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Chapter 136 Can He Succeed?

Chapter 136 Can he succeed?

Lin Xiao stopped writing because the gushing state of his thoughts had stopped, and now he finally encountered a difficulty.

It is obviously inconvenient to just use a notepad to carry out the next work in this place.

So he came out of his immersion and raised his head.

The next moment, he was stunned.

What's happening here?

Why are so many people looking at me?

"What happened?"

He couldn't help but quietly asked Xu Ji next to him.

"Everyone is looking forward to your research."

Xu Ji next to him smiled and replied.

"Looking forward to my research?"

Lin Xiao was stunned, what to expect from his research.

"Aren't you studying Goldbach's conjecture? You should have found a breakthrough now? What are the results?"

Lin Xiao shook his head: "I have encountered a problem now and need a quieter place and more time to study it."

"Then go back to the hotel."

"The lecture...is it over?"

"It's been over ten minutes," Xu Ji said with a smile.

Lin Xiao couldn't help but be stunned. Has it been over ten minutes?

At this time, Andrew Wiles came over and asked with a smile: "It seems you have found your inspiration?"

Hearing Wiles' question, Lin Xiao nodded: "Yes, I have caught it for the time being, but it has not been brewed into fruition yet."

"But at least it's better than not catching anything at all." Wiles said with a smile: "In addition, you have made history by being able to have so many of us stay and wait for you."

"so many people?"

Lin Xiao was stunned for a moment, then stood up.

And as he stood up, he was truly shocked. Everyone in the room focused their eyes on him, looking searching.

"Ah this..."

He couldn't help but touch his face. He was just researching a problem. How could so many people pay attention to it?

Seeing this appearance, Wiles smiled, and then said loudly to the people around him: "Okay, everyone should stop gathering here for the time being. Lin still needs some time to cheer him up so that he can better control the situation."

Put your energy into research.”

After hearing Wiles' words, everyone clapped and shouted: "Come on! Lin!"

"Come on! Lin!"

Hearing that so many people, especially so many strangers, were cheering for him, Lin Xiao felt the enthusiasm from mathematics for the first time.

Then, a smile appeared on his face, and he nodded to everyone around him and said loudly: "Thank you everyone, I will bring you good news."


Both young people and professors applauded.

Everyone is very sincere, and everyone sincerely hopes that Lin Xiao can succeed.

Although not everyone knows that what Lin Xiao wants to conquer is Goldbach's conjecture, it does not prevent their emotions from being aroused. At this moment, they are all pure, as pure as mathematics.

Amidst the cheers, the discussion was truly over. People began to leave, and Lin Xiao quickly returned to the hotel.

No one asked him out because no one would bother him, which was probably the most important period of time for him.

It wasn't until he sat at the hotel table that he let out a sigh of relief.

Receiving cheers and encouragement from so many people made him feel a kind of excitement in academic research. This is different from the excitement when scoring goals in the World Cup, because the latter comes from the body, while the former belongs to the brain, but the two

They are of the same origin because they are all aimed at achieving a certain goal.

However, no matter what, this also brought a certain amount of pressure to Lin Xiao. If he didn't finish, maybe those who had cheered him on wouldn't say anything, but he himself would also feel that he had disappointed so many people.

Of course, for him, pressure is also motivation.

What's more, he always succeeds.

Focusing his eyes on his notepad, he then found a larger draft paper from the side, and then——

"Enable the sage state."

The system's voice then sounded: "[Sage State] is activated. The current remaining time is: 15 hours. It can be paused every five hours."

Lin Xiao was stunned. Can it be paused every five hours?

I remember that you couldn't pause it last time, but the last time you were in the sage state was only five hours.

Of course, this is also a good thing. If he only used 10 hours, he could avoid wasting five extra hours.

Then, before Lin Xiao could think about it, he suddenly felt that his brain became particularly clear.

All the truths in the world seem to be within reach.

He seemed to be able to see the stress concentration point of the table in front of him. He looked up and looked out the hotel window. He even seemed to be able to see the length and width of the billboard opposite.

"This state..."

Lin Xiao felt a little unbelievable for a moment. The ability to figure out precise proportions by just looking at something was beyond imagination.

"System, how much has my brain development improved now?"

"Based on what the host's current body can accept, this [Sage State] will increase brain development by 75%, which is currently 6.7375%."

Lin Xiao's face suddenly showed surprise. It was actually able to increase by 75%?

In terms of the level that his body can accept, does it mean that the health capsules he took before made his body's ability to accept it larger?

