.

After landing, Wade excitedly made a celebratory gesture like riding a motorcycle.

Seeing this scene, Chen Yan felt no emotion at all.

Chen Yan said that your dunk is very domineering, but no matter how beautiful the dunk is, it can only count for two points...

When the Suns attacked, Chen Yan used the cover of his running teammates to get out of the three-point line and catch the ball with a small step.

The Heat did not change defense in time, and Chen Yan took a shot in an open position in a standard shooter posture.


37 to 50.

Two consecutive three-pointers!

Chen Yan stretched out three fingers and scratched the floor of the arena and ran back to the defensive half.

Wade's face suddenly darkened again.

In his life, he couldn't stand other people pretending to be cool in front of him.

During the Heat's offensive round, Wade, who was full of rage, decided to give Chen Yan some trouble!

With his foot on the three-point line, Wade didn't hesitate after receiving the ball and directly started to hit the left side of Laga Bell!

Wade likes pick-and-rolls, but he is not only good at pick-and-rolls. His sudden ability is also excellent, but the effect is better with the use of pick-and-rolls.

The only martial arts skill in the world is fast. Laga Bell's failure to keep up with Wade in the first step meant that the defense was passive in this round.

Wade continued to lean over and accelerate, and after grabbing a position, he directly blocked Laga Bell behind him.

Raja Bell completely lost his defensive position. This was to defend Wade, not Harden. There was nothing he could do behind him.

Stoudemire came up to cover the defense, Wade blasted the ball to the right and quickly turned his back!

Wade's turning speed was as amazing as his starting speed. By the time Stoudemire reacted, Wade had already jumped into the air from his side.

This is a position that cannot be defended. If Stoudemire moves randomly, he will definitely get a foul.

Wade was in the air and dunked with both hands!

39 to 50.

This dunk is even more domineering than the last round!

Wade is definitely the guy who is most enthusiastic about dunking among the guards. His most exaggerated season was the 2005-06 season. In that year, Wade played 75 games and dunked 152 times.

What does it mean to dunk 152 times in a single season?

Vince Carter, the 'demigod' who is famous for his dunks, never dunked more than 100 times in a season, and the most he dunked in a single season was 87 times, also in the 2005-2006 season.

Kobe only had more than 100 dunks in the 2002-2003 season. In that season, he played 82 games and dunked 116 times, which was already a very explosive performance.

"Turn around and dunk with two hands after driving to the basket! A performance from Dwyane Wade!" Mike Breen shouted.

"Even if the Suns adopt the strategy of shrinking the defensive line, it is still difficult to guard Wade. His breakthrough is unstoppable." Van Gundy said.

"During this period, both sides have been very efficient, and the scores have continued to rise." Mike Breen said.

"It's not so much that the efficiency of both sides is high, but the efficiency of Chen and Dwyane. In these rounds, they have dominated the scoring of their respective teams." Van Gundy said with a smile.

"Don't float outside and shoot three-pointers, break through me head-on." Wade shouted at Chen Yan as he retreated to the defensive half.

If Chen Yan doesn't fall for the trick, if you say you won't vote, then you won't vote. Then wouldn't I lose face?

After the offensive half, Chen Yan began to increase his movement intensity.

Wade followed closely, and the Flash was also famous for his physical strength in the league.

After the two struggled for a while, Chen Yan went around to the wing to catch the ball.

Stoudemire stood at the free throw line and held the basketball high, waiting for Chen Yan to move.

Teammates all knew that Chen Yan had good touch and intended to pass more passes to him. Stoudemire also willingly gave up his right to fire. Chen Yan also did the same when Stoudemire was in good condition.

After Chen Yan caught the ball, Diaw's screen immediately came up. At this time, Diaw had not yet gained weight and was not very big, but he was in a good position and blocked Wade in front of him.

Chen Yan walks toward the top of the arc, which is the area where he takes the most three-point shots and is most accurate.

Haslem reacted quickly and took long strides to block Chen Yan's offensive line. The purpose was to delay his attack time and buy time for Wade to pursue the defense.

Chen Yan took a step forward and made a hard shot from one meter away from the three-point line!



The basketball penetrated the net like a cannonball!

Three-point three-hit combo!

39 to 53.

The moment the Nets blossomed, Chen Yan glanced at Wade.

Are you good at deduction?

It's useless to deduct it.

When you come out to play, you rely on efficiency. Can your two points be as efficient as my three points?

This chapter has been completed!
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