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Chapter 163 Completion of the graduation thesis

Chapter 163 Graduation thesis completed

Seeing Zheng Ronger turning around and playing with the cat, Lin Xiao said helplessly: "Aren't you going to ask me math questions?"

"We'll study later." Zheng Ronger said while burying her face in the cat's fur: "I've been studying for three hours today! You have to balance work and rest."

Lin Xiao couldn't laugh or cry: "I have to study for ten hours every day."

"Ten hours?"

Zheng Ronger immediately raised her face from Mimi, with a look of surprise on her face: "Don't you feel tired?"

"Tired?" Lin Xiao shook his head: "However, every time I solve various problems, I won't feel tired, because I will feel very happy when I solve the problem."

Zheng Ronger stroked Mimi's back hair and said, "But I can't solve the problem. I'm not as powerful as you, Brother Lin."

Lin Xiao stretched out his hand and said, "Then show me which question you don't know how to write, and I'll teach you how to write it."

"All right."

Hearing what Lin Xiao said, Zheng Ronger had no choice but to obey and handed the paper to Lin Xiao, "I can't do any of the questions not written on it."

Lin Xiao took a look and saw that Zheng Ronger was now in her second year of high school and had learned the knowledge of sequence.

"Sequence problems are ever-changing, all without those few formulas and properties. After mastering these knowledge points about sequence in high school, it will be very simple to solve the problem."

Zheng Ronger pouted and said, "I have remembered it all, but I still don't know how to do it."

Lin Xiao said: "Look at this question, let's look at the question first. It says that an is a geometric sequence, bn is an arithmetic sequence, and then sn is the sum of the first n terms of bn. What do we think of first?"

"List the general formula of sn." Zheng Ronger replied.

"Well, what will it be used for?"

"The sum formula of the first n terms of the arithmetic sequence!"

"Well, then let's look at other conditions. It gives the values ​​of a2 and a10. Can we find the value of q based on the formula of the geometric sequence?"

"Yeah." Zheng Ronger nodded.

"Next, there is the last condition, a6=b6, and then it asks us for the value of S11. You see, what is the relationship between 6 and 11?"

Zheng Ronger frowned delicately, and soon her eyes lit up and she said: "The sixth item is the middle item between the first and the eleventh item!"

"That's right, then do you know how to do it?"


Zheng Ronger nodded and quickly solved the problem with a smile on her face, "It's quite simple!"

Lin Xiao laughed and said: "Don't be too eager to be happy first, let's look at the following questions."

Next, Lin Xiao tutored Zheng Ronger on other topics.

In fact, these questions are basically relatively simple. Zheng Ronger doesn't know how to do them. This is probably because she has just started to come into contact with such questions.

Moreover, Zheng Ronger herself is quite smart. After all, her grandparents are both professors at Beijing University, and her parents are now researchers at a key domestic research institute.

Therefore, even if it is due to genetic inheritance, Zheng Ronger's IQ is quite high, so under Lin Xiao's guidance, she can easily gradually understand various knowledge points.

For Lin Xiao, he has been studying cutting-edge issues for so long. Now that he is thinking about this kind of high school topic again, it brings him a different feeling.

Although this did not bring him any mathematical inspiration, allowing him to suddenly realize some mathematical inspiration and then solve another mathematical problem in a flash, this process of recalling past knowledge points also gave him a sense of revisiting the past.

And the feeling of knowing something new.

This made him secretly decide that he would take time to review past knowledge points in the future. These simple knowledge points would give him the experience of reviewing the past and learning new things. What about the more in-depth knowledge points?

He began to look forward to it.

In this way, under Lin Xiao's guidance, Zheng Ronger completed her paper.

"Finally finished!"

Pushing the paper aside, Zheng Ronger lay down on the sofa, stretched out, and then picked up her breasts, which had already fallen asleep next to her, and kneaded them.

Lin Xiao smiled and asked: "How was it? Have you ever felt happy after solving a difficult problem?"

"Well, I feel it!"

Zheng Ronger nodded and suddenly said: "Brother Lin, from now on I will come to you to tutor me in math on weekends, okay?"

Lin Xiao thought about her upcoming schedule. Basically, she didn't have much to do. She just had to finish her graduation thesis and wait for graduation. There was no problem in tutoring Zheng Ronger.

"Okay, you can just come see me on the weekends, but it may only last a few months, and I won't live here after that."

"Ah? How many months? Why?" Zheng Ronger was stunned and asked, "Don't you have to study for four years in college?"

Lin Xiao shook his head with a smile and said, "Although I say this, if you perform well enough, you don't need to study in college for long."

"Then where are you going in the future? Going to graduate school?"

Lin Xiao nodded, "Yes, in Paris."

"Then...will you come back in the future?"

