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Chapter 109 Wonderful answer, everyone's doubts

Chapter 109 Excellent answer, everyone’s doubts

"Can he answer it?"

A girl in the Huaguo student group couldn't help but ask.

"have no idea."

Another girl shook her head.

"That's Professor Wiles who proved Fermat's last theorem."

A boy next to him couldn't help but said, "The questions he asked must be difficult."

They were all worried about Lin Xiao at this time, wondering if he could answer this question.

Facing professors of this level, if it were them, I would have panicked a long time ago. It would be like going back to the time when I defended my thesis in college, and the defending teacher said that there was a problem with my thesis, so I could only say "I'm sorry, I'm sorry" and "I'll pay attention to it in the future."

”, “I will definitely change it next time”.

And in addition, Lin Xiao was facing various big-name figures in the world of mathematics at this time, as well as more than 2,000 spectators. Thinking about it, they all found it terrifying.

"Stop talking, wait and see your Lin Shen."

At this time, a professor next to him interrupted their chat with a serious look on his face.

After hearing the professor's words, they couldn't help but stop and said nothing more.

No matter what, as Chinese people, they all hope that Lin Xiao can succeed.

After all, if Lin Xiao's achievements are recognized, it will obviously be a matter of pride for China.

They have a compatriot, and such a young compatriot, who can shine on the world stage, how can they not be happy?

So, they all calmed down and looked towards the stage.

At this time, Lin Xiao on the stage was still looking at the paper.

And time has passed almost a minute.

The place was so quiet that you could hear a pin drop.

But at this moment, they suddenly saw the corners of Lin Xiao's mouth curl up slightly, and she actually laughed.


Everyone was stunned, could it be...

What did he see?

At this time, Lin Xiao also put down his paper and looked around.

Soon, he saw a small blackboard in the corner and said to the staff: "Please help me pull the blackboard over, thank you."

The staff member nodded and quickly went to help Lin Xiao pull up the small blackboard.

Lin Xiao, while he was pulling up the blackboard, looked at Professor Wiles again and bowed to him.

Then he said: "You must be Professor Andrew Wiles?"

"First of all, thank you very much for raising this question, because this question has made my experience more complete."

"As for the question you asked, I also discovered it when I wrote this, but I thought about its idea before and found that I can prove that c(LM)^1/2 is actually greater than or equal to (S0),

Therefore, this problem has been solved.”

"I was recalling my steps just now, which delayed everyone's time."

Wiles smiled slightly and said: "It's okay, as long as you can prove it in a way, I believe everyone is willing to wait."

Lin Xiao nodded: "So I also want to thank you for pointing it out."

"Haha, this is my duty as a listener, to point out the problem." Wiles waved his hand, and then said: "Then I look forward to how you will solve this problem."


At this time, the blackboard next to it had also been pulled up on the stage.

The staff handed the blackboard pen to Lin Xiao.


Lin Xiao nodded slightly, then took a blackboard pen and began to list the formulas on the small blackboard.

"Based on Equation 10 and Equation 11, C10S0M is less than or equal to C9ψ(S0)..."

"Since ∏(p|S0)[1+1/p] is less than or equal to S0∑k=1(1/k)..."

Looking at Lin Xiao's calculations, Professor Wiles showed a satisfied expression on his face.

Obviously, after Lin Xiao took the previous steps, he could already confirm that this problem had been solved by Lin Xiao.

Others in the venue looked at Lin Xiao's confident calculation and couldn't help but marvel that he actually answered it!

Moreover, from what Lin Xiao said to Professor Wiles before, it seemed that he had been aware of this issue long ago.

Most people who didn't even understand the question at the first time were completely at a loss what to say.

There is nothing else to say except to say awesomeness and admiration.

In the front, Professor Pompierre and others saw Lin Xiao smoothly starting the proof, and they were also amazed at this moment.

"This young man cannot use common sense to understand."

"Wiles, it seems that your problem has been solved."

Andrew Wiles shook his head and said: "Actually, I knew how to solve this problem at the beginning, so I can only say that we solved it together."

"In addition, I also considered this issue at the time, and it is related to the 'layer'."


Deligne, as a master in the world of algebraic geometry, is very familiar with this term.

"Yes." Andrew Wiles nodded: "I was in the process of proving Fermat's last theorem..."

"Stop it. When you speak in the future, please don't always mention when you proved Fermat's last theorem." Deligne really couldn't stand it anymore. This guy kept mentioning this matter no matter what he said.

"But I did prove Fermat's last theorem." Wiles spread his hands.

Deligne: "I also proved Weil's conjecture."

"I didn't stop you from telling me."

Deligne: "...Okay, you say it, you say it."

Wiles nodded with satisfaction and said: "In the process of proving Fermat's last theorem, I did some research on this thing. Later, I encountered another problem that this young man was solving at this time.

In one form, I had a guess in my mind that all functions could be converted into layers."

"Can all functions be converted into layers?" Deligne frowned, and after a brief thought, he suddenly raised his eyebrows: "It seems possible."

"Yes, but it's just a gut feeling." Andrew Wiles said: "It's not even a guess."

Deligne shook his head: "It seems that it is worth exploring after looking back."

"Okay, let's take a look at our reporter. His results have come out."

At this time, Wiles said with a smile.

Several people looked up.

Lin Xiao has already written the last few steps on the blackboard.

[So ψ(S0) is less than or equal to (1+logS0)S0...]

[To sum up, it is proved that (S0) is less than or equal to c(LM)^1/2.]

Having written this, it’s time for Lin Xiao to stop.

People in the audience suddenly realized this, and some couldn't help but applaud.

This kind of proof is really wonderful, because Lin Xiao actually used the knowledge in algebraic geometry in the process to realize the solution of the problem by transforming it into geometry.

Although Lin Xiao's research on algebraic geometry is not in-depth, he has read books on algebraic geometry and has a complete grasp of most of the basic knowledge. Therefore, using this mathematical dimension to solve this problem is very important to him.

It's not difficult.

However, when everyone thought he should turn around at this time, they found strangely that Lin Xiao looked at the process on the blackboard and seemed to be lost in thought again.

Yanzu, please vote for me!

This chapter has been completed!
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