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Chapter 15 The League Begins

Chapter 15 The league begins

The next day, September 10th, at 7:30 in the morning.

Groups of candidates entered the school in an orderly manner under the guidance of their teachers, and then headed to their examination rooms.

Lin Xiao quickly found his examination room, sat down in his seat, and waited quietly.

The exam starts at 8 o'clock, which is relatively early compared to ordinary exams. There are many students around who are still dozing off. Maybe there were also many candidates who experienced various psychological reasons last night.

Tossing and turning before falling asleep.

Of course, Lin Xiao still slept soundly.

Soon, the time came to 7:55, and there were still 5 minutes left before the first test. The invigilator began to hand out papers and answer sheets. After getting the test papers, Lin Xiao briefly browsed through them, and finally came to the conclusion again that he was better than himself.

The paper he did yesterday morning was slightly easier. As for the paper he did yesterday morning, its difficulty ranked only in the middle or upper level among all the papers he had done.

He couldn't help but sigh in his heart: "It turns out that the National League is so simple."

If the students around him who were already frowning and feeling headache heard what he said, they would probably jump up and beat him.

Can this be called simple?

When the time came to eight o'clock, as the bell rang, the invigilator announced that the exam had begun. Lin Xiao began to write. After reading the paper for 3 minutes, he had already mentally calculated the answers to the first two multiple-choice questions.

Filling in his own answers, he started to do the third question.

Then comes the fourth question, the fifth question...

Time passed unknowingly. About fifty minutes later, Lin Xiao sat up straight, then inserted the gel pen back into the pen cap like sheathing a sword, and then checked the name, school and other information again.

After making sure there was nothing missing, he lay down on the table and planned to take a nap.

But thinking of Teacher Ding's instructions last night, he raised his head again, and reluctantly checked his test paper.

Well, write the word "solution" in front of the solution step, just think of it as a trace left by your own inspection.

So after writing a few words of "explanation", he lay down on the table again, looking like he was in a mess.

Of course, the students around him didn't believe that someone could finish the paper so quickly, and just assumed that Lin Xiao couldn't write it and didn't want to write it.

Just like that, another twenty minutes passed, and the bell rang, signaling the end of the trial.

After Lin Xiao handed the papers to the invigilator, he did not leave the examination room and directly waited for the arrival of the second test, because there was only twenty minutes between the first test and the second test. This was for students who did not want to take the second test to leave, and

Bathroom time for students who continue to take the second test.

The difficulty of the first test is much lower than that of the second test, so if you don't do well in the first test, you can just choose not to take the second test.

Indeed, some students at the scene picked up their schoolbags and left the examination room.

He didn't pay attention to the departure of these people, waiting for the bell to ring for the second test.

Soon, at 9:40, the second test bell rang, and the invigilator handed out the second test paper. Lin Xiao, who got the paper, briefly looked at the test paper. His was paper A. The four major questions were geometry, algebra, and

Combinatorial, number theory.

In terms of difficulty...we have to wait until he does it.

The first two questions were simple questions. It took Lin Xiao about forty minutes to finish them. Of course, they were simple questions for him. If he raised his head and looked at the candidates around him, he would find that most of them were still facing the first question.

My head hurts.

Obviously, no one around Lin Xiao is a senior player.

At this time, he also looked at the next two questions worth 50 points, which were difficult questions in the second paper.

Moreover, judging from Lin Xiao's previous experience in answering questions, the third combination question is a difficult question.

The answer to this question can be easily guessed, but if you only have the answer without the process, you will obviously not get full marks.

He became interested for a moment, and after thinking for a while, he quickly found an idea.

Once he had an idea, it was easier to write. So on this question, he spent about thirty minutes to figure it out. The time was mainly wasted on analysis and drawing. Yes, this question still requires drawing.

A picture can then be expressed more intuitively.

Next, we finally came to the last question, a proof question.

After thinking for a moment, Lin Xiao knew that the difficulty of this question was still not low, even higher than the third question. Among all the questions he had done, it was at a higher level of difficulty, and it should be considered for the league.

It's beyond the scope.

Of course, if you are above the league level, you are not above the league level.

He quickly thought of using Pei Shu's theorem to solve this problem, but he remembered that Teacher Ding had emphasized before that Pei Shu's theorem was not on the exam syllabus.

If it is not on the syllabus, it cannot be used during the exam, which is why no one uses university knowledge to solve these problems.

Just like in the college entrance examination mathematics, L'Hourbid's rule is easy to use, but it cannot be used. Before you use it, you have to prove L'Hourbid's rule first. But after proving L'Hourbid's rule, you have to raise your hand and ask the teacher to get it for you.

An answer sheet, because you don't have room to write the rest of your answer.

Although it seems meaningless, it is actually a kind of fairness. Otherwise, wouldn't it be a competition to see who has more knowledge reserves, rather than exploring who has better mathematical talent?

So there is no need to use Pei Shu's theorem, and Lin Xiao doesn't care. The problem-solving ideas are not limited to just one Pei Shu theorem, but it is simpler and faster to use Pei Shu's theorem.

Soon, he started writing, thinking and writing, and after more than thirty minutes, he completed the proof of this question.

He looked up and saw that the people around him were still thinking hard, obviously still struggling with the problem.

Shaking his head slightly, he murmured in his mind: "You will be at the top of the mountain, and you will be able to see all the small mountains at a glance."

Then, he called out: "System, I write so fast, don't you give me a reward or something?"


"Oh, I understand, you must wait until the results come out before rewarding you."

Lin Xiao gave up calling and looked at the clock in front of the examination room. There were still about forty minutes left, so what else could she do?

Although he was ready to leave, Teacher Ding asked him not to leave early and to check carefully.

But a forty minute inspection?

Ding Ping probably didn't expect Lin Xiao to finish it so quickly.

Lin Xiao likes to do questions, but doesn't like to check, so she might as well just go to sleep.

Anyway, he was still a little used to sleeping in a hotel bed last night, so he was just in time to catch up on some sleep.

As for whether we should find a second solution to these problems?

Just kidding, the answer sheet is so big that he couldn't write it down even though he thought about it. This forced him not to pretend.

Just like that, the time came to 12:30, and the bell rang to end the exam. At this time, there were only five people left in the exam room.

After handing the paper to the teacher, Lin Xiao picked up her bag and headed to the meeting point mentioned before.

This chapter has been completed!
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