"Of course I'll be back."

Lin Xiao smiled and nodded, "Why do you think I won't come back?"

"Some of my father's and my mother's colleagues went abroad and never came back."

Hearing Zheng Ronger's words, Lin Xiao sighed softly, and then said: "Then we have to work hard to make our country better, and then they will not go abroad."

Zheng Ronger nodded: "Yes!"

Then she asked again: "Brother Lin, will you still live here when you come back?"

"Oh? Do you want me to continue living here?"

Zheng Ronger picked up Mimi and said, "Otherwise, I will never see Mimi again!"

Lin Xiao: "...Okay, we'll see then."

Time passed quickly, and Lin Xiao no longer conducted research on some complex topics, but instead spent his energy on his graduation thesis.

Anyway, it still takes a long time, so he can just write slowly.

In addition, although the discussion about Lin's titanium bonding mechanism has gradually decreased, more and more people are studying it. Researchers in related fields want to extend the bonding mechanism of titanium atoms to other atoms. However,

People gradually discovered that if they did not use the mathematical formulas used by Lin Xiao in the demonstration process, it would be difficult for them to generalize to other bonding mechanisms. Therefore, these researchers began to study graph theory again.

, the study of mathematical methods such as topology.

This situation is obviously unexpected for the chemical materials community, and in addition, because of the method of calculating materials used by Lin Xiao, more people have begun to develop in the direction of calculation.

As a result, Lin Xiao inadvertently attracted more people to the field of computing science.

On the other side, the domestic process optimization for TA1000 has also been completed. TA1000 under the new process has successfully reached the final calculated performance. At the same time, the research and analysis of TA1000 has also begun. As far as Lin Xiao heard,

It seems that a breakthrough has been achieved.

However, he didn't know the detailed information. After all, it was a secret. He had no way of knowing these details yet.

Just like that, the time came to mid-December.

On the computer, a very high-end mathematics paper is displayed.

[Boundary value problem of singular strongly nonlinear equations with functional terms]

【Abstract: This paper mainly studies the boundary value problem of a class of singular strongly nonlinear differential equations with functional terms, (Φ(k(t)x`(t)))`+...

On the tight interval [a, b], because there is a strictly increasing isomorphic state Φ, these equations are universally established, the so-called Φ-Laplace operator...]

After typing the last abstract, Lin Xiao completed the entire content of his undergraduate thesis.

"Well, you can send it to Professor Xu now."

After confirming that there were no problems with his paper, Lin Xiao sent it to Xu Ji.

Professor Xu was also on the list of additional academicians in November, so Professor Xu can now be called Academician Xu.

"Have you finished writing the paper? It went very quickly."

After Xu Ji received Lin Xiao's paper, he made a phone call.

"Well, please take a look."

"Hey, it's not too much trouble. I guess I'll just read it once and check if there are any problems with the format. Besides, I just read the abstract. It's a first-level paper at least."

Lin Xiao smiled and said: "Then we will publish it in our school's journal. If we don't talk about it less, we can increase the impact factor a little bit."

"That's too luxurious for our journal."

Xu Ji couldn't help but laugh.

Of course, Peking University has its own journal, called "Progress in Mathematics", which is jointly organized with the Chinese Mathematical Society. However, the impact factor is only 0.2, which is pitifully low, and the impact factors of journals in the first area are at least one or above.

, so it is indeed a bit luxurious for Lin Xiao to publish this paper in their journal.

Lin Xiao smiled and said: "You should be extravagant when it comes to your own people."

He didn't care where his graduation thesis could be submitted, not to mention that it was also written in Chinese.

The reason why China cannot publish an internationally important journal is because of language restrictions.

"Okay, you can decide for yourself."

Xu Ji suddenly asked again: "By the way, after you graduate... do you plan to come back?"

Lin Xiao was stunned and said, "Of course I'll come back."

Xu Ji breathed a sigh of relief, "That's good, I'll come back in a few years and prepare a reception banquet for you."

Lin Xiao smiled and said: "Okay, this is what you said, I will remember it."

"Haha, I can still afford a reception banquet."

Xu Ji said with a smile.

"Of course, Academician Xu."

Both laughed on the phone.

Then, the phone hung up.

Lin Xiao leaned back on the chair and closed her eyes.

These days, many people have asked him about going abroad, and many people have asked him whether he will return to the country.

No matter what, his return to China in the future will definitely not change.

Moreover, if you come back from shopping around, you won’t gain anything.

There are a lot of good things over there in Europe.

The European Organization for Nuclear Research, the International Thermonuclear Fusion Reactor Project, and Asmail, the world's largest lithography machine manufacturer, are also there.

Lin Xiao felt that he would benefit a lot.

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This chapter has been completed!
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