He couldn't help but feel happy.

I can’t tell you. I need to do more physical exercise in the future?

Then he stopped thinking about it and returned his gaze to the draft paper in front of him.

"Is it possible that I can still be stumped by you in this state?"

The corners of his mouth curled up slightly, and then he confidently picked up the pen and started writing.

The scratch paper became his battlefield, and the symbols representing various mathematical meanings became his weapons.

Now his goal is to conquer the 'Goldbach Conjecture'.

Time passed quickly.

Lin Xiao's quiet research was in contrast to the buzz from the outside world.

For the hundreds of mathematics students who attended Professor Laurent La Forgue, what happened today in the rotunda of the Poincaré Institute was enough for them to share with their friends and classmates.

And those who knew that Lin Xiao wanted to solve Goldbach's conjecture also spread the news.

So in less than five hours, everyone studying mathematics in Paris knew it.

Needless to say, there is no need to say much about the mathematical atmosphere in Paris. Gauss once mentioned in his autobiography that Parisians would proudly say: "Our best people study mathematics."

Lagrange, Fermat, Fourier, Cauchy and other great mathematicians all came from France, so people here admire and admire those who can overcome mathematical problems, especially Goldbach's conjecture.

A very famous mathematical problem.

Ever since, these people began to wait for news about Lin Xiao.

Although, they cannot guarantee that Lin Xiao can succeed immediately. Maybe he will solve this problem after returning to China after the Bourbaki seminar, or he will not be able to solve this problem, but in short, everyone is looking forward to it


And of course, the news did not just stay in the Paris circle. The European mathematics community and the American mathematics community knew the news. Although the Chinese mathematics community was unable to get the news in time because there was a wall between them and foreign news.

However, the news spread on large websites such as Twitter and YouTube eventually became known to the country. Xu Ji, Xiao Shi, and Xiao Zhou, who were in Paris and witnessed the whole process, also confirmed the news to the country.

Suddenly, all kinds of international attention made Lin Xiao the focus of everyone's eyes.

At the same time, a question mark arose in everyone's mind.

"Will he succeed?"

At the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, Enrique Pompieri asked Pierre Deligne next to him in the restaurant of the institute.

They were enjoying afternoon tea, which was probably a daily ritual for them.

Come here to brew a cup of fragrant coffee, and then have academic exchanges with a Fields Medal winner or a Nobel Prize winner, or some interesting anecdotes. For scholars like them, it is normal for them to do more than academic work.

Besides research, this is my favorite pastime.

"His understanding is very powerful, maybe he can succeed?" Deligne shook his head, and then sighed: "Goldbach's conjecture, if he really solves it, he will really be among the younger generation in mathematics.

Take the lead."

"Yes." Pompieri nodded, "If he can solve it, the Fields Medal will be fine."

"Fields Medal? The situation is too small, too small!" Deligne smiled and shook his head: "The Abel Prize, Wolf Prize, and Crafford Prize can all be prepared and lined up to be awarded to him. Various mathematical organizations

They will all rush to send him an invitation to become their member. In addition, every few decades, such as fifty years, there may be a special meeting held to commemorate the proof of Goldbach's theorem."

"In addition, all the universities in the world will rush to send him invitations, hoping that he can become a professor - by the way, he seems to be in his first year now, right? I'm afraid he can't even become a professor. Oh my God, this

It’s even more incredible.”

Speaking of this, Deligne didn't know how to continue.

At this age, it is really shocking.

Pompieri also expressed emotion on his face: "Yes, he is only 18 years old now, right? Oh, he should be 19 years old. He was already 18 years old last year. The next Fields Medal will be awarded in 2022.

He was only 22 years old at that time, so he was the youngest winner!"

"Moreover, even if the next one has to wait until the International Congress of Mathematicians in 2026 to take care of other mathematicians, he will still be the youngest winner." At this time, Deligne emphasized again.

"Yes." Pompieri nodded.

The youngest Fields Medal winner.

But probably only the Fields Medal is worthy of the honor of proving Goldbach's conjecture.

Deligne picked up the coffee, took a sip, and then said with emotion: "Then I wish him success."

Thank you Ziao, 20220403124404398, Qidi Tianxia for your 1500 starting coin reward, thank you Gao for your 500 starting coin reward, thank you zjj0410jjz for your 300 starting coin reward, thank you for your 200 starting coin reward, thank you Yun Shifeng

, a reward of 100 starting coins from Kunlinyuan Mountain